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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Frequently Asked Questions on the new
IBS2 for Even Bets and an Independent Review
Hello everyone,
The new IBS2 system announced a couple of days ago
was received with great enthusiasm. I thank you all for your interest.
I was flooded with numerous questions. So I decided to issue this
newsletter with your frequently asked questions answered. At the end,
you will also find an independent review from a very happy customer.
Q: Can we talk about this new
system from Izak?
Could Izak give us some examples of this system in action (without giving
away the system)? Some test runs with results? Losing and winning runs?
Is there a simulator that Izak can send us to see how the system performs
over a random set of decisions?
A: Sure,
IBS2, like IBS, has a lot of winning runs. IBS had some 383 consecutive won
shoes in Zumma. IBS2 has an even more enhanced performance.
First of all, you should know that IBS2 wins also all the shoes that IBS has
won and more.
The original IBS had trouble with about 7 Zumma shoes. With the
modification, I checked how those shoes did with IBS2. 6 of them were
overcome, only 1 needed more than 200 units session bankroll to overcome it
as well.
IBS2 has no fully automated simulator, as IBS did. The IBS simulator can be
used for IBS2 up to a certain extent. The modified portion has to be checked
manually. IBS2 at this stage is too complex to run it in a simple program.
Q: Hi Izak, just some questions about the system.
Does IBS2 involve betting both on player and banker? if it does, what do you
do about the banker vig.? Also what kind of bankroll is required and
what table limit can it be played at?
During your testing, what was the biggest drawdown you encountered and the
bankroll that it required? Thank you
A: Very good question,
IBS2 involves definitely the betting on both Banker and Player. The Banker
win commissions are handled most efficiently. You don't even lose the 5%
commission. When you place your bets on Banker you simply add the commission
in such a way, so your win becomes a whole unit and not 95% of it.
Let's say you want to win $120 on a bet. If the bet requires a Player bet,
you bet $120. If the bet requires a Banker bet, you bet $126 (120/.95). This
way, if you win your bet, you get a return of $120 instead of 95% of $120,
or $114. If you lose your bet, you simply register the lost amount of $126.
This way, when you complete your IBS2 run, you are ahead by one whole unit
of the amount you have selected to play with.
This is all explained in detail in the system document.
You do a similar thing, when you apply IBS2 to sports betting. If the odds
are -110, for instance, you multiply your bet by 1.1, so your win results in
1 unit.
During the testing, the largest drawdown I had was 200 units, as this was
the limit I have set to the session up front, so I could not exceed it by
the rules. The bankroll required for the toughest session was 432 units.
Q: Izak,
Can you tell us something about IBS 2's bet selection method and does this
bet selection method beat the Zumma books(600 & 1000 shoes) by flat betting?
Best regards,
A: The bet selection wins 47% of all bets betting flat only in all
tested shoes and tester books. So, it's not sufficient to bet flat to be
ahead. That's where IBS2 betting method comes in handy, where winning less
than 26% of all bets is sufficient to end up with winning runs. The two
become a very solid combination. Moreover, since we are playing on both
sides (not simultaneously) of even bets, a long Banker streak, for instance,
does not reduce the system's performance, as was the case in IBS. On the
contrary, it enhances it.
Q: Hi Izak,
What is the highest bet required in playing IBS2 or the highest bet you have
made playing the system thus far?
A: One can chose to limit the
session bankroll to 200 units, where the highest bet should not exceed about
64 units, or one can put in more bankroll up to 432 units, where the highest
bet does not exceed 100 units. I have tried both options with success in
either mode.
Q: Is the system simple enough to play without pen & paper, as when
playing craps?
A: The system is not simple enough
to keep all required bet amounts in memory. You should keep track of your
bets on paper in order not to make mistakes for either game.
Q: What is the most consecutive decisions losses in testing/playing
within one session ( assuming a session ends with one win)?
A:10 consecutive losses were the
most I have encountered.
Q: If you lose 14 consecutive decisions, how many wins required to
ultimately win one unit profit?
A: If you lose 14 consecutive
decisions, you need 3 wins to ultimately win your run.
Q: Most mathematicians insist that a system must win with flat bets,
or it will fail at some point and no progression will overcome the negative
expectation. Therefore, a system that wins only 47% flat betting is not a
long term winner. Do you agree? Also, how many decisions were used to
calculate the 47% win rate for the bet selection?
Thanks, Izak.
A: I don't agree. Most flat bet
systems do not work long term, because each bet is exposed to the same
casino edge. Therefore, a solid betting method, which can boost up the 47%
wins to numerous winning sessions helps a lot. The bet selection
can be automated and millions of spins/decisions have been tested to
calculate the 47% average.
Q: Izak,
Is it correct to say that your opinion is that the game of baccarat can not
be beaten by flat betting? You know as well as I that there have been claims
made that it can. What is your response to these claims?
