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Thursday, January 29, 2004
Another Successful IBS Adaptation
IBS - the Infallible
Baccarat System is said to be the best system around after 6 weeks of
testing and playing. Some use it as it's written originally,
some use it with their own adaptation of the system. The original IBS
with 1000 unit bankroll makes about +2800 units in the 600 Zumma shoes.
Using IBS with 1024 units yields a maximum profit of more than 5000 units in
the same 600 Zumma shoes. We will see one very successful
adaptation of IBS this week, as posted in the
discussion forum.
"I have received a lot of email requests
wanting me to explain better how I am playing IBS. I decided the best way to
handle this is to just post the explanation here at LTW. If you look through
this thread you will see an example game posted above. It is Zumma game
number 5 which lost playing the standard way but wins +5 units playing what
is being called the 10-4 way.
How it works is very simple. Of course, you need to use some good
money management for exiting the shoe. What I do is if I reach 10 units I
leave the shoe. If anywhere after 10 units I lose 3 units, I
quit the shoe. If I get 25 units I quit the game.
Moreover, if I am under 10 units, say 5 units, and I go up to 6, then back
to 3, then back to 5, then up to 7, then back to 5, I exit. 5 units were won
3 times. So I would consider that a high point for that shoe and quit.
I track my hands starting with a max value of 10. I just write 10 at the end
of my notes on my card. It is the last number in the line. Here
is a how my play card looks:
Hand #/ decision / bet on P-B amount W-L / string /amount W-L/ score /
1. / P / P1W / 1-0 / +1 / +1 /( *10 )
2. P P1W 1-0 +1 +2 10
3. B P1L 1-1 -1 +1 9
4. P P1W 1-0 +1 +2 10
5. B P1L 1-1 -1 +1 9
6. P P1W 1-0 +1 +2 10
7. B P1L 1-1 -1 +1 9
8. B P1L 1-1-1 -1 0 8
9. B P1L 1-1-1-1 -1 -1 7
10. B P1L 1-1-1-1-1 -1 -2 6
11. B P1L 1-1-1-1-1-1 -1 -3 5
12. P P1W 1-1-1-1-1 +1 -2 6
13. B P3L 1-1-1-1-1-3 -3 -5 5
14. B P1L 1-1-1-1-1-1-3 -1 -6 4
15. P B1L 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3 -1 -7 5
16. B P1L 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3 -1 -8 4
17. B B1W 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3 +1 -7 3
18. B B3W 1-1-1-1-3 +3 -4 2
19. P B3L 1-1-1-1-3-3 -3 -7 3
20. B B1W 1-1-3-3 +1 -6 2
For every Banker I subtract 1 and for every Player I add 1 but not going
over 10. When my value reaches 4, I switch from betting on Player to betting
on Banker if it goes back to 5 I go back to Player I do this until I clear
my losses then I reset my value at 10 and start over.
When I am betting, if I lose a second win bet, which is the bet after a win,
I do stop betting the sum of the first 3 and go to betting 1 unit until I
get a win. Then I bet the sum of the first 3 and keep betting it until
my losses are cleared or I lose a bet. So this is how it looks.
Start with a line: 1 (one unit). Add the number after a loss, cross off a
number(s) after a win. I add the numbers from lowest to highest like
1,2,3,4,5,6 etc......
After 1 win bet the sum of the first three numbers in your line. And keep
betting the sum of the first 3 numbers as long as you win or until your line
is cleared.
After any loss, bet only 1 unit.
( I have a rule where I will not make a bet that will put me over -50 units.
If I am down -24 units and my next bet calls for 32 units I do not make the
bet. I just quit the game and take the loss.)
I hope that explains everything better. If you will study the example shoe
above it shows everything.
Now I am winning using this strategy but who knows tomorrow. So far I have
played a couple hundred tests and real games and I am steadily winning more.
In the Casino's I have played a total of 32 games so far I have not lost a
single one and I am up over +500 units using a 100 unit bankroll. I started
with a 50 unit bankroll because I set a per game limit of -50 units. Plus I
only had $500 dollars to risk from my tax money. After my first 1000 I added
500 to my bankroll.
Right now I am playing on paper against the 26 doubtful shoes from the IBS
system description booklet to see how it performs against the really hard
games. The Casinos don't seem to be giving me any hard games. Lets hope it
stays that way.
I will let everyone know my final results from the test. Maybe this
clarifies everything.
I have finished playing all the doubtful games from the IBS system manual
using the 10-4 strategy and the result are very good.
In the end I was up +99 units after commissions. I had 5 lost games out of
the 26. All of the games I lost except one were lost because I ran out of
hands in the shoe and I was still in a negative. Only one game #342 did I
have to abandon because my next bet would have put me over -50 units. Here
are the results.
1. 5 +5.2
2. 105 -10
3. 189 +14.1
4. 219 +9.75
5. 221 +13.35
6. 284 +10.25
7. 298 +11.75
8. 307 +1.2
9. 318 +12.45
10. 325 +3.6
11. 340 +8.4
12. 342 -30
13. 377 -19
14. 388 -20
15. 391 +9
16. 405 +2.7
17. 428 +3.75
18. 437 +8.75
19. 468 +12.7
20. 484 +3.5
21. 487 +7.55
22. 497 -.15
23. 499 +11.65
24. 511 +15.5
25. 526 +3.9
26. 543 +6.2
Thanking Ervin for his valuable input and
wishing all further success with IBS.
I will be on vacation for the next couple
of weeks. So, there will be no newsletter next Thursday. Your
forum postings and orders will be processed within 24 hours.
Wishing you all the best,
next week,
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