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Thursday, December 28, 2000
Goodbye and Hello
Goodbye dear customers, friends and subscribers,
This time I am retiring for good! Three years ago I retired from the
"The Music Barn", a mail-order business specializing in traditional
country music, which one of my sons and I operated. After working
for more than 40 years, I felt it was time to slow down. But,
knowing that I couldn't just sit around and not do anything, I
planned to devote more time to my part-time hobby, "Let's Talk
Winning", (which I was going to call "Let's Talk Gambling", but
my wife said Let's Talk Winning sounds more positive...).
My favorite casino game is video poker. I literally stumbled on the
game in the early 80's at the Sands in Atlantic City. Before then I
had been to Las Vegas a few times, but mostly to see the sights,
not to spend money in the casinos. Video Poker captured my interest.
Over the next ten years or so I learned all I could about the game.
Watching others, I realized that very few people seemed to know
how to play correctly. Being in the mail-order business, I decided
to write a little manual on how to play video poker properly and
sell it by mail. I titled the booklet "Risk Less, Play Smarter - A
Sensible Approach to Video Poker". I advertised heavily and sold
several hundred copies of the booklet, but never recovered my costs.
Even though it was a money-losing endeavor, I did enjoy this new
hobby. (Any venture that doesn't make a profit has to be
considered a hobby). Soon I received requests for information
about other casino games and before too long I had a small catalog
of about a dozen titles. Still not making any money, but having fun.
After I retired from the music business, I built the Let's Talk
Winning Web site. Mail-order became less important, the Web was
exciting! But soon I discovered in order to run things properly
and serve customers conscientiously,
required more and more time, as much as 12 hours a day at the
computer. This was fine as long as my wife still went to her office
every day. But now that she is retiring as well, it is time to
change direction.
We have bought a house in the country, surrounded by a golf course,
and only a 1/2 hour drive from the grandchildren. We're also looking
forward to wintering in a warmer climate, starting next year. It
will be a new lifestyle. Trips to Las Vegas won't be as frequent
anymore, but I promise I will not become a total stranger. Once in
a while you will find a report from me in this newsletter.
I am confident that I am leaving Let's Talk Winning in capable
hands. The new man in charge, Izak Matatya, is no stranger to you.
I have been working with Izak for nearly two years. While my personal
interest was limited to video poker and slots, Izak has a much
broader horizon when it comes to the casino scene and gambling in
general. I am glad Izak offered to take over and I have no doubt
that he will make this newsletter and the web site into something
much bigger and better than what it is today.
I have had much pleasure owning and operating
I hope you enjoyed the information half as much as I had bringing it
to you. All good things must come to an end, so, dear customers,
friends and readers, I will say goodbye and Good Luck.
Hello everyone,
My name is Izak Matatya. If you are a frequent visitor of Let's
Talk Winning, you must have come across some of the systems I
devised to increase your chances of winning in Roulette, Baccarat
and Craps.
I'm very excited to take on this venture. I can't praise Tony
enough on the great job he has done to gather all this useful
information and make it available for you. When I heard that
Tony was retiring, I thought, it would be a shame to shut down
this site. My very first reaction was to try to find a way not
to interrupt this great service and jumped on the idea of taking
over Let's Talk Winning's operation, and here I am, ready for a
smooth yet challenging transition.
It will give me great pleasure to continue Tony's tradition of
providing you with the most practical and honest information about
all gaming aspects. I have to emphasize the word honesty, as this
has been one of Tony's strongest points. One should not believe
that by using a gambling system, one will win all the time. But it
is my strong opinion that by using a systematic approach and proper
money management strategies, one can play smarter and come out
ahead or at least not lose as much.
A good system is one that can still generate profits after 5000
spins/bets. Wait till you see my "Repeating Numbers" system that
I will announce next week. It is by far the best system that ever
existed for betting inside numbers in Roulette, as I believe I'm
acquainted with most systems written for Roulette. With this
system, you will be starting the New Year with a big boost.
Yes, Roulette is my specialty, not because it has good odds. On
the contrary, the odds are worse than in Baccarat and Craps. That
is why I took Roulette as a mathematical challenge to develop
systems that will beat the casino for quite a few sessions. I do
enjoy and play other games as well, particularly Baccarat, Craps,
Video Poker and some slots.
I have so far played mostly in Europe: in Scheveningen - Den Haag,
Vienna, Hamburg and Paris. Now that I reside in Quebec, Canada, I
play in Montreal, Hull and Charlevoix.
I definitely do take advantage of also playing at the comfort of my
home, using on-line casinos. I have over 50 accounts with Internet
casinos and one thing I can promise you is that I will only promote
the ones that I have tried and had good experiences in terms of
customer support, availability, honesty, accuracy and timeliness
of payouts and promotions. With those elements in place, an on-line
casino makes its way to become reputable and trustable.
Sands of the Caribbean, for
instance, is definitely one that meets
all the above criteria. I have been a loyal customer of Sands for
quite some time now and Sands has never betrayed my trust.
Presently, I am taking over Let's Talk Winning as is and planning to
have some enhancements with time. I will provide you with weekly
newsletters, the same way Tony has done so far. I would certainly
appreciate your input and feedback in terms of what you would like
to see more in the newsletters as well as on
web site, whether it's more tips and strategies, news, systems,
experiences, sharing ideas, etc.
You can write me directly at the email address: or just
click on "Contact Us" link on
this web site's every page. I'm updating all the
links of the web site to that effect. I apologize if I left out or
forgot any link. But if that occurs, Tony will be the one getting
your requests or inquiries, and he will forward them to me. Of
course, Tony and I will be in touch in case you need something
specifically from Tony. Tony and I exchange quite a few emails
every day.
As the web pages at are being
updated, you may have to press Refresh or Reload depending on
your browser, if the pages are loaded from cache. The updated
pages will have a light background color. If you are getting
a white page background, then you need to press Refresh or
Reload to receive the updated pages.
It has been my privilege and great pleasure to have worked with
Tony. I hope to be able to give you equivalent service and am
looking forward to doing my best in every area of your interest.
Wishing you all a great New Year, lots of success and happiness.
Until next week,
If you missed any
newsletter, click here for an archive.