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============================================== Friday,
February 24, 2012
The New WTP2 - Well Tempered Progression Version 2 by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The second version of
the very praised WTP - Well Tempered Progression is
The first version was
extremely successful. Players reported winnings constantly and some
have never lost with it.
This success lead to further explore this new type of progressions.
The first question was if the progression can be made a bit less aggressive.
The second question was if a smart bet selection could be incorporated with
it, so one could have more profits and even a flat bet advantage.
With WTP2, both questions are answered yes.
Parameters have been implemented to have a very low budget progression with
bets never exceeding 20 units tops. This yields profits of 2400 units for
the entire 600 Zumma shoes with a bankroll of only 254 units.
This profit level does not differ much from the higher budget version of
WTP2 with maximum bet set to 128 units, yielding a total of 2365 units at
the end of the 600 Zumma shoes, with a bankroll of 475 units.
Same argument holds for the 1K Zumma shoes. A low budget maximum bet of 56
units generates 540 units with a bankroll of 661 units comparing it to
maximum bet of 122 units generating 888 units with a bankroll of 478 units.
The progression is
much milder than its predecessor. It can reach 100 levels. Even
at that level, the highest bet is 146, as opposed to WTP's first version
having a 192 unit bet at level 40.
WTP2 beats the entire
Zumma collection of 600 shoes with bets not exceeding 20 units, which is
simply amazing.
First version of WTP
gave you the choice of using any bet selection. Most bet selections do
not win more than 48% of all bets, based on many tests and customer
I have extremely good
news for you with this version of WTP. After extensive research, a bet
selection was developed that consistently provides 300 more wins than losses
over all tester books, giving the player a 51% advantage.
How is this achieved?
Well, most good bet selections focus on following the streaks and the chops
(repeating and alternating decisions) and other frequent patterns, which
could occupy 40% of all decisions. WTBS (Well Tempered Bet Selection)
addresses all other patterns very successfully, while the streaks, chops,
2-2's, 3-3's, and other prevalent patterns produce chopping win loss
sequences (L W L W L W), which generate 1 unit profit for each set of L W
while applying the well tempered progression (either version).
You will find two
excellent bet selections within the document: WTBS1 and WTBS2 with the same
above described concept in mind.
With this kind of flat
bet advantage in the bet selection and combining it with a modified version
of WTP, you get a very strong long term winner.
WTP2 goes for $650 and
this is a very small price for a continuous profit generator.
If you have not
acquired WTP, your purchase of WTP2 will include the first version as well.
WTP2 comes also with 2
additional bet selections, that have a flat bet advantage, generating 300
more wins than losses over 40,000 decisions.
here to order for an email
delivery of the system. For only $20 extra, you can have a
printout mailed to your address.
Your full satisfaction
is guaranteed with full purchase and unconditional money back guarantee
within 30 days of your purchase, no strings attached.
Wishing you all the best,
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