A: Baccarat can be beaten with
flat bets. I have two systems that have beaten the Zumma book with flat bets
only: Magic Five and SFBBS.
Q: As to IBS 2, is the progression a combination of a positive and a
negative or is it solely a negative?
A: The IBS2 progression is at
times steady (not increasing any bets) and at times negative (up as you
lose) type.
Q: With a session bankroll of 200 units and the highest bet being 64
units, what is the most consecutive losses that this MM can sustain?
A: With 200 unit bankroll the MM
can sustain lots of consecutive losses. You could have for instance 100
losses in row followed by a few wins and the run will close with a win
without exceeding your session bankroll. It is important to note, though,
when those losses occur. If they occur up front, the moment you start to
play, then they are recovered very easily. If they occur in the middle, they
are recovered less easily. If they occur towards the end of the run, it may
take a big chunk of the session bankroll to recover.
Q: Hi Izak,
Of all the sessions you have tested/played, how many needed more than 200
units to recover? Was 432 units the most units you ever needed to recover?
A: From the ones I have played, I didn't get to use the entire 432
unit bankroll. From the thousands of tests performed, about 1 percent
required the 200 units to recover and end the run.
Q: Is the bet selection a modification of something that most
gamblers would recognize or is it something that we have not seen before?
A: The bet selection is something
gamblers can recognize. All streaks, chops and 2 chops are winners.
Q: Do you have any numbers for us such as wins and losses in units
tested against the Zumma books? Thanks. Best regards.
A: For the 72 Days of Baccarat
Zumma tester, IBS2 overcomes all shoes. Only 1 shoe needs more than 200 unit
bankroll. It's best even to abandon it instead of chasing losses. It makes
over 5800 units for 600 shoes.
Q: 5800 units for 600 shoes? so basically you are giving us the bank
to all of the casinos we play in.....seems too good to be true!
A: When I made my claim about IBS winning over 3600 units, I was also
told that it was too good to be true. However, I proved that by displaying
the results for the entire 600 shoes (link:
Q: Again, like previous systems, we are really in need of an
independent testing perspective.
Maybe Izak could pass the system to a board member who could test it and
publish the results here?
A: I already did . I sent the system to Oen to test it independently
and provide you his views, report, and test results.
Q: Izak,
"The bet selection is something gamblers can recognize. All streaks, chops
and 2 chops are winners." Does it win all the bets in the following
PPBPPB Best regards
A: PPPPPP creates 4 wins out of 4 bets (immediate 4 units)
PBPBPB creates 4 wins out of 4 bets (immediate 4 units)
PPBBPP creates 2 wins out of 4 bets (1 unit for the short run)
PPBPPB creates 1 win out of 4 bets (the run to continue in order to close
later with 1 unit profit)
Q: Izak,
How do you handle PBBPPPBPPBBB? Thanks.
A: PBBPPPBPPBBB has one win in
between and the run continues to next few decisions until it is resolved.
Q: So does IBS or IBS2 work at
online casinos?
A: IBS and IBS2 are independent
from either brick-and-mortar or on-line play. They work equally well in all
environments. I had lots of success on-line as well. Sometimes, in even
bets, a random number generator makes sure you win only 45-47% of all your
bets, where it's enough to win 26% in IBS and even less in IBS2.
Q: Izak, what kind of run makes this system have consecutive losses.
In other words you said one shoe need over 400 units. What pattern did that.
I will be honest though. If you finished the Zumma book with 5800 units you
did beat a negative expectation game. But what is going to happen when we
buy this system and try to play it. Yep, you guessed it we will get kicked
out of the casino and they might even change the game like blackjack when
card counting became popular. The casino will just not let you win no matter
A: A 3-3 chop causes consecutive losses (BBB PPP BBB PPP, etc.).
Fortunately, they don't last more than 10-12 consecutive bets and IBS2 still
overcomes those runs with those consecutive losses. You can also chose to
skip them if you see them starting, until the 3-3's break, then you'll start
winning again. There is no other pattern, that can make IBS2's bet selection
When you have a winning system, let the problem be the casino. There are
ways to lower your exposure. Don't play too long at one table. Take a lot of
breaks. Navigate a lot. Don't show off your winnings. Show a happy face,
pretending you're winning because you're lucky. Take some free drinks, but
don't drink them. Keep them on the table. Don't go to the same casino every
day. Don't play in front of the same croupier a lot. Wear something
different everyday. Be casual one day, be formal another. Don't show your
strategy to other players. If someone asks you if you have a system, tell
them, yes, a good guessing method or be surprised: "a system??? what's that?
or "do you actually believe in systems????", etc., etc.
If you play the game right, you will win.
An Independent Review of
IBS - for Even Bets
Hi Friends,
First of all I want to say that I have used IBS sparingly and I am quite
successful with IBS. I usually play Sic Bo and Roulette with IBS with 1 USD
per unit. You can combine it with different bet selections at your choice. I
have used IBS successfully since I bought in year 2004 and it was the second
system I have ever bought so far. I purchased IBS at that time with 100 USD
during the promotion time.
