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===================================================== Monday,
August 5, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions on the New System 200 for All Even Bets by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The System
200 for All Even Bets announced last week was received with the greatest
enthusiasm. I was asked numerous questions both privately and in the
discussion forum.
I will answer all your questions in this
FAQ newsletter.
First a general comment from a purchaser:
"The system looks very good, Izak, as I was expecting, even the randomly
generated shoes with commissions!!"
Now to your questions:
Q: How would you play this system in
baccarat with a $25 table which is minimum bet?
A: Perfectly. That's how I play. Green
chips being your unit size. In the range of $25 = $5000 tables, but your max
bet will never exceed 20 units or $500.
Q: I can bring $500 to the table but if I
do will I be able to win every time or out of 10 sessions how many times you
would win how much and how many sessions would you lose your $500?
A: You will win a lot more than an
abandoned session bankroll.
If your session bankroll is $500 you can start betting $50 with $5 unit
sizes. You will win at least 30 sessions of $50 before you could lose the
Q: How many bets in a row would you do if
losing? If you lose 4 hands in a row your already down over $100 is that
A: Because of the system triggers, it's hard to lose 4 hands in a row,
because we tend to skip those.
However, if you still have 4 losses in a row within a specific run, this
would be a trigger for a new run within the same run.
So on one side, you may be down $100, but ahead by $100 because of those
losses that becomes a new trigger for a different run within the same run.
Q: Hi Izak, is there a timeline on this offer as it doesn't state there is
if I'm correct?
A: No, there is no timeline. $200 is the
price of the system for all times. You may have a discount during the
holiday specials, but not until then.
Q: You state a lifetime bankroll of 500
units is recommended. Is this based on the performance chart and to
negate the chance of several abandoned runs occurring closely?
A: Yes, the lifetime bankroll is 500
units. And it's based both on the chart and the abandoned runs.
Q: Would you be able to state how many
abandoned runs occurred within the 1000 Zumma shoe test?
A: There are exactly 145 abandoned runs
within the 1000 Zumma shoes.
Q: Are all bets placed on Player?
A: No, for the Baccarat version all bets are on Banker. For Roulette it's
any of the 6 even bets: Reds. Blacks, Highs, Lows, Evens, Odds.
Q: If bets are placed on Banker are the profit totals shown on the website
before or after the 5% commission on banker bets?
A:. It's before the commissions. For the commission based Baccarat, one
generates $134 per shoe at $20 unit size.
Q: How many bets are placed per shoe ?
A: As many as the trigger requires. There are different trigger
values, some of them making the shoe more dynamic, such as betting on 75% of
all decisions, some other triggers on 50% of the shoe.
Q: What is the max units one would have to place on one bet?
A: Not more than 15 units.
Q: Do I need pen and paper for the bet selection at the table?
A: No, not at all. It will be very recognizable.
Q: How many of those random commission
baccarat simulations showing positive end results for lets say 25 iterations
of 1000 shoes? What was the max drawdown you see on those 25,000 shoe tests?
What was your max bet? Did you get busted 500 units of lifetime
bankroll in the testing of these 25,000 shoes?
A: I ran the 1000 random shoe with
commissions 50 times (you can run it as many times as you want - also with
the use of a Macro).
The results have always been positive for each run, generating between a
minimum of $77K and maximum of $155K or an average of $100K with a unit size
of $20.
The maximum overall drawdown is -$6K and minimum -$1.5K.
The $2K session bankroll is abandoned about 20 times in average.
The lifetime bankroll of 500 units is never lost.
The max bet is 22 units or $440, as the unit size is $20.
The largest the maxbet for a closed run the better, meaning that the run
took longer and the profits are always the number of units as half the
maxbet meaning 11 units for the 22 unit maxbet.
I also have 6 roulette simulations for each even bet:Reds, Blacks, Highs,
Lows, Evens, Odds. Average profit is 1 unit every 22 spins.
Using all 6 even bets simultaneously, the average becomes 6 units per 22
spins or 1 unit each 4 spins.
One of the best systems ever. I use it myself. Thank you for your great
And thank you all for your great questions.
System 200 goes for $200, no discounts,
no unconditional refunds.
And if you don't generate $200 for at
least one of the sessions of your daily play, I'll give you your $200 back
Your satisfaction is guaranteed, so are
your profits.
here to purchase the System 200 for All Even Bets. You will
not regret your purchase.
A download link will be sent to your
email, so don't forget to specify it during your purchase.
Thank you!
Izak Matatya
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