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Thursday, June 20, 2002
FBRN Feedback - Daily Gambling News
Hello everyone,
Flat Bet Repeating Numbers Roulette system announced last week is doing
great. Three customers provided their feedback:
purchased and read the Flat Bet Repeating Numbers System today. I also
played a few sessions on my Hoyle software. The results after about 4
sessions were surprisingly successful, not because I won but because I won
so soon."
I presume this was a positive comment, as
winning so soon must be much better than winning eventually.
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today. I've had so far 9 winning series totaling 117 units."
As you can see, this is not a grind
system for winning 1 unit at a time per session. You can easily win
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"I recently purchased your flat bet
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Congratulations on developing this system. You are turning a craps guy into
a roulette aficionado with this and your suggestions for dozens bets."
Well, all this has been very encouraging. I thank
everyone who provided their comments.
I wonder if you had a chance to visit the
new Let's Talk Winning page on the latest gambling
news. This page searches the entire web for gambling related news
and displays the headlines, on which you click and access the news.
This is performed automatically every day, bringing you the latest events in
the world of gambling, all concentrated in one page. The most recent
news of the last 3 days are kept on the page. Now you can come and
visit Let's Talk Winning every day, to read the most recent gambling news
from all kinds of various sources.
Here are some excerpts:
June 19, 2002
Casinos 'strongly support' new tax revenue in Nevada
The Nevada Resort Association, the main lobbying group for big Las Vegas
Strip casino resorts, said it recognizes state revenue needs to increase but
is reiterating concerns about tax equity in Nevada.
"Nevada is experiencing funding deficits due to its narrow tax base and
growing demand for state services," the NRA said Tuesday. "The gaming
industry strongly supports efforts to raise new revenue as long as taxes are
equitably distributed, broad-based and measure taxpayers' ability to pay."
"The gaming industry, Nevada's largest taxpayer, stands ready to pay its
fair and proportionate share of any new taxes in the same manner, and to the
same extent, as any other Nevada business," NRA President Bill Bible said.
"These new taxes, however, should not be aimed at any individual citizens,
and appropriate safeguards or exemptions must be put in place to protect
Nevada's small business owners."
Philippines may open up for Internet
By Paul
The Philippines may be the next preferred destination for offshore casinos
and sportsbooks, after the holder of an exclusive Internet gaming license
lost out,
according to a report on
Apparently, state-owned Philippine
Amusement and Gaming Corp. (PAGCOR) granted Sports and Games Entertainment
Corp. (SAGE) exclusive rights to operate all forms of Internet gambling for
Philippine and foreign gamblers in 1998, with a contract that runs until
Now, however, PAGCOR has stripped SAGE of exclusive rights, due to its
failure to immediately put up an online betting system.
In February, then-PAGCOR president Rafael Francisco wrote to SAGE informing
it of the board decision to revoke the exclusive license However, SAGE
disputes the decision, insisting PAGCOR could not entertain other operators
until after the expiry of its license in 2005. PAGCOR said that as the
agency solely authorized to grant gaming licenses, it could revoke these
permits if it sees fit.
Another sports book operator, PhilWeb has submitted an application to PAGCOR,
which the licensing agency is considering. Philweb was recently appointed
the exclusive partner of Next Generation, Inc., an Antigua-based gaming
company specialising in Internet sports betting.
PhilWeb also wants to operate Internet sports betting for the horseracing
industry, specifically the Manila Jockey Club and Philippine Racing Club (PRC).
Flamingo´s New Facelift Seems
17 June 2002
Flamingo Hilton Resort and Casino's are trying to attract and embrace a more
extensive customer base introducing a free brouhaha tequila perk and hot
young woman to go along.
Along side the new hyped facelift at Flamingo, the Las Vegas strip
mega-resort awaits for Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville to open a bar
restaurant and a live music stage.
The creator and executive producer of the show "Baywatch", Michael Berk has
embarked on a new themed venture leasing more than 10 acres of Flamingo's
pool area for his new designs. The designs entail two year- round
restaurants, a seasonal outdoor luau show and "Baywatch Nights" nightclub.
Mr. Berk says, "We expect to have the most attractive women and guys in the
city." The project will be completed and unleashed by Independence Day on
July 4. Flamingo's magnitude, spot and cost friendly enticement could be a
big success with the appropriate marketing tactic.
Those were just 3 excerpts. There
are more than 30 exciting headlines updated on a daily basis, waiting for
you to be read . Click here to access
your daily on-line gambling newspaper.
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
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