When you are gambling long enough years for years, you will gain experiences
on how to handle situation where your bets become larger and larger and here
the human element plays an important roll. There is no system with that you
will play 100% mechanically will win consistently and it will at some point
of time will fail to recover the losses due the table limits and the limited
resource, your bankroll.
Wait for the opportunity to bet and to place the bets while you're in losing
streaks and how many units to place is the constraint I work on, which I
have learned so much from many well known posters. Although you apply the
waiting opportunity correctly, it will sometimes happen that the bets will
be even larger that you might expect.
I upgraded the IBS to IBS2 for 125 USD. After reading I find out that IBS2
gives me another perspective for the improvement. The improvement is the
recovery of back to back losing. This is the power of IBS2. This improves
the weakness of my waiting opportunity strategy at the same time. By
combining this recovery strategy and my waiting opportunity strategy, I
strongly believe that I will be able to win consistently, although IBS2 with
its recovery strategy alone would be able to beat the table.
The IBS2 comes with the best bet selection of author’s choice. My personal
opinion you can use any bet selection at your choice which suit to your
style. I prefer (it is my style) to use predetermined alternate selection of
even money bet such as RBRBRBR…., PBPBPB…. or HLHLHL…. and Follow The Last (FTL)
bet selection.
So I gave it a trial on Sic Bo table with 1 USD per unit. Here is my play
and record of loss and win sequences on Sic Bo table. The outcomes looks
similar to Roulette even chance. Triple in Sic Bo such as 1-1-1 or 2-2-2
acts as ZERO in Roulette. I will use B and R to represent HIGH and LOW in
Sic Bo respectively. T is for Triple. My selection is FTL. The result is
plus 47 units. Highest drawdown is minus 32. I am happy with IBS and
Rolls -Decisions-FTL-W/L (after T, bet R)
1 R
2 B R L
3 B B W
4 B B W
5 B B W
6 B B W
7 B B W
8 B B W
9 R B L
10 R R W
11 R R W
12 B R L
13 R B L
14 R R W
15 B R L
16 R B L
17 R R W
18 B R L
19 B B W
20 B B W
21 R B L
22 R R W
23 R R W
24 B R L
25 R B L
26 B R L
27 B B W
28 R B L
29 R R W
30 R R W
31 R R W
32 R R W
33 B R L
34 R B L
35 B R L
36 T B L
37 B R L
38 B B W
39 B B W
40 R B L
41 B R L
42 B B W
43 B B W
44 B B W
45 R B L
46 R R W
47 B R L
48 B B W
49 B B W
50 B B W
51 R B L
52 R R W
53 R R W
54 B R L
55 R B L
56 R R W
57 B R L
58 B B W
59 B B W
60 B B W
61 R B L
62 B R L
63 R B L
64 B R L
65 R B L
66 R R W
67 B R L
68 B B W
69 B B W
70 R B L
71 R R W
72 R R W
73 R R W
74 R R W
75 B R L
76 R B L
77 R R W
78 R R W
79 B R L
80 R B L
81 B R L
82 R B L
83 B R L
84 T B L
85 B R L
86 R B L
87 B R L
88 R B L
89 B R L
90 B B W
91 B B W
92 B B W
93 B B W
94 R B L
95 B R L
96 R B L
97 B R L
98 B B W
99 T B L
100 B R L
101 R B L
102 R R W
103 R R W
104 R R W
105 B R L
106 B B W
107 B B W
108 R B L
109 R R W
110 R R W
111 B R L
112 R B L
113 R R W
114 B R L
115 B B W
116 R B L
117 R R W
118 B R L
119 B B W
120 R B L
121 B R L
122 R B L
123 B R L
124 R B L
125 B R L
126 B B W
127 R B L
128 B R L
129 B B W
130 B B W
131 R B L
132 R R W
133 B R L
134 R B L
135 R R W
136 R R W
137 R R W
138 R R W
139 R R W
140 B R L
141 B B W
142 R B L
143 R R W
144 T R L
145 B R L
146 R B L
147 B R L
148 R B L
149 R R W
150 R R W
151 R R W
152 B R L
153 R B L
I will report back on next trial tomorrow.
Thanks and Regards,
Thank you TMF for your valuable input.
IBS2 is $550 and
you will find it to be a very powerful system, probably the most powerful
system you had ever played. If you require a printout to be
mailed to you instead of email, there is a $5 extra charge.
You have my money
back guarantee, if you are not fully satisfied with the system's
The system
description is not more than 15 pages and has all you need to start winning.
It's 15 pages of pure description with sufficient examples. Should you
need any assistance to fully understand the system, you have my on-going
support, as I answer my emails (to promptly. 3-4 hours should be
sufficient to learn the system and a couple of days of practice before you
use it.
here to order.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
Wishing you all the

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