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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Q and A on PerryB's Roulette and Craps Systems
Hello everyone,
There has been a tremendous amount of
interest on Perry Benedik's Roulette and Craps systems, particularly on
30,000 Roulette Dozens announced on
January 29, 2006 and on
Winning at Craps announced
June 5, 2006 at the
LTW discussion forum
as well as in individual emails to Perry (
Perry's systems are very good, because they never involve any steep
progressions, they use mostly flat bets, they are very controlled in terms
of reducing risk of losing, they take advantage of winning streaks that come
in clusters and they use smart betting selections depending on what happens
on the tables. I highly recommend them to you in order to improve your
overall gaming and profitability, as the systems documents come with lots of
useful information in terms of solid ideas, suggested recommended and not
recommended strategies at very affordable prices.
We'll go over some of the interesting
questions and answers on those systems in this newsletter.
First, here is PerryB's description of
his study on systems:
"My study of
30,000 Roulette Dozens covered the
spins that were produced at only one 0/00 Roulette table for a period of
five months (from 5-04-05 to 10-04-05), and 30,550 actual live-play Roulette
dozens were recorded at that table.
After extending the study to cover a full year, Best-Bet #1 (a single-dozen
bet) has proven to be one of the most reliable betting methods that I have
ever devised and played myself. By waiting for the right betting-entry
points, and applying strict stop-loss limits (of not more than -4 units per
session), it produced a total profit of +295 units over a 12-month period,
while NEVER increasing betting units to more than 1-unit per bet.
Even though there are many who will not be very impressed by such results,
to me this represents an average of almost +25 units of clear profit per
month, and a 12-month profit of +295% on a lifetime-security bankroll of
only 100 units.
At the end of the 12-month period (roughly 100,000 live-play spins), I got
busy with a project on Craps, and entrusted further record-keeping to a
reliable individual who is a regular at the very same Roulette table. (I
just had to find out if Best-Bet #1 would continue to perform so well, even
when I was not there to see it for myself. Would its reliable first-year
results keep on as before, or had it only been a lucky year - just a fluke?)
Well, for anyone who may be interested, just three weeks into its 13th month
(from 5-05-06 to 5-27-06), Best-Bet #1 has so far produced an additional +33
units of profit, and asserted itself to me as one of the most reliable
long-term betting strategies that can be applied to Roulette.
By following up the ongoing behavior and
progress of Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1, after more than 100,000 live-play
spins, and more than 13 months of both playing and testing at other tables,
I'm convinced that it's a reliable and consistent money-maker.
Q: I would like to know how you are
approaching a single dozen in your strategy?
A: 30,000 Roulette Dozens is much more
than a "system" - it is an education about the general behavior of the
conventional dozens in a 00 Roulette game. (Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1 is only
one of several betting-methods that are suggested.)
Q: Can your bet selection method be
applied to the columns as well to enhance the profitability of the system
and also to be able to play the system with smaller units?
A: I have been asked before about betting
the columns in the same way as I would bet the dozens. The only thing I can
say is that while I have not kept any data on the columns, I believe that
over the course of several thousand spins, they should not behave any
differently than the dozens.
However, I have found that the most important part of any betting method is
not so much the actual bet selections. The application of a sound long-term
money management plan will keep your bankroll intact, even through the
losing periods that happen to ALL betting methods. (With its 2 to 1 payoffs
on winning bets, Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1 always recovers easily from any
"slumps" that it encounters, without ever increasing its 1-unit bets.)
30,000 Roulette Dozens can show you how
and when to make this and other dozen-bets by using strategic entry and exit
points. Rather than just losing your money trying to figure out the right
bets to make in an effort to come out ahead, they will give you the best
opportunities to get the most out of your bankroll.
