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Thursday, February 20, 2003
Craps - the Rhythm of a
When you play craps do you just approach
a table, throw money on it, and then hope for the best? Or do you walk
around and study all the tables and their shooters, and choose the very best
one? But exactly how can we differentiate between a good table and a bad
Lets find out!
There are numerous indications of the direction a table is going. One is the
amount of chips in shooters racks. If there are piles of chips it means
they are winning, and the table might in the middle of a good cycle. If the
players are talking to each other and cheering on each roll, this also
indicates a good table. However, if everyone looks sad, and they all have
just a few chips left, dont despair - this is a great place for dont
Many times good crapshooters will have a favorite table at a certain casino.
Maybe it is where they won a lot of money, or have seen a lot of good rolls.
But it also might be that there are "soft spots" on the table, causing the
dice to die and not bounce around so much. A lucky table can produce profits
either for superstitious reasons or scientific ones. It doesnt matter, just
as long as it works! Once you find a lucky table, watch where and how people
are throwing the dice, and then just mimic their efforts when its your turn
to shoot. Once you become the shooter, you will remember what happened
before, and get into the rhythm of the table, just like the previous
shooters have.
When youre not shooting, you need to notice another rhythm - that of the
new shooter. Is he tossing the dice in the same spot each time and getting
good results? If not, just wait for another shooter, or go to another table.
As someone who plays craps for money, not for fun, you should only be
betting on the shooters who can produce a profit for you.
Once you find a profitable shooter, you need to increase your bets gradually
as you are winning. If youre on the pass line, you might try one unit up
with no odds, then with single odds, and then double. If you like place
bets, also go up one unit at a time.
Usually after the first win youll be playing with the casinos money so you
can continue pressing your bets (and keeping some profits) with no fear of
losing. But, be sure to watch the shooter and the other players. If anyone
takes their bets down, or does anything you consider unusual, it might
change the rhythm of the table. You might then want to take your bets down.
Finally, you dont need to stay at the same table. If you bought in for $500
and are $100 ahead, youre doing well and can stop. Youll see that a lot of
professional crapshooters leave right after they finish shooting anyway. And
be sure to keep an eye on the other tables. If you hear cheering you might
want to switch. You should always be on the lookout for rhythm rollers on
other tables while you play!
So, have you ever wondered how to find good rhythm rollers at lucky tables?
Now you know!
And, as always, good luck at the tables!
This article was written by Larry Edell,
the Crapshooter.
You can get a FREE issue of The Crapshooter, the only newsletter devoted
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For an extremely good Craps system, you
should consider DC-7, the Incredible Craps system.
Numerous thank you letters have been received from DC-7 fans. Click
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Wishing you all the best,
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