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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
FAQ on
WRS - the 6 Window Roulette Systems
Hello everyone,
WRS - the great
collection of 6 Roulette systems based on inside numbers announced last week
was received with great enthusiasm. I thank you all for your interest.
I was flooded with questions and inquiries and positive comments from
purchasers. I found it appropriate to bring you the frequently asked
questions here in this newsletters with my replies.
Q. Are all systems totally new or
a hybrid/variation of past or existing systems?
A. All systems are totally new, except system 5 may have some
similarities to FBRN (Flat Bet Repeating Numbers). It
is still not identical to it, but an enhanced variation.
Q. What inside numbers do you bet on for each system?
A. All numbers 00,0,1,...,36 are candidates for betting. Which
numbers exactly are the essence of the systems themselves.
Q. Rather than 1000 spins, can you provide same performance stats for
500 spins? For 200 spins?
A. Of course. As a matter of fact, on a shorter run, you can catch
more profits proportional to your losses. For instance, system 5 generated
62 units within 57 spins, but I would think this is not sufficient to
determine a more accurate average, so that's why I provided an average for
1000 spins.
Q. What are lifetime bankroll requirements for each system?
A. Running long run simulations, I can conclude the following for
lifetime bankrolls:
- WRS - System 1 will need 160 units.
- WRS - System 2 will need 414 units
- WRS - System 3 will need 72 units
- WRS - System 4 will need 160 units
- WRS - System 5 will need 150 units
- WRS - System 6 will need 222 units for a lifetime bankroll.
The criteria I use to calculate a lifetime bankroll is the following: I take
the longest losing streak of each system and multiply it by 2 for such a
rare event to happen twice.
Q. Please provide (for each system) approx. number of test decisions
required to arrive at your published performance stats.
A. The tester programs provide tests for up to 10,000 spins, that I
ran for 100 times each summing up and averaging results, which are the
compilation of 1M spins for each system.
Q. Which of the six systems require tracking?
A. WRS - System 1, 2 require some tracking. System 1 up to 15 spins,
System 2 up to about 40 spins. WRS - System 3, requires a little tracking -
not more than 9 spins. WRS - System 4 requires no tracking at all. WRS -
Systems 5 and 6 require no tracking before placing the bets, but some
tracking after a session is over and also not more than 6-9 spins.
Q. What is the highest drawdown for systems 1,2 and 6?
A. The answer is within the previous answer, the lifetime bankroll
divided by 2. So for WRS - System 1, it's 80 units, for WRS - System 2, it's
207 units, for WRS - System 6, it's 111 units.
Q. Which of the six systems is the best all around performer? Which
system is the most profitable? Which system is the most consistent &
dependable? Which system is the safest?
A. WRS - System 3, my personal favorite out of the 6 is the best
performer, requires the least bankroll, is the most profitable, the safest
and dependable. Consistency is a matter of catching good winning streaks,
and they can't be too consistent, as there will be some losing streaks as
well, but again WRS - System 3 is the one, which has been the most
consistent, as well.
Q. Which systems bet on every spin?
A. WRS - System 4 bets on every spin.
Q. Can all six systems be played online with equal
A. Definitely. If during tracking some casinos do not allow you
to stay without placing bets, then you can do so in a multi-player table as
an observer first then joining when it's the right time.
Q. Are all systems come with WRS
even chance systems or all are inside number betting systems?
A. Inside numbers only - all 6 WRS systems.
Q. You said WRS can be played with
large amount, but some of the systems have big units of drawdown and
required moderate bankroll buy-in? How can you say that it can be played for
large amounts?
A. I didn't say WRS can be played with large amount, I said you need
relatively smaller bankroll to make larger profits. The only time I referred
to large amounts are for flat bet systems, where you can place any amount
your budget allows, taking of course, the drawdown into consideration.