For the past 3 days, rather than only the
one table as I have been using for all of my data, I have been recording
what the results of Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1 would have been on other
Roulette tables, as if I had been walking around the casino, and making the
appropriate bets at the appropriate times. I wrote down the spins that were
produced there (only after a betting-trigger came up, and taking the marquee
results as being 100% accurate.) The results were as follows:
Wednesday, May 31-06: (60 minutes)
Table # 8: +1 units
Table #12: +4 units
Table #13: +7 units
Table #23: +2 units
Table #26: +3 units
(Total: +17 units)
Thursday, June 1-06: (50 minutes)
Table #12: +3 units
Table #14: +5 units
Table #26: +3 units
Table #99: +2 units
(Total: +13 units)
Friday, June 2-06: (55 minutes)
Table #12: +1 unit
Table #14: -4 units
Table #20: +2 units
Table #24: +1 unit
Table #26: -4 units
Table #99: +1 unit
(Total: -3 units)
Grand Total for 3 days: +27 units
(Perry has been posting his daily results
of live play since May 2006. Winning sessions have outnumbered losing
ones. Some of you may have noticed that winning sessions usually take a lot
more time than losing ones. That's because with Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1 you
keep on playing it when you're winning, and stop playing it when you're
Q: Perry, it seems that to move around
between tables is a positive for your dozens system, because you can see
which tables are performing well and those that are not and bet accordingly.
Would it not also be an advantage to pick off a unit here and there rather
than be planted at one table?
A: Tables that are not performing well
usually means that betting-triggers are not appearing there, and
accordingly, no bets are made at those tables. Besides each betting-trigger
can only cost you -2 units at the most, if it fails to produce any following
wins at all. If this happens twice in a row at any table (-4 units), then no
more bets are made at that table.
If you only go for "picking off a unit here and there", while you are
certainly locking up a quick +2 units, you are precluding yourself from
making more wins at that table when a winning trend continues to win.
(That's how you can sometimes make wins of +6 to +10 units or more per
Q: Perry, I was just wondering if this
system is a purely mechanical one with certain triggers based on a formula
for entry and exit, or are the triggers subjectively based?
In other words if 2 people sat down at the same roulette table and started
playing your system at exactly the same time (which includes waiting for the
appropriate trigger) would they both achieve the same result if they
followed your system exactly as you have stated?
I ask this because I for one have difficulty "reading" a table, shoe or any
sequence of past results in order to commence betting. Where I play I find a
number of people who appear to look for patterns and sequences and this then
forms the basis of their decision making. This works for some people but for
myself, whilst I recognize that it is silly to bet on every spin/hand, I
tend to go round in circles trying to figure out what the pattern is.
However if there were certain rules set in concrete that can be applied then
I find this easier on the mind. Is this the case with your Single-Dozen
Best-Bet system?
A: If two people would start playing Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1 at the same
table at exactly the same time, they would indeed achieve the same results.
Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1 is really quite simple in its application, and
here's what the basic game plan looks like. Waiting for the
"betting-trigger" to appear is nothing more than waiting to see a
virtual-win of the the bet selection that you are going to play. (If you try
and win by playing the bet selection at EVERY opportunity, you'll end up
Just to give you an example, if you're betting on red at Roulette, you just
don't make a bet until you see one appear. You may occasionally get caught
in several consecutive single-red series here and there, causing you to lose
several bets in a row. But you'll never get caught chasing your losses on
every spin, and lose any long betting progression to an unusually-long run
of blacks.
This way, when you're just a bit patient, you'll always be in on every long
run of reds, while not losing a big part of your bankroll to any long runs
of black. (This is precisely what I mean when I say: "Control your losses,
and the wins will take care of themselves.")
If you don't follow and apply the rules
of Single-Dozen Best-Bet #1, then you are certain to end up like almost
everyone else - only recovering losses (if you're lucky), but never
compiling profits. When we make up our minds to strictly limit our losses,
that's perhaps the biggest advantage that we have in the casino - the choice
about when NOT to make any more bets. (Sadly, I have not seen very many
bettors who use this choice wisely.)
Q: I have a question regarding the
results you have been posted on the
LTW Forum. At
the beginning of the thread you state that over a 12 month period (i.e.
100,000 spins) you achieved a profit of 295 units. So if we say there are
say 40 spins per hour then that equates to 2,500 hours or 150,000 minutes to
achieve 295 units.
Then when I analyze the results you have posted on the thread (up to June
21st) you have achieved 107 units profit taking only 1615 minutes.
