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============================================== Wednesday,
February 23, 2011
FAQ on the New CYL (Catch you
Later) Baccarat System by Izak Matatya
Hello everyone,
The new CYL (Catch you Later) Baccarat
system launched about 10 days ago was received with great enthusiasm.
There were numerous questions about the system and I'd like to share my
answers in an FAQ newsletter this week.
Q. Glad you are still working hard on a system for us. I
guess I have a couple quick questions:
Looking at chart below, if I began playing at about hand 10,600 and played
through to hand 19,700, besides dying at the table for lack of bathroom
breaks, does the chart mean that i would have played almost 9,000 hands and
not made anything?
A. Yes, that’s what it means. At times, the chart will have ups and downs.
The important thing is that you are always ahead of the game, profits are
gradual, despite some fluctuations. At times, you could even make 70 units
per shoe. And at times be negative for a certain shoes. The 18 unit average
per shoe rate is maintained throughout the long term application of the
Q. You say unit size 1 - 650 does this mean that you would have to make a
650 unit bet to obtain the results below?
A. For those parameters, the highest bet is 620 units. The system will work
with the same proportion also with the highest bet at around 304 units.
Q. Are you betting 650 units at some point to win 1?
A. You don’t win 1, you may win 20, 30, 40 and even 50 units in one shot.
Otherwise, the basic win rate is about 3-5 units per shot.
Q. You state “bet range of 1-650”. If one is playing $5
units, does that mean the highest bet is $5 x 650 (which would be a $3,250
single bet)?
Or using $5 units do we need a bankroll of $3,250?
A. There has been only a couple of occurrences within the entire 41,004
decisions of 600 Zumma shoes, where the bet of 620 units were necessary in
order to come out profitable at the very end of the 600th shoe. This is not
a common practice for the system at all. 99.99% of the time, your bets do
not escalate more than 20-30 times your initial bet of whichever unit size
you’re using: $5, $10 or $20.
Q. 1. You provide stats for a bet range of 1-650. Many
Vegas casinos have a $5,000 max bet, regardless of what the min bet happens
to be. Thus, a $10.00 min bet with a max bet of $5,000 is a bet range of
1-500, and of course a $25.00 min & $5,000 max calculates to a bet range of
only 1-200. Please explain how this would impact your system? Also, expand
on your comment that it will suit all budgets.
A. The range of 1-650 was only for the given parameters for a particular
simulated run for the type of profits announced, that is, 11011 units.
One can limit the highest bet to 443 units, in order to make 8815 units end
profit for the 600 Zumma shoes, or to 316 units to make 4790 units end
profit or to 226 units in order to make 1974 units end profit. The lowest in
the high bet one could go is 161 units and that will profit only 140 units
by the end of the 600 Zumma shoes. Anything less will not beat Zumma.
Q. What is the required bank roll per shoe? Per session ( 5 shoes ) ?
A. A lifetime of 2754 units are required for the making of 11,011
units, 2223 units are required to make 8815 units, 1718 units are required
to make 4790 units and 1640 units are required to make 1974 units.
Per session the same bankroll is required, not knowing exactly how the shoe
will behave. That's why I present the worst case scenario.
Per shoe, also various things can happen. You may make 70 units profit per
shoe with a bankroll of 20 units. Or you may lose 30 units per shoe dragging
down your bankroll. There are really no sessions. This is all about
continuous play, future losses being eliminated at one point of time, either
within the same shoe or within subsequent shoes. It's a very particular
system. The important thing is that it wins long term.
Q. What is the calculated win/loss % ratio ( per shoe) for the Zumma 600
shoes? What is the win/loss ratio ( per shoe) for the live casino shoes you
have played?
A. Since we're betting Banker only, your total wins are 1.5% more than your
total losses on the long run. Some shoes are Player dominant. So this ratio
can vary. Again, long term, you get more Banker decisions, which is
important for this system to work properly. Commissions are always taken
into account for each win.
Q. Are you using a negative progression, and how many bets ( steps ) within
the total progression?
A. There are no progressions, but a count table to associate how much, when
and how to recover a specific loss at a certain given point of time.
