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Thursday, July 26, 2001
Roses by the Crapshooter and Sands Doubles the Monthly Bonus
Larry Edell, the author of Crapshooter has the following way of identifying good craps
shooters from others.
"A friend of ours, Ruthie, has a collection of different roses, and I was
astounded to discover that there were over 10,000 different species, most of which seemed
to be in Ruthie's backyard! What surprised me even more was that each different rose
seemed to call for some special treatment reserved only for itself. Ruthie didn't treat
all of her "pets" identically because some always did well and others always did
poorly. For example, her hybrid tea roses required an almost daily diet of insecticide,
fertilizer and water, while her Gallica seemed to do well no matter what happened.
A few weeks later, my wife Andrea and I were in Las Vegas the same week as
Ruthie and her husband Bob. Since I knew Bob was a big craps player, we all agreed
to meet at the tables after dinner. After a few rounds, I found that Bob played the pass
line and two come bets, every time. We were both doing OK until a youngish looking
man decided to shoot. I had noticed that he always made minimum bets and was doing so
again on his own come out roll. He was with his girlfriend, and throughout the
entire time, was telling her mostly false information on the various bets. I decided to
wait this one out, but Bob popped his pass line bet down again.
I folded my arms. "Um, Bob, you think this shooter will do good?"
"Who knows? You're not betting?"
"No I don't think so. The way I look at it, some shooters are Hybrid Teas and some
are Gallicas."
At this, Ruthie's eyes widened. Andrea looked at me quizzically, but Bob just said
Ruthie now got animated. "Oh Bob you know those roses in the North Garden I use as a
hedge and they always bloom no matter what I do, those are the Gallicas, and those tea
hybrids are terrible they always seem to have bugs or disease or rot. Don't you
Bob looked even more confused. "Huh?"
My wife Andrea, who was certainly used to me by now came to the rescue.
"Bob, he's saying that maybe all shooters are different. Some will shoot numbers
every time, but some can barely find the backboard. Like roses, you can't treat them all
the same. Some will do well and some won't."
And as if on cue, the dealer said, "Seven Out Line away!"
Bob grimaced. "Well how do you tell the difference?"
Ruthie smiled. "The smell for one thing. Gallicas keep their fragrances for a long
time, even after they're cut. And the tea..."
Bob laughed. "I meant the Crapshooters, honey."
"Oh," Ruthie said, the shortest sentence I ever heard her utter.
I picked up a green chip. "See that shooter? He looks confident, and has lots of
chips in his rack. He bought in with a marker so he knows how to play. And he only bet red
chips on the other shooters, but look, he's betting a green one on himself. These are good
"He's a Gallica," Ruthie said.
I nodded. "The last shooter was young, inexperienced, and had few chips
in his rack. He was talking to his girlfriend the whole time he was playing. And he didn't
know the basic odds. These are bad signs."
"He's a Hybrid Tea."
I nodded again. "The shooter really does make a difference. Craps is the only casino
game where you can change the outcome when you are shooting, so a lot of people have
practice tables at home. You always have to be on the lookout for good Crapshooters, and
bet along with them! You can spot them most of the time - they are usually full of
confidence, enthusiasm, and excitement!"
Bob grinned. "Oh, and what are bad shooters full of?"
Ruthie perked up. "If they're like tea roses, they're full of fertilizer!""
You can get a FREE issue of The Crapshooter, the only newsletter devoted
to casino craps, by sending two first class stamps to The Crapshooter, Dept
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This is a great deal. Make sure to take advantage of it.
Wishing you
all the best,
Until next week,
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