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Thursday, April 25, 2002
A Baccarat Session at the Casino - FBMP a Customer Way - Anti Losing Strategy
The Casino of Montreal, where I play, has added 6 new mini-Baccarat tables. Their
table limits are $20 minimum and $1000 maximum. The maximum bet being 50 times more
than the minimum bet, which is quite a larger range than roulette tables, which are $50
minimum and $1000 maximum with the maximum only 20 times more than the minimum, I
thought it would be a great opportunity to deploy the FBMP (Flat Bet
Mini Play - Baccarat system)'s betting selection combined with Superior
Roulette's mild and effective progression.
I approached the tables.
They were quite crowded. 4 tables were active with 6 people at each table and
a few people getting blue tokens for reservations. The tables were equipped also
with an electronic scoreboard showing the Player/Banker/Tie decisions. The display
was in French. The letter J lit in red denominated Player (Joueur in French).
B in white for Banker (same initial in French) and a green light for Tie with the letter E
(Egalité in French). So, if you don't speak French, at least you can identify the
decisions by their colour, or simply by comparing the outcome of the table with the light
that just went on. Also, Banker lights were on top, Tie lights in the middle and
Player lights in the bottom row. The most recent decision would light on the left
side, scrolling the remaining lights towards the right.
Since, it would be hard and
impractical to implement a scanner to detect the winning decision, as it is done
automatically in Roulette tables, the lights would be turned on by the dealer. And
one should be careful that the dealer would not turn on the wrong light. Quite a few
mistakes were detected by careful players. If you are relying on a a system that
specifies what the next bet should be based on some history and stats, it is important to
have the right display. FBMP does rely on the last 2, 3 or 4
decisions depending on the circumstances.
My initial intention was to
apply the Derivative method as well, that is in
this case, to wait for 5 consecutive losses before joining the game. However, this
would require an empty seat the moment you want to join the table. The six people
sitting at the tables did not seem to have any intention to leave until the end of the
shoe or the multiple decks within the shoe. As a matter of fact, when the cards were
exhausted, everybody left the table.
So, forgetting about the
Derivative for now, I took a seat, watching the lady dealer shuffle the cards manually.
It took her a good 5 minutes to do so. A player even pointed out that there
should be a machine to shuffle the cards, not to use too much time from the player or the
dealer's side. The lady specified that that was part of her job as a dealer and that
the player should be patient. In fact, I took that time to do some thinking.
Watching her shuffle the cards, I thought if one could detect similar patterns to the
previous shoe, if the shuffling wasn't dense, as the same card combinations would probably
be thrown on the table. Maybe one of these days, I could conduct some research in
this area.
The lady started dealing the
cards, and I lost the first 5 bets right up front, exactly what I meant to skip by using
the derivative method. Nevertheless, the system recovered quite nicely and I was
able to finish the shoe with +8 units, despite the initial drawdown of -15 units.
I played another 4 sessions,
this time leaving the shoe, the moment I was at +5 units. Sometimes, this happened
right away within 11-12 bets towards the beginning of the shoe and at times, it took a bit
longer towards the middle-end of the shoe.
Leaving the casino with +28
units was the end of a successful day. Not using the Derivative made me lose some
5-6 consecutive bets here and there, but the good side was that I didn't have to wait in
order to play. Also the system performed quite well without it.
Do not forget. This is the last week
to take advantage of the special going on in April. Purchase FBMP
and Superior Roulette and get $100 discount, plus a document
simulating the combined strategy. Whoever has acquired either of the 2 systems wil
be entitled to the $100 discount, upon the purchase of the second system.
Click to order.
Now, I would like to share with you a
different way of applying FBMP or any system of your preference, as sent to me by a happy
customer who acquired it. He seems to have even more success playing it his way.
"What I do is track the system into 4 columns and use it as a guide to betting. I
have found that it makes consistent patterns of +/-'s when playing and has "frequent
hitting". The four columns are the following:
+/- (win/lose)
Overall performance (deviation tracking method using 0 as a start point)
Now, as the shoe starts to unfold, I just start out playing the FBMP way or I do not play
at all. For the most part, I wait out 10 decisions, but when it is hard to find a
seat and I need to keep my place, I start out right away playing the original FBMP way.
Once I am about 10-15 decisions into the shoe, I get a feel of how the hits are coming
along using the +/- as a guide.
Deviation refers to an unusual cycle or event. If the wins are no longer than 3 and the
losses are no longer than 4, a deviation would be when a win streak or loss streak of a
greater amount happens such as 6 or 7. When this happens, I figure it is better to go with
the flow than against it. Once it stops, I go back to the normal routines.
Deviation does occur, but it doesn't happen too often.
When using the +/- as a guide I look for a couple things. I look for the frequency of the
-'s and the +'s and I also look at what their "trend is" meaning do they hit
after each other like a -, - or a +,+ or do they rotate or hit once etc. When using
the Overall Performance as a guide, I use the theory of fluctuation on a certain point. So
let's say a shoe has an Overall Performance (which did happen at the casino at the time as
follows): +0, +1, +0, +1, +2, +1, +0, -1, +0, +1, +0, -1, -2, -3, -2, -3, -2, -1,
As seen using the Overall Performance, if you play for a return on zero, you could have
made quite a "hefty" profit. When I do this, I wait for a result to occur
for this instance a -1 or +1 to occur. Once this happens, then I will play for 0 to come
back as a situational point so I play the opposite or the same as FBMP.
Example: The above sequence has occurred and now +1 happens. I would play the opposite of
FBMP because I expect the 0 to come back again. When it does I achieve a 1 unit
profit. So wait 1 spin before playing.