Q. Can you explain what do you mean by session in your WRS term? If
you say "only a 6 unit session bankroll is sufficient", does it mean that
within 6 units, I will win or I will lose 6 units and start from 1 unit bet
A. A session is defined as a series of bets, which determine a
negative or positive outcome. Each session has a different length in each of
the WRS systems. A 6 unit session is the bankroll required for WRS - System
3, for instance. The loss of that session would cost you -6 units. But the
winning of that session will profit you between 30 and 36 units and not 6.
Q. How is WRS different from FRS?
and which one is better in your opinion?
A. WRS is totally different from FRS. First of all, WRS is based on
betting inside numbers in roulette, with the payoff of 35 to 1 or 36 for 1
and FRS is based on betting the dozens in roulette with the payoff of 2 to 1
or 3 for 1. Strategies therefore are completely different. Because of the
payoff structure and the way the 6 systems for WRS are designed, one can
make more profits with smaller amount of bankrolls and FRS is a grind system
to gain 1 unit profit at the end of a winning session.
WRS could make 30 units in one session, that can last not more than 8 spins.
So the profitability potential of WRS is greater, where FRS remains still a
very solid and consistent winner. I use either system depending on which one
favors a certain table. FRS needs no tracking, but applying the system after
3-4 consecutive paper losses ensures faster closure of a winning run. WRS is
based on statistical possibilities of making quicker profits when a certain
opportunity is encountered. Also statistically taking advantage of those
opportunities become favorable versus not betting on the unfavorable
opportunities. How to identify those opportunities are apparent in all the 6
system descriptions.
Q. Without giving away a systems
methodology, can you specify the TYPE of inside bet........a) the straight
up bet b) street bet c) corner bet etc., and perhaps provide a more
informative description.......... such as this system is based on what is
sometimes called the "law of unequal distribution" or looks for "sleepers"
A. The type of bets are all on
straight-up numbers. The systems look for repeaters and not sleepers, for
numbers repeating at the right times, or rather the right time to bet for
repeating numbers.
Q. Can you please answer this
question in the following format: System 1 generates..........units in 500
spins averaging about......unit each......spin. In 200 spins, systems 1 will
Your answers (by filling in the blanks above) should be quite different than
for 1000 spins, and as you stated on a shorter run you can catch more
profits proportional to your losses.......but you can also catch more losses
than profits. Please provide each system stat for 500 spins and 200 spins.
A. WRS - System 1 generates about
250 units within 500 spins, averaging about .5 unit each spin. In 200 spins,
WRS - System 1 generates about 180 units, averaging about .9 unit each spin.
WRS - System 2 generates about 150 units within 500 spins, averaging about
.3 unit each spin. In 200 spins, WRS - System 2 generates about 100 units,
averaging about .5 unit each spin.
WRS - System 3 generates about 500 units within 500 spins, averaging about 1
unit each spin. In 200 spins, WRS - System 3 generates about 160 units,
averaging about .8 unit each spin.
WRS - System 4 generates about 50 units within 500 spins, averaging about .1
unit each spin. In 200 spins, WRS - System 4 generates about 40 units,
averaging about .2 units each spin.
WRS - System 5 generates about 140 units within 500 spins, averaging about
.28 unit each spin. In 200 spins, WRS - System 5 generates about 80 units,
averaging about .4 units each spin.
WRS - System 6 generates about 220 units within 500 spins, averaging about
.44 unit each spin. In 200 spins, WRS - System 6 generates about 95 units,
averaging about .48 units each spin.
Those are the macro results, sampled 100 times for each system.
Q. With regard to your testing
each of the six systems, without summing up and averaging results, what was
the worst single performance for 10,000 spins run 100 times? Since system 3
is the best all around performer, I am particularly interested in the worst
scenario for this system.
A. The worse drawdown or negative
balance WRS System 3 went was minus 250 units in 1 million spin simulation,
before it could generate a profit.
Q. System #3 experienced a
drawdown of 250 units in your 1 million spin simulation or about 3 1/2 times
your recommended lifetime bankroll of 72 units. Please comment.