This is a massive difference and I am starting to have huge doubts about
this system. Of course I will only really know when I have tested it myself,
but I would really appreciate it if you could explain the above results.
A: The profit of +295 units for a year was made on one Roulette table only.
The most-recent results that I have been posting on the LTW discussion forum
is only since I have started checking to see how things would work out if I
were playing at all 11 Roulette tables on one floor, as well as 4 more
tables on the floor below. In other words, the 107 units of profit that have
been made over nearly 27 hours of play (1615 minutes), was the result of
simulated betting sessions at 15 Roulette tables - all within the very same
time period.
If we level the playing-field by multiplying the +295 units (of profit that
was made in a year at one Roulette table only) times 15 Roulette tables, we
get +295 x 15 = +4,425 units of profit - with NO increase in the 2,500 hours
that would have been spent playing them. By playing at 15 such Roulette
tables for the same 2,500 hours that were spent at the "+295" table, that
gives us +4,425 units divided by the same 2,500 hours, for an average profit
of +1.77 units of profit-per-hour over the course of a year. (It's like
operating a chain of 15 stores that are all open for business in different
areas every day, compared to operating only one store during the very same
"open-for-business" hours every day.)
The 15 tables that produced +107 units in 27 hours averaged +3.96 units per
hour. While this 27 hours experienced some exceptionally good runs, I
honestly feel that this average of almost +4 units of profit-per-hour is
quite a bit higher than what we should realistically expect all the time.
Comparing this to the +1.77 units-per-hour average that was projected in the
previous paragraph, I would not be very surprised at all to see this
profit-per-hour average come down a bit after playing at the same 15 tables
for a whole year.
I hope this answers your questions.
Best regards.
Q: If this particular method of when to bet had any substantial merit, why
the stop loss?
A: I'm sure that you've been gambling
long enough to have experienced days when you just can't seem to be able to
win a bet for love or money, and instead of getting better, things only get
When you take an aggressive stance about losing, and just keep throwing
money, these are the days that can cost you a bundle. They can get your
bankroll into a very deep hole, and make you wish that you'd put down the
shovel and stopped digging a long time ago. Hasn't that ever happened to
you? (That's why the stop-loss.)
If we don't learn anything from our mistakes, then we'll always be doing the
same things, and expecting different results.
Q: You make no specific reference to wins
and/or losses with any of the strategies included in the offer. Do you have
any data with regard to the performance of specific methods against the
logged spins included in the offer?
A: Although my 5-month study of 30,000
Roulette Dozens includes various suggested ways to bet on the dozens, when I
decided to extend it to 12 months (about 100,000 spins), I focused all of my
attention on what I found to be the most-productive betting method, and
called it Single-Dozen
Best-Bet #1.
By applying over the 12 months a stop-loss limit of -6 units per session,
the track-record of this single-dozen betting method (with its 2 to 1 payoff
on winning bets) was: Won +1,925 (= +3,850) and Lost -3,609 = +241 units
(Winning % = 34.78%). However, when a stop-loss limit of only -4 units per
session is applied, just by getting involved in fewer bets, the total number
of bets that are Lost is much lower, and the betting method's Winning %
easily surpasses 35%. This lower stop-loss limit resulted in a (net) saving
of about 54 units, bringing the overall 12-month profit up to +295 units.
(During the 12 months, there were 77 sessions that ended at -6 units.)
By the way, in many live-game situations, I have also used Best-Bet #2 as
well (another single-dozen betting attack), and often seen it perform just
as effectively as Best-Bet #1. Although I cannot provide you with actual
statistics about Best-Bet #2, I'm certain that by applying similar stop-loss
and stop-win limits over the long-term, it is also an overall winner.
Thanks for your interest, and I hope this helps to answer your question.
Q: By the way, in your extensive tests
and live play have you found that both strategies (#1 and #2) are equally as
good or is one better than the other?
A: I couldn't help but notice that
just as Best-Bet #1, when it gets hot, it's like a runaway train, and you
can either just get out of its way, or get on board. If you have enough of a
bankroll for both, you could certainly give it a try. But be sure to
remember that the same stop-win and stop-loss limits should always apply
here as well.
