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============================================================== Monday,
June 18, 2012
FAQ on RAD - the New Repeat Alternations
Dominance System by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The new system - RAD, that stands for Repeat
Alternations Dominance, announced last week was received with great
enthusiasm. Thank you all for your great interest. There have
been numerous questions about the system and I will share my answers with
you in this FAQ newsletter.
Q: Izak I have some questions about RAD. What are the bankroll requirements
for the various methods from conservative to aggressive? Will the system win
flat betting and if so how much?
A: The conservative method does not require more than 50 units for the
lowest budget system (max bet of 27 units).
The medium conservative (max bet of 56 units) requires 100 units.
And the aggressive method (max bet of 396 units, that generates a profit of
13000 units for 600 shoes) requires 700 units as a lifetime bankroll.
RAD does generate at least 100 more wins than losses for the entire Zumma
sets (each), but because of Banker win commissions, flat bet mode does not
generate profits. That's why a bet method was implemented, which supplements
to the flat betting portion.
Q: Here is what I want to know:
1) Are you playing every hand?
2) Has this been tested with Roulette?
3) Do you need Pen and Paper at the table?
1) Almost every hand is played. If not, at least 95% of them.
2) Yes, it has been tested for Baccarat, Roulette, Craps and Sic-Bo. I even
use the bet method for Casino War.
3) If your math is good, you don't need pen and paper. Very simple
arithmetic is used and only in some cases. You can even use a stack of chips
to keep track of your wins and losses.
Q: Izak:
What was the maximum drawdown you suffered during any of the Zumma
simulations? In other words, you highest loss during any of the tests before
you ended with a profit?
A: In the least aggressive mode: 28 units were the largest drawdown.
In the most aggressive mode: 1061 units.
Q: Any chance the second 500 well be tested?
A: I applied the simulation to the second 500 shoes of Zumma 1K tester book.
Result: RAD - Zumma 1K shoes - second 500 - max bet 62 units - profits 562
Q: The medium conservative (max bet of 56 units) requires 100 units is that
life time or buy in?
A: All specified bankrolls are lifetime.
Q: Is a 28 unit drawdown for each separate shoe only? or is it one or two or
three running one after another until it hits the final win ? Thank you.
A: 28 units is the maximum amount one can withraw from bankroll before being
in continuous profits.
Q: Izak, Since RAD wins more bets than it looses would a up as you win
progression work? I hate increasing bets when loosing.
A: RAD's bet selection will probably work with a lot of bet methods,
including an up-as-you win type of progression. RAD IS actually an up-as-you
win method and does not increase bets after a loss.
Q: Hi. Still not clear on maximum 28 unit Is it possible to Bet 28 units at
say 57 bets or plays into one separate shoe or closer the end of shoe ? and
the 28 unit bet would be maximum for each separate shoe without a loss for
any shoe if you make that 28 unit bet, before starting over?
A: runs are abandoned if you reached the max bet and you did not win the
bet. If you are towards the end of the shoe, and have not yet placed your
max bet, which you suspect approaching, then you would take the method to
the next shoe, as though it was the continuation of the previous shoe,
although RAD has been tested both for continuously running shoes and also
for individual shoes.
For the individual shoe mode, the answer is yes, you would run the method
until the end of the shoe and reset when you reached the end of the shoe,
regardless of if your last bet of the shoe won or not or if it was the max
bet or not.
In the continuous mode, you play from shoe to shoe, as though there were no
borders between shoes. You reset then only when the run is over either with
a profit or abandon it if your max bet is reached and lost.
Q: Izak, is it possible to see the following made more consistent?:
Here are the titles of the simulations, that contain the results with the
maximum bet required:
- RAD - Zumma 1K shoes - first 500 - lowest budget - max bet 27 units -
profits 629 units
- RAD - Zumma 1K shoes - first 500 - max bet 56 units - profits 2220 units
- RAD - 600 Zumma shoes - low budget - max bet 59 units - profits 884 units
- RAD - Zumma 600 shoes - low budget - max bet 59 units - profits 528 units
- shoe by shoe basis
- RAD - 600 Zumma shoes - low budget - max bet 51 units - profits 366 units
- RAD - Zumma 600 shoes - highest profit - max bet 391 units - profits 13438
- RAD - Zumma 1K shoes - first 500 - high profit - max bet 395 units -
profits 9088 units
Q: Sure, I'll be as consistent as possible:
With 62 unit max bet, RAD beats:
- Zumma 600 shoes with an end profit of 980 units,;
- Zumma 1K shoes first 500 with an end profit of 2465 units;
- Zumma 1K shoes second 500 with an end profit of 562 units;
A lifetime bankroll = largest drawdown ever, of 842 units is required for
all the above.
Summary: with 62 units max bet, RAD beats 1600 shoes profiting 4007 units
including commissions, thus averaging 2.5 units per shoe quite consistently.
With a $20 unit size, this means a profit of $80,140 achieved in 1600 hours
(1 hour per shoe), or $50 an hour.
A $40 unit size will make $100 per hour, calculated also by 2.5 units per
shoe or per hour X $40 = $100, a decent pay.
Thank you all again
for your valuable questions and interest you have shown in this great
RAD goes for
$250 and this is negligible next to the profits it will generate for you.
As an early bird
special, you can have 50% off (not a misprint) if you order the system until
the end of June, 2012 and have it for $125 only. With $10 extra,
you can have a printout of the system document delivered to you by first
class mail. Email deliveries are preferable and faster, as you get the
7 Excel simulations.
Your satisfaction is
guaranteed. If not, you can have a totally unconditional full refund
within 30 days of your purchase.
here to order.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
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