What roulette system(s) has performed better than System 3 in your 1 million
spin simulation with respect to drawdown?
Also, how many spins (after the 250 unit
drawdown) did it take before System 3 became profitable and how many spins
into the 1 million simulation when the system first began incurring the
negative balance?
A. I don't know of any other
system that had a lower drawdown for 1M spins.
My comment is that to experience a
drawdown of only 250 units for 1M spins shows a very good performance of the
system. I know many other systems, that have thousands of units of drawdown
or even negative balance at the end of 1M spins.
System 3 generates about 30-36 units profit per session. It could generate
them in succession or between some losing sessions. Some losing sessions do
not cost more than 6 units. To recover 250 units is a matter of a maximum of
10-15 sessions. Each session takes a minimum of 3 spins to a maximum of 12
spins, averaging about 7 spins. So 10-15 sessions would take about 70-105
spins or an average of 87 spins.
There is no fixed first occurrence of a drawdown. Every sample of the
simulation has a drawdown at a different location, since the outcome is
here to order, all 6 WRS
systems for $600 only.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
I have excellent news on the performance of
FRS - my Favorite Roulette System. I have placed
FRS on the Roulette contest, that is taking place on the Gambler's Glen
discussion forum.
I'm proud to say that FRS - Method II is at the top place having won +3961
units in 14,600 spins for 1 week's play among 27 contestants.
Check out the link:
Dec 04 Contest Results - Week One for those
Quoting from that link:
"Here's the results after 1 week, about 14,600 spins. Many of the methods
went broke on the 3rd or 4th day; they are listed as -3000, which was our
starting bankroll.
Congrats to Izak and FRS II method 2, which did not have a losing day yet.
Nods also go to Ahcoln for New Recoup, Rob for "54," and Puppy Chow for
Investment Roulette, which only had one losing day each.
Actually, this "week" consisted of 7 days of 5-9 tables per day, and with
almost 15,000 spins would be the equivalent of someone sitting at one
table for 47 days straight. So it is a fairly good test of each method.
The table limits were 900 for even chances, 600 for dozens/columns, etc. ie
50 units per number covered any way. Even bets returned 1/2 when zero hit.
There is another week to go, and I hope to have it out soon after day 14.
Thanks for your patience.
Ahcoln is still working on Serena's method, and I may find the time to
tackle Tater, OHPC, and JapJap's methods, but we'll see. Turbo, can you send
me the excel sheet for your "Dozen's Eliminator" and I'll enter it.
Sorry to Joe Daw and Roulette France, I'll have to try to program your
methods in the next contest! They were too complex for me at this point.
Here are the leaders, in order, as of week 1:
FRS II - 2 Dozens, method 2
3961 (about 1 unit for every 3.7 spins...)
New Recoup
Puppy Chow
Investment Roulette
Even Parlay 13
Double Win and Out
Even Parlay 21
20/20 sans progression
FRS II - 2 Dozens, method 1
Classic Two Step
Five Step Marty
-795 (this one started out well, but hit the inevitable wall!)
Sir Ivor
Hi / Low (hit and run)
The Spino
Against All Odds
Profit Maker
-------The following are out of the contest, busted-----------
Pretend System
-3000 (this one looked good and then crumbled)
-3000 (this was a surprise, but it busted earlier than last contest)
Repeating Numbers II
-3000 (last year's winner bites the dust!)
Bill B
Hi / Low Dozen
18 Number System
-3000 (went way up, then way down!)
Donali's Secret
-3000 (we may never know this one)
Perdedor II
Free Roulette
Cover Method
Perdedor I
Grenoble Scientist
The Winner
-3000 (not this time)
Luck Is Everything
-3000 (luck ran out)
More next week............
[Edited by JBoyd333 on 14-Dec-04 05:07]"
FRS is doing great for many
customers who have sent me their positive feedback.
here to order
here to order WRS6.
Have a wonderful holiday season. Best
wishes to you and your families.
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
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