Q: I will agree with you on the CONDITION
that the punter has found a 100% winning system that has a reasonable
bankroll. drawdown. So far, I have not been fortunate enough to discover
this. So for me, I play several systems and keep playing until the
inevitable downturn, and then I quit or abandon the system for a different
one, which may or may not be successful. I have yet to see ANY system that
can be played blindly with success.
A: Success at gambling is indeed very
difficult, but not impossible. The only problem is that the great majority
of bettors want a betting method that never lets them down. This is NOT
possible, because there is no "holy grail" betting method at gambling. At
one time or another, every system fails, and your overall success depends on
how much of a loss you're going to take when it does. The only "holy grail"
in gambling is within yourself, and how you decide to handle your wins and
Q: Can you give us some results from your
Craps Methods? It seems you have several approaches, but some typical
results would be nice to see.
A: Sorry, but in keeping with my own
personal policy of strict honesty at all costs, I cannot supply you with
what you are asking. Even though this may very well result in the loss of
some potential sales, at least I know that I can sleep well at night knowing
that I haven't told any lies just to separate anyone from some of their
If all I wanted to do was promote lots of sales, I could have easily quoted
you chapter-and-verse about how many units-per-hour you're going to make
using the betting methods that are described in Winning At Craps. I could
have put together some slick advertising stuff about using my craps betting
methods to "add to your retirement fund", or "pay for your kids' college
educations". But that wouldn't be honest, and it wouldn't be fair to anyone
who has become accustomed to any credibility and integrity that I may have
established over the years on this discussion forum.
As it said in the newsletter about my craps betting methods, "....don't
expect to find any exaggerated claims about how rich you're going to get by
using them. That depends entirely on the trends of the game, and how you
handle them."
However, I can honestly tell you that typical positive results for all
methods of play described in Winning
At Craps can be found in EVERY roll-by-roll compilation of craps
table-charting that you can find anywhere. You'll really understand just
what I mean when you see them work at the craps tables with your own eyes.
(Many of my suggested and recommended betting methods in Winning At Craps
are so simple in their application, yet so powerful, you'll wonder why you
didn't think of them yourself.)
A small testimonial on Perry's integrity
and honesty:
"I would like to confirm that IMHO,
PerryB is honest and is working in the best interests of the player, and not
just himself. He is not a system scammer and any money spent with Perry will
be money well spent for what you receive in knowledge and profit.
Q: Has anyone tried these Crap methods?
A: I tried some of them out myself for a
while (again) just the other day, however, even though perhaps I should
have, I didn't record every roll. (But I did use the best score-keeping
device I know - my own pocket.)
Here's the bottom-line on what happened, using only $5 bets, and following
the betting entry and exit points described in Winning At Craps:
Don't Pass bets: +3 units
Pass bets: +5 units
Field bets: +8 units (I am sometimes quite astounded by this one myself.)
Place Numbers: (did not play)
Q: Perry, what can I expect after
putting the strategies into use in the way of expected gain per time
invested. Possibly you could relate your experience using these strategies.
A: It has been my experience that anyone who puts a "gain per time invested"
value in order to sell anything that's gambling-related is more-than-likely
just trying to take your money, and run. While making money at gambling is
certainly not easy, it's definitely possible. But it can only be done in the
same way any well-run business that applies strict money-management
principles through good times, as well as bad.
Quoting a line from the newsletter release, ".......don’t expect to find any
exaggerated claims about how rich you’re going to get by using them. That
depends entirely on the trends of the game, and how you handle them."
Q: Perry, I am interested in your craps
method but again can you give me some idea how often I would have an
opportunity to bet? I am not looking for a lot of action or a get rich
scheme but I don't want to spend eight hours in the casino each day either.
Either way I will try your craps system
A: When applying almost all of the methods described in Winning At Craps,
there is very little waiting for betting opportunities. The flow of the game
itself provides regular and frequent entry points at any craps table for all
betting methods.
Q: Perry, can you relate some of your results using you method?