Q. Can this be used for other games?
A. The concept of CYL is so strong, it can be easily
transported to other games as well. And I can suggest some very
good bet selections.
Q. To get around the table limits could not one just
switch to a higher table maximum of the same game at the same or a different
casino at some cutoff amount, so it would have no effect say at an arbitrary
amount of units from 250 to 350 units for example? If this would work Izak
would have to make a rule on the when?
A. It's surely one way to overcome the limits of the table. Switching from a
$5-$500 to a $25 - $1000 and then to a $50 - $2000 range will feel like
playing at a $5 - $2000 increasing the range from 1-100 to 1-400.
Another way is to get a partner. If the table limit is 1-100 and you need to
place a 200 unit bet, then both of you place 100 units, to double your bet.
Since the outcome of decisions is random and neither table or shoe keeps
memory, it makes no difference in terms of the bet selection and switch from
one table to another smoothly continuing from where one was left off.
Q. What is your highest bet when you play it live?
A. My highest bet so far has not exceeded 42 units.
Q. Izak, congratulations on what sounds like another very
inovative system. Do you believe that an experienced gambler could play your
system and make $100 a day starting with $10 bets? I have many, many of your
sytems, and most have higher drawdowns that i would like to play. I have
played some of your systems, but I do not get into the high bets. How do you
avoid this? When you are uncomfortable, leave the table. Some shoes are
bizarre and will beat any system.
A. $100 profit at $10 a bet, is one can easily make within only 1 shoe. If
one plays multiple shoes, this can be multiplied. As I mentioned before,
this is a safer system than the others, because the profit aimed is not too
agressive, but only a slight percentage higher than a previous loss.
Some shoes are really bizarre and it is highly recommended to simply stay
away from them when things start working not the way we expect them to.
Q. Izak, what type of win goal do you play for with a 200
unit BR? Or do you just play through as much as you want in a session and
then pick it right up where you leave off the next time you play?
Ultimately, you will bust on the 200 units though right?
In your Zumma test, you stated at 161 max bet, you won't make anything. So,
what are you doing differently in live play to make a 42 unit max bet
Do you have a spreadsheet for inputting any set of decisions and testing the
And, why not run the Z1000 decisions through your model also?
If you engineered off the Z600 and were profitable off the Z1000, that would
be pretty impressive (of course assuming with all commissions included and
perfect programming).
A. Win goal means, you play until you reach a certain target, then you stop
playing. With CYL, I really don't have a win goal. I know the system will
eventually generate profits even if the very first shoe I play comes out
negative. And when the profits start coming the second, third shoe, I simply
quit, when I'm tired.
This is a system, that profits indefinitely, unless, as we all know, some
very bad shoe (Player dominant for this system) comes along and it's best
not to pursue with this shoe all the way, until it drains a long chunk of
the profits, but at least keep a win plateau of conserving 75% of all
profits made so far during that day, or two days.
Those are the type of actions I take with a maximum bet of 42 units and
still manage to keep ahead.
I have fully automated spreadsheets with lots of parameters to input and
test results. That's why I was able to provide information based on
different levels of maximum bets, ceiling levels, drawdown and profit
Yes, CYL beats the 1K Baccarat tester as well. You may want to call it
engineering in order to come up with certain input parameters that will have
profitable end result. Actually, each project of mine is an engineering
project, from the goal and mission setting all the way to the project
implementation and final product, which is quite different than reverse
engineering a system, that will suit a certain tester book.
By the way, CYL works well with randomly generated decisions, as well, which
could not possibly have been reverse engineered.
CYL is really impressive. It's one of the best systems I came up with
Thank you all for your great questions. It's been a
privilege and a pleasure to answer them.
The price of the system is $350, an
amount you will probably make playing only 2 shoes with $10 bets. The
remaining profits are all yours to keep.
here to order for an email
delivery of the system. $5 extra for a printout mailed to your
address. As usual, you have a full money back guarantee, should you
not like the system and you can return it in 30 days, no questions answered,
no strings attached.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
Wishing you all the best,
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