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Sunday, July 4, 2004
FAQ on SFBBS - The Secret Flat Bet
Baccarat System
I would like to first thank everyone for
your great interest in my new system SFBBS - the Secret
Flat Bet Baccarat System announced last week.
There have been so many questions about
the system, that I decided to send this newsletter with frequently asked
questions about the system.
Here they are with my replies:
Q: What is the bankroll needed to
play this system?
A: Your session bankroll is not
more than 10 units. Should you lose those 10 units, that ends the
session. Should you lose the 10 units up front, that's the end of the
usage of this system. That's why 10 units is the lifetime bankroll you
will ever need. If (when) you are up by 40-50 units, there
could be cases of losing the 10 units session bankroll, but they are rare.
So, the most you could lose with this system is 10 units and the winnings
are open ended.
Q: I have read your latest post on
"SFBBS - The Secret Flat Bet Baccarat System" and found it very interesting.
I am currently looking for a good flat bet system, but I do not play
Baccarat. Is SFBBS applicable to other even money bets such as Roulette,
Craps etc.? If yes, how far have you tested on those games?
A: SFBBS is applicable to all
games with even bets, particularly Roulette, where you can play on all even
bets simultaneously. Extensively tested on simulators, that are
provided with the system.
Q: Izak, in your testing how often
did you have a "session" that lasted longer than one shoe? Putting it
another way, can you provide an average number of decisions in which you
will gain one unit, using this system?
Another question: If a session does take longer than one shoe, must the
continued shoe or shoes be played one after the other, or can there be
breaks in one's play?
A: One session may last longer
than 1 shoe, but this is during the unusual circumstances. Normally, one
places at least 6-7 bets during one shoe and the session ends within a
maximum of 2 shoes. The session is defined as the winning of +1 unit at the
end of a few betting sequences.
At times, the session ends after 1 bet within 5 decisions. At times it lasts
a couple of shoes. It's hard to establish an average, unless one plays for
You can start tracking at any point during the shoe and you can continue
tracking as though one shoe was the continuation of the previous shoe.
The Zumma 600 shoes have been tested as though they were one huge shoe.
Q: Izak,
Congratulations on achieving a flat bet winning system.
Please answer the following questions regarding SFBBS:
1) On average how many decisions will a player bet on per shoe?
2) Some casinos frown on skipping many decisions. Your solution?
3) Have you played/tested system at online casinos? Results?
4) Total number of shoes tested/played without losing?
5) Would a mild progression, when necessary, improve results?
6) Does SFBBS employ a unique method of playing?
7) What are testing/playing results for craps and roulette?
A: The answers to your questions:
1) On average the player places about 8 bets per shoe.
2) This may be the case on a Baccarat table. You may track the shoe, while
not sitting and join the table when the right condition is encountered.
Otherwise, you can play this system on all even bets in Roulette, tracking 6
areas and multiple tables. You will have many opportunities to play.
3) Of course. The results on on-line casinos are very similar. You will only
need to find on-line casinos, which let you skip bets, such as in Sands of
the Caribbean at: , which has a
deliberate SKIP button made for that purpose. You can also try Las Vegas
Casino at: , which has a
fast mode roulette, where each spin takes half a second to play and you can
play both sides of the even bets, until the right opportunity arrives.
4) 600 Zumma shoes yield an overall positive result. Your initial 1 chip is
never lost. In random simulators, you could have a drawdown of 10 units
before your session is ended with +1 unit - or you would abandon the session
at -10 units, which happens a lot less often than winning 10 units.
5) I have many other systems, which use mild progressions, such as Superior
Roulette . This one is dedicated to use
flat bets only.
6) SFBBS is quite unique - never seen at any other system.
7) Testing for Craps and Roulette yields very similar results.
Q: Compared with Magic 5 (also a
flat bet system), which one is great?
A: Magic Five uses a totally different
approach. Many purchasers have found excellent applications of it in the
stock market. Magic Five also uses three
simultaneous variations to take full advantage of it.
I can't say which one is better. They both win in different occasions.
The only thing is that I never tested Magic Five against Zumma. SFBBS starts
with 1 chip in Zumma, never loses it and ends up positive after 41,007
decisions (the entire 600 shoes).
Q: You stated that in "unusual
circumstances" you might have to play more than one shoe to gain that
one-unit profit. Even though you can't provide an "average," would you say
that you play one or more additional shoes one time out of ten? Two times
out of ten? Something else?
Also, you mentioned that your greatest drawdown was -7 units. Did that
happen in your personal play or while you tested your system against those
41,007 Zumma decisions? If it was -7 in personal play, what was the greatest
drawdown against the Zumma book?
A: I would say, two times out of
ten, the session can extend to more than 1 shoe.
The -7 unit drawdown was in my personal play. Against the 41,007 Zumma
decisions, there was NO drawdown whatsoever. You win your first bet and the
net running total NEVER becomes negative, not even 0, all the way until the
end of all 600 shoes, played as one huge shoe. Those test results are
provided with the system.
Q: How many decisions have you
simulated the system, how many decisions of those did you ACTUALLY bet, and
how much did you win in total (if after commission, if applicable)?
Your casino does not mind you making five thousand dollars a day?
A: The simulation runs for 40,000
random shoes, but you can run the simulation as many times as you wish
reaching millions of decisions.
You bet 6-8 bets per shoe.