A: It's really hard to quote you chapter-and-verse about why and how much
certain things consistently win when they do - it's just the way many things
happen in recurring and reliable ways at craps.
Recognizing money-making opportunities at any kind of gambling is a lot like
a day-trader who comes out ahead because of his "smarts" in his field of
Q: Is there a recommended bankroll
and what drawdowns have you experienced?
A: There is not any one recommended
bankroll or drawdown that can cover all of the betting methods described in
Winning At Craps. They're all different, and it depends on which one you're
planning to use. (If you make bets on the numbers, you'll obviously need a
much bigger bankroll than if you're just
going to be betting on the Pass line.) But I can tell you that for the
even-money bets, such as Pass or Don't Pass, stop-loss limits are set low in
order to avoid turning small losses into big ones.
Q: Perry, you have listed the profits on
roulette on the LTW forum. Can you list the profits you have made on your
Pass/DP Come/DC in a similar manner for me so I can get some idea of how the
method performs for you?
A: Sorry, but I did not go into as much
detail about actual total profits that can be made by using my suggested
betting methods at craps. However, Pass and Don't Pass betting is based on
overall data on more than 40,000 Pass and Don't Pass decisions that was
gathered over a period of several years. (This data is included in Winning
At Craps.) I have almost always come out ahead when using the suggested Pass
and Don't Pass betting attacks.
There are NO betting methods that revolve around either Come or Don't Come
bets. It has been my experience that they are counter-productive in the long
run, and only serve to get more money out of your pocket, and into the
casino's coffers.
The only thing that I can assure you about is that all betting methods
advocate the use of low stop-loss limits in order to minimize risks and
prevent big losses when things don't go according to plan. Then when things
start to go your way, there is less to recover, and getting out of the hole
and into the plus column is much quicker.
Q: Perry, Regarding all suggested and
recommended betting methods are guaranteed to show you some of the best ways
to go about minimizing your risks, and maximizing your rewards at craps.
Will this result in a profit over a long time period? Simple question. I
won't play craps to enjoy the game but I will play craps to make a profit
over the long term. There a lots of free articles written about craps to
minimize risk and maximize rewards but not make an overall profit so if this
is just more information on how to become a tough player (lose at the house
edge over time) then I am not interested but if I can make a profit long
term by following your advice then I will buy your system. This is not a
trick question so I can come back later and say you guaranteed me to be a
winner and ask for a refund but a genuine question to determine what I can
expect from my purchase.
A: While I compliment you on your
diligence at trying to find the "best bang for your buck" at casino
gambling, the only guarantee of profitability is YOURSELF, and how you
handle all situations as they arise in the gambling arena.
Any kind of confidence or guarantees about profit that you may secure from
any system seller will always depend on how well you are prepared to apply
the strict disciplines that are sometimes required, especially when it comes
to losses. You must also be prepared to learn how and when to take small
wins. If you can master these disciplines, then the only thing that stands
between you and success at gambling is just "not too much bad luck" -
something that even the biggest and best businesses need in order to have
the chance to prosper. (While you always need to break some eggs to make an
omelet, if the whole carton of eggs falls on the floor, there'll be no
There are no "trick bets" in Winning At Craps - nothing that you haven't
seen before on a craps table. However, I can certainly say with a great
degree of confidence that your purchase will show you some innovative and
profitable ways to go about betting at a craps table that you may not have
thought about before. Even if you have thought about some of them, you will
perhaps see how sometimes taking "the road less-traveled" will often lead
you to your profit goals much more quickly and efficiently than the way most
others try and go about it. (If you want to come out ahead, just knowing how
to gamble is not anywhere as important as knowing when NOT to.)
Perry Benedik (PerryB) has always called upon his thirty-plus years of
casino gambling experience as a respected contributor to various subjects on
serious gambling website discussion forums, notably,,, and
While the majority of his background includes personal long-term studies on
craps and baccarat, his thoughts and ideas about other casino-related
subjects have always been well-received and highly-regarded by both readers
and website moderators alike.
Some of PerryB’s own written articles on craps were published on, and quite often
leave the reader with some serious food for thought about how to approach
the difficult goal of coming out ahead at the casino.
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