Those are the main things I look for. When deviation occurs, I wait for 2 plus times of
deviation. If the norms of the trend is for example 3 or 4 for losing streaks and
all of the sudden a losing streak of 6 has occurred, that is a +3 from 3 and a +2 from 4.
Instead of betting for it to end, I will bet for it to continue. So in the instance below
when the losing streak was 11 straight losses, for me it was actually only 3 because I
waited for 3 spins then started to play, lost 3 times then bet for it to continue and got
hits from it. So when it goes out of the norms, I play for it to continue. if this occurs,
I play for the deviation to continue.
For example from a shoe I was in, the
following happened... It was going regular, a hit almost always occured on the 3-4th win
meaning the losing streaks (or for me winning streaks) lasted on average 2-3 hits. Now, in
one particular shoe, there was a huge deviation on the losses, at the
time I was playing for a win hit and it was like so:
+,-,-,-,+,+,-,-,+,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,+,+,+ after losing 2 times playing for the 3,4
hit, I then played against the streak and got to
run out the end of the losing streak for FBMP, but it was a winning streak for me of a
good 6 hits From the way I see it, if it turns back to +, I am out 1 unit, but if it
dosen't turn back and goes on for another 15 hands, I am up another 15 units. So my logic
is losing 1 unit is a sacrifice that could end up making much much more. I then got
up and left because it was late and everyone wanted to go home, plus I wanted to stop
while I was ahead.
I use 5 main money management schemes:
1) When playing the fluctuation play, I bet that deviation will occur back to the norm or
"hit point" I use a d'Alembert - up as you lose by 1 down as you win
by 1.
Example: +0,-1,+0,-1,-2,-1,+0... Lets say I start playing after seeing two 0's, so I wait
for 1 spin -1 then play the original FBMP. Bet 1 lose, bet 2 win, bet 1 win, now its
back to 0.
2) When I notice back to back hits of the +/- I use the divide count meaning say I want to
make 4 units for example, I then take 4/2 (2 being the hits I want to make it in) then
play it out. Lets say I want to make 10 units in 5 spins. So we divide the units
wanted by the spins wanted to win and you get your bet value. Let's use 10/5 as our
example. We bet 2 units because 10/5 = 2. We win, now it is 8/4. 8/4 = 2 so we bet 2 units
and we lose, now we are at 10/4. So we take 10/4 = 2.5 round it up makes 3. We bet 3 units
and win now it is 7/3. 7/3 = 2.333 or 2 units rounded down. We bet 2 untis and we lose, we
are now at 9/3. We bet 3 units because 9/3 = 3. We win, we are now at 6/2. Bet 3 units
again and win, now we are down to 3/1. For me, when it gets down to 1 or 2 in the right
hand side, I stop playing as long as my right hand number which is 3 in this case is
smaller than the intial start which was 10 in our case. This would have been 7 units
profit in this situation.
3) When I notice strong trends which always occur frequently of +'s and -'s ending within
a certain period of plays such as 3-4 or 4-5, I use a "waiting Martingale". I
wait for 3 losses or so (whatever the current trend is) then I start playing no more than
a 3 step double up. If the table is a 10 dollar minimum though, I will use a 10
dollar, 15 dollar 30 dollar progression. for a 5 dollar table though, 5-10-20. If I lose,
it isn't a bad loss because I know from the other strategies I use I will be up more than
enough and it hits very often. So it gains back its losses plus some.
4) Flat bet on deviation streaks and ride them out. When deviaton of 2 from the norm
occurs, I flat bet for it to continue as I said above.
5) I use a cancellation system when one of my own theorized concepts come up called
domination. Domination is an idea I have noticed occurring. Basically it is when
there is an imbalance between the even money bets. So for baccarat we will use P and B. A
dominant pattern would be when either P or B is dominating over the other bet. BBBB P
BBBBBB P BB PP BBBBB P BBB for example. Banker is dominating and getting lots of
hits. In this cycle though, I would not have started to play until the 5th banker had
appeared. This means bets start on the 6th one. This is a little out of proportion,
but it does happen too. Usually not this strong, but quite near it. So when using a
cancellation system, it does wonders. When I see this, I play a cancellation system
knowing for the most part I will get a lot more hits than losses. Bets never get too high
when I use this.
I have used this with my friend in the casino that is near him, he took out 250 dollars
and I took out 85 dollars. He played 10 dollar chips (varied up to 15 when he was up some
more) and I played 5 dollar chips the entire time. I only played for 45 minutes to an
hour, he played for 2 hours."
You may be surprised at this, but recently
I have been looking for a system for Baccarat that consistently loses. I wonder if
it's not too hard to implement one like that. And if you have one that shows
continuous losses, please send it to me (email: Why
would I want to have such a system? Well, this is a new concept I'm working on. This
losing system is supposed to bet on either Player or Banker based on a few set of rules.
And if the system loses session after session and on the long run, it would be a
simple matter of reversing all bets to the opposite to completely reverse the results.
For instance, let's say your system specifies to bet on Banker always after 3 successive
Player decisions. And we run tests and simulations implementing this system and
let's say we find that it always loses over a few hundred or thousand decisions.
Then what we do is to wave this rule and say that now we bet always on Player after 3
successive Player decisions. This automatically will reverse all the test results
run on the previous version of the system to the positive side. Moreover, since now
you are betting on Player, you won't even have to pay the commissions.
Think about it. Comments and feedback
are welcome. You can use the discussion forum to discuss it among yourselves, if you
think this can be a good viable solution.
Wishing you
all the best,
Until next week,
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