I won between 3 to 4K every day that I played for the last 2 months.
My casino would definitely mind, but I don't play every day and never in the
same area and never more than a few sessions, where dealers change quite
frequently. With this kind of system, you need to keep a low profile. There
was one retired guy once, who also played with $1000 units and always left
the casino when he reached his 1 unit target. After a few months, the casino
asked him not to play any more.
Even people who know me (other players), don't find me there every time they
Q: Is it safe to say, that if I go
to a casino to play 3 shoes for the day, I will make 6 units, above the
commissions paid ?
Next question, say I start the 1st shoe & win 1 unit after say 15 outcomes
on my card. Do I need to quit playing that shoe and wait for the next shoe
to be dealt?
If so, if the casino has more than 1 Bac table, could I just go to another
table & wait for a new shoe to start?
Is it possible to just jump in, in the middle of a shoe & start play?
A: It is possible to make between
3-8 units if you play 6 shoes.
You don't have to quit the shoe. You can have the same qualifying condition
many times during 1 shoe.
And you can navigate from one table to another and jump in in the middle of
the shoe. However, you start playing only when that specific condition
qualifies. In other words, you don't bet every single decision with this
Q: Izak:
It is good that you can stay at the same shoe after completing one session,
as I play in an Indian Casino where there are only two tables running at a
time. Once you find an opening, you have got to stay to keep a place or get
up and wait hours to find another place to play. I like to play on average 3
to 4 shoes at a time and take a 2 to 3 hour breaks. But, my question to you
- you state that once you have made a +1 unit win, the session is complete;
is that 1 full unit won net or will it be less due to possible commission on
bank sometimes (do you wait until you actually gain a +1 unit net before
that session is complete)? Do you take a greater risk of losing your bank
roll by staying at one table - looking to win more sessions in one shoe,
rather than win once and leaving?
Would it be smart to start out with only $100 units in the beginning with a
$1000 bank roll to gain confidence before progressing to say $500 and then
$1000 units?
Do you give recommendations of just how to approach or respect the Casinos
when playing your method, so as to not be blacklisted form playing? You
could possibly be banned from many Casinos, once you are banned from just
one Casino? Is this system better played or safer to play in say Las Vegas,
rather than small Indian or boat Casinos?
Just a few good questions on what looks to be a very good flat bet system!!
A: You are not betting on every
bet. There is some tracking involved. If the Baccarat table is full, it will
be hard to join the table in the middle of the shoe. This system is adequate
for less busier tables, where a seat or two is left open. At times, players
leave the table, etc.
You can surely start lower units and as you make profits, gradually increase
your unit value.
If you are winning consistently, any casino could ban you. That's why it's
important to keep a low profile, lower your exposure, navigate a lot between
tables, do not play every day and do not stay with the same dealer a lot.
Q: How does this differ in
mechanics from the IBS?
What percentage of bets do you make in a shoe?
Do you play the complete shoe?
I know you said draw down was maximum 7 units but what realistic bankroll
and buy-in would I need?
Are you saying that you only go for 1 unit profit and stop in a shoe?
A: IBS bets
on every single decision and SFBBS does not, it
needs some tracking to get to the right condition.
You may place a minimum of 4 up to 9 bets per shoe, so you don't play the
complete shoe.
A realistic bankroll is 10 units per session. You have a stop loss at -10
units anyway, if that ever happens. Even when I went down to -7, that
session still ended up at +1. So the 7 units were nothing but a drawdown.
You go for 1 unit and track again for the next right condition. It could be
still within the same shoe multiple times.
Q: Dear Izak,
Is the system similar to ROHP?
A: No, SFBBS is unlike any other
system you may have seen, quite unique and original.
Q: Izak,
Just one question:
-About how long (i.e. including practice time) would it take to MASTER the
system? I mean to know it well enough to apply under real casino situation
with NO hesitation ...
Thanks a lot!
A: It's only a simple formula to
learn. It would take you 10 minutes to understand it. With a little practice
(of say an hour or so), you can master it to use it on all even bets in
Roulette simultaneously.
Q: Hi Izak,
Very interesting system! But I'm not clear about the profit rate of the
system. You mention 27 units won in 600 shoes - is this really true? It
would take many hours at the casino to make a reasonable profit in that
case! And then you mentioned winning 1 unit per session. Exactly how long is
a session? One shoe, two, three, more? Please clarify - thanks.
A: SFBBS does not make you profit
27 units throughout Zumma but hundreds of units. 27 units is only the
resulting figure if one would play the entire 41,007 decisions continuously.
No one plays 600 shoes continuously. SFBBS enables you to enter the game at
any point and leave with +1 unit more than your entry point. And this you
can do indefinitely, as described in the system and as shown in random
decisions simulator.
There is only one peak profit amount in Zumma, which is 60 units. That point
is the only point of entry, where one would lose the 10 unit stop loss of
that session, should one entered exactly at that point. Chances of entering
exactly at that point is 1 in 40,000.
A session can take as short as 5
decisions and as many as 2 shoes.
Q: This system certainly looks
intriguing. Does this method work equally well in physical casino
and online casino play? Or was your testing only against Zumma book and
computer program?
A: I've been using this system
live for 2 months already with $1000 units and go for 3-4 units a day. This
is outside the extensive testing over 1M random decisions and the entire 600
Zumma tester book shoes.
here to order.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
Wishing you all the best,
next week,
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