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============================================================= Tuesday,
June 7, 2016
FAQ on the New Dragon Betting Baccarat System by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The new system
Dragon Betting Baccarat system, announced on June 2,
was received with the greatest enthusiasm. After all there are not too
many systems out there, which beats Baccarat with flat bets and have
continuous profits over an indefinite number of shoes.
Only positive feedback
has been received by purchasers. One customer pointed out that he made 30
units during the very first 11 bets of using the system and quit with his
profits as the system instructed.
There have been
numerous questions and I'd like to share my answers with you all during this
Q: How long does
it take to play 30000 shoes?
A: A shoe takes
about an hour to play. I play 2 hours per week.
The 32000 shoe (it's actually 16000 shoes, or 32000 half shoes) simulation
shows what happens if one plays a bit longer.
We all want to see "long run" results, don't we? The result is about
170,000 units!!
If we want to make
170,000 units at 10 units per hour in average, then this will be
accomplished in 17,000 hours, or 1700 days playing 10 hours a day, or about
5 years. At $10 a bet, this will make us $1.7 million, at $100 a bet,
this will make us $17 million dollars.
At 2 hours' play per
week, I'm contented to make $24,500 in 3 months. How much and how long
you would like to play is totally up to your availability.
Q: Could we see
the results please? The mini bac bonus bet is not just 30-1, the payout
works on a sliding scale. Not sure how one could program for that but they
are fixed rules.
Win by 9 30-1 18,409,431,764,992 0.003683 0.110492
Win by 8 10-1 34,097,645,543,424 0.006822 0.068217
Win by 7 6-1 89,590,261,473,280 0.017924 0.107543
Win by 6 4-1 141,238,897,317,888 0.028257 0.113027
Win by 5 2-1 166,169,165,987,840 0.033244 0.066489
Win by 4 1-1 186,780,352,174,080 0.037368 0.037368
Natural win 1-1 812,685,054,124,032 0.162589 0.162589
Natural tie 0 89,325,908,267,520 0.017871 0
Loss -1 3,460,101,558,850,300 0.692242 -0.692242
Totals 4,998,398,275,503,350 1 -0.026517
A: This is not
EZ Baccarat, but Dragon Bonus Baccarat. It's a different game with
different rules. EZ Baccarat has 2 side bets only: EZ Baccarat
is a non-commission game with two side bets: Dragon 7 and Panda 8. A Dragon
7 occurs when the Banker wins with a total of 7 consisting of 3 cards and
pays 40:1. A Panda 8 occurs when the Player wins with a total of 8
consisting of 3 cards and pays 25:1. EZ Baccarat tables are available in
over 150 casinos and card rooms worldwide.
The system uses only
one side bet the Dragon 7, which pays 40 to 1. And that is the
simulation provided for you. Some customers were mistaken thinking
that their casino provides Dragon 7 with a 30 to 1 payout.
Q: Where can I
play EZ Baccarat in Vegas?
A: The best Dragon bet casino I have played in Vegas was: Gold Coast
next to Rio Resort:
You can play with as low as $10 bets.
Q: Hello Izak,
I have bought several of your systems in the past. I am extremely excited
about the new Dragon Baccarat system!
I am curious to know if the big drawdown periods (398) have happened in
close proximity to one another in the test. Handling one of those once in a
while is not a big deal but I am wondering if you see strings of them that
would require multiple '400 unit' bankrolls.
Any thoughts on bankroll volatility would be appreciated. I would be open to
promoting your new system to my membership and email list.
Thank You.
A: I ran the
16,000 shoe simulation more than 100 times. There was only one instance that
the bankroll went to -398.
Each shoe is 80 decisions. 16,000 shoes are 16,000 X 80 = 1.28 million decisions.
If I run the simulation 10 times, chances of getting a -398 is one in 12.8
million. Having said that I do not think you will require 'a few' 400 unit
bankrolls, but one lifetime amount should be sufficient. I went only
to -47 units before profits started rising and never fell below that.
Q: If the
largest drawdown was 398 units, but you still wound up showing an average
profit of ten units per shoe, then this flat-betting system pulled off a
miracle and came back to recapture those 398 units down, plus show a profit?
How long did that take? Again, why don't we see that on the chart?
A: Maybe it's my fault that I indicated such a large bankroll, as
this was the largest drawdown ever encountered in 1.28 milllion shoes...
I bring 80 units to the table tops.
The chart did not reflect that drawdown, because that specific sample did
not have such a large one. Samples were run 100 times, reflecting a similar
image every time. The profits are so high, the drawdowns are hardly
visible in those charts.
It was not a miracle, but the fact that I have discovered a mathematical
advantage, the graph will go higher the longer you play regardless of any
drawdown, even 400 units.
A: Izak, your
system is fantastic!! It's probably your best one ever. How does
your mathematical advantage work? I think he odds for the Dragon to
come should be around 40 to 1 to gain that advantage.
Q: That's right. The system works extremely well, if the odds
of the Dragon showing up is about 40 to 1. Statistically we know there
are 2 Dragons per shoe in average or 1 Dragon per half shoe or 40 decisions.
Here is the exact math behind it:
Under regular Baccarat
rules, which include the 5% commission on all Bank wins, the expected
outcome for a Bank wager is: SUM (Bank Wager) = 0.4585974(+0.95) +
0.4462466(-1) + 0.0951560(0) = -0.0105791, or roughly -1.06%. Similar
calculations for the Player and Tie wagers yield expectations of -1.24% and
-14.36%, respectively.
If the 5% commission is eliminated and, instead, the Bank is “barred” from
winning on a Bank total of 7, the expected outcome for the Bank Wager
becomes SUM (Bank wager if Bank is barred from winning on a total of 7) =
(0.4585974 – p)(+1) + 0.4462466(-1) + (0.0951560 + p)(0), where 7 represents
the barred Bank total and p the contribution to the overall Bank winning
percentage for 7 (i.e., p = Prob. {Bank total = 7 and Bank wins}).
Barring the winning 3-card totals of 7: 1.018% house edge 4.914%, which is,
and this is important for the acceptance of the game, a fraction less than
the 5% commission. The odds of this happening are 43.4 to 1. The odds stated
in connection with the above specific barred situation represent the odds of
the bank obtaining the given total and this total exceeding that of the
Player. For example, on any given hand, the odds against the Bank obtaining
a 3-card total of seven and winning are 43.4 to 1.
Meaning, in simple words, that in average a Dragon shows up every 43 Hands.
And that's exactly what we need for the system to overcome the edge.
And the system document proves it well.
Well, thank you all for
your very interesting and challenging questions. I hope we are all now
convinced that this system is as near as possible to the Holy Grail we're
all waiting for.
The system goes for a
$1100 as it's totally worth it. At $10 a bet, it will pay itself off
in 10 hours of play. At $100 a bet, you need one hour to have it pay
for itself.
here to order.
Wishing you all the best!
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