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Thursday, January 17, 2002 Hello everyone, Last week we have covered how to play Baccarat within the newsletter Baccarat History and Rules that you can find at: http://www.letstalkwinning.com/winalert_January10_2002.htm. This week we will see how we can win Baccarat with the new system Flat Bet Mini Play. A few months ago, a customer of mine has sent me a Baccarat system that he has developed. He and his sister have been playing it for a few years and had a lot of success with it. They asked me to take a look at it and tell them what I think of it. I studied the system, analyzed it, tested it for a few thousands of shoes and the results I have obtained were amazing. At every session playing a few shoes, one would be able to quit with at least 10 unit profit. One thing bothered me, though, in the system, that required the player to bet every other bet. Using the same features of the system, I was able to modify it in such a way that enabled the player to place a bet on every single bet of the shoe and get the same results, with the exception that the profits were made twice as fast. And this is the way Flat Bet Mini Play - Baccarat system was born. Every since, I have been using it at the casino and on-line play with a lot of success. Using black chips only, 10 units a day would profit you $1000 a day. And this is within 4-5 shoes or about 300 bets maximum. Since all that the system uses is flat bets, you can play it with the table's minimum if you like, play it at mini-baccarat or the regular one, it makes no difference. Just use the unit amount that you allow yourself. Or start using it with the table minimum and gradually increase the unit value, as you gain more and more confidence with the system. And again, there is not one single progression in the method. You always bet the same amount from bet to bet. There is absolutely no need for tracking nor waiting. You start playing the moment you sit down at the Baccarat table and play every single bet. You can go on playing for as long as you wish. Of course, according to its money management, a profit and loss limit need to be established. The ones I recommend are a 10 unit profit limit and a 20 unit loss limit. Those limits have enabled me to play for months now and never lose a substantial amount and never lose my bankroll. A 100 unit bankroll is more than enough. You can simply divide this bankroll into 5 sessions of 20 units. You play until you are either up by 10 units or down by 20, whichever comes first. Yes, the number of winning sessions outnumbers the losing ones by an average factor of 5 to 1. This is determined by the results of simulations based on hundreds and thousands of bets. The method is very smart. It takes advantage of the unavoidable streaks and chops that occur in a Baccarat shoe. Moreover it handles any most frequently occurring patterns. Despite its smartness, the method has maintained its simplicity. The rules are very specific. Two or more people applying the method, would place bets at exactly the same place, which makes the system totally mechanical. There is absolutely no guessing about what pattern to apply or how to place your bet. Two people following the exact rules and instructions would get the identical results, of course, if they use the same bet unit. That is why you should not play the method if someone else is using Flat Bet Mini Play at the same table, as this will be detected by the pit boss. The system is only $300 delivered to you by email and $320 delivered by first class mail, and you can cover its cost within 1 day of play using $25 chips. The price includes my continuous and unlimited support, either by email or phone. You can reach me by email at webmaster@letstalkwinning.com. The system comes with 5 pages of explanation text and a 500 bet simulation that shows you the typical results you get when you apply Flat Bet Mini Play. The simulation will also help you to get a full understanding of the method by studying every line that represents a bet, showing you how you determine your next bet, if you win or lose and the amount of your net profit, taking into consideration commissions paid to Banker bet winnings. Conditions of money back guarantee are simple. You can return the system within 30 days of your purchase should you lose 5 consecutive sessions of 20 units and I will refund your purchase, when you provide a record of your results. Thank you, Izak Matatya The system is just being released and there is already a great deal of interest. Here are a few Questions and Answers on the system: Question: Hi, I just read your E-mail concerning a
baccarat system which you are planning to unveil and which will take advantage of streak
and chop patterns. Answer: Thank you for your interest in the new Baccarat system (Flat Bet Mini Play). Additional to chops and streaks it does handle a couple of more patterns, particularly the streaks of two very well. It's not a full pattern detection system, as this would become an extremely complex system and hard to apply, not to mention the amount of guessing that it would require. There is an uncountable number of patterns one can detect. FBMP handles the most frequently occurring patterns and that's why it's optimized in its simplicity. Question: Does your system require the notation of the winning totals of the hands? Example: Bank 8, Player 6? Answer: You don't need to note the winning hands of Player or Banker. You need to know what is your net profit though, so you can leave the shoe or the table when you are 10 units ahead. Question: Does your system require that the shoe be played from the beginning? Answer: You don't have to play the shoe from the beginning. You can join the game at any time at any stage and quit after a few shoes, as long as you are 10 units ahead. Question: What is the maximum approximation of units one can expect to win or lose per shoe? Answer: Per shoe, you can win 5 units. But I define a session being as many bets as required to reach your goal of 10 units profit. It could happen within 1 shoe or multiple shoes. Thank you, Izak Matatya Wishing you all the
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