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Thursday, July 18, 2002
Relaxed Roulette - Feedback - Betting Capitalization - Chinese
Hello everyone,
It's about time we had
some customer feedback about Relaxed Roulette
designed by Edmond Petitjean, that was announced a while ago.
A happy customer
"Hello Edmond:
Purchased your Relaxed Roulette this
weekend. I am up 25 units with a 100 unit bankroll playing online. Plan to
build higher units and eventually hopefully play at the $100 unit level.
Just a couple quick questions for you if you don't mind:
1. How long have you been using this system? Do you play
professionally or is this just side income for you?
2. You report your worst drawdown was 32 units - can you breakdown the
betting progression you used for this run? Did you split up your bets??
3. Do you split your bets up before running into the table max or do you
play to the max and then split up?
4. Allowing for a 100 unit bankroll - do you think I will need to split bets
a lot or should I just keep betting the progression till I hit the table max
(hopefully won't happen often)?
Thanks in advance for your help. I look forward to reporting my successes to
Edmond's reply was:
Thanks for purchasing Relaxed Roulette.
If you plan to go to higher units, do it following a good capitalization
I have developed a very good one that lets you go easily from a starting
capital of 1000 units to 10000 units in 25 sessions of 10 units profit!
If you are interested I can send it as a word document. (We will all
share it in this newsletter)
I've been using Relaxed Roulette for about
a year now.
It still is a (very healthy) side income.
You would only break down the progression if you are going too high for your
peace of mind, so it is something individual. And of course you would do the
same if you reach the table maximum.
And now, as promised,
here is Edmond's Betting Capitalization method:
Start with a capital of $1000.
1) win 10 units of $10 = $100 . Capital is now $1100
2) Win 10 units of $11 = $110 ---> $1210 .
3) Win 10 units of $12 = $120 ---> $1330 .
4) Win 10 units of $13 = $130 ---> $1470 .
5) Win 10 units of $15 = $150 ---> $1620 .
6) Win 10 units of $16 = $160 ---> $1780 .
7) Win 10 units of $18 = $180 ---> $1960 .
8) Win 10 units of $20 = $200 ---> $2160 .
9) Win 10 units of $20 = $200 ---> $2360 .
10) Win 10 units of $20 = $200 ---> $2560 .
11) Win 10 units of $25 = $250 ---> $2810 .
12) Win 10 units of $25 = $250 ---> $3060 .
13) Win 10 units of $30 = $300 ---> $3360 .
14) Win 10 units of $30 = $300 ---> $3660 .
15) Win 10 units of $35 = $350 ---> $4010 .
16) Win 10 units of $40 = $400 ---> $4410 .
17) Win 10 units of $45 = $450 ---> $4860 .
18) Win 10 units of $50 = $500 ---> $5360 .
19) Win 10 units of $55 = $550 ---> $5910 .
20) Win 10 units of $60 = $600 ---> $6510 .
21) Win 10 units of $65 = $650 ---> $7160 .
22) Win 10 units of $70 = $700 ---> $7860 .
23) Win 10 units of $80 = $800 ---> $8660 .
24) Win 10 units of $85 = $850 ---> $9510 .
25) Win 10 units of $90 = $900 ---> $10410 .
Unit values are composed if necessary.
Example: $45 ---> $40 and $5 or whatever combination.
After having finished stage 25, you can bet with $100 units.
Stay with this unit value for a long time and save the entire winnings of 10
points each time.
Advice: take off sometimes an amount during the capitalization.
It will take a little longer to arrive at stage 25 but youll build a
Relaxed Roulette has been so much in
demand that now there is even a
Chinese version available additional to its
Spanish version.
Whichever language you
feel comfortable with, you can order Relaxed Roulette at the
secure order form for
$300 sent to you by email and $310 sent by first class air mail.
Click to order or use
the PayPal button on the system description
Thank you,
Edmond Petitjean, Izak Matatya
I will be on vacation
between July 23 and September 5. Thanks to the internet and the
facilities provided in the world, I will be able to reply to your email
inquiries within 3-4 days.
Even if my replies to
you come from a different email address (i.e., please continue
sending me your email to rather than hitting reply. This way,
my assistants who are operating Let's Talk Winning will also receive your
emails should they need to take immediate action.
Your orders will still
be processed within 24 hours by my assistants, as well as the approval of
your postings in the
moderated forum.
Newsletters will not
be interrupted. You should expect them on a regular basis every
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
If you missed any
newsletter, click here for an archive.
