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================================================ Tuesday,
June 7, 2022
FAQ on the New PSDSC Roulette System by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The new system of mine
PSDSC, that stands for Parlaying Single Dozens and
Single Columns, was launched 2 weeks ago and there has been lots of feedback
and questions about it.
I will share the
frequently asked questions and my answers with you.
Q: What
is the session bankroll and total bankroll required for this?
A: Since this is
a parlay system, your session bankroll is 2 chips, 1 for the dozen and 1 for
the column. If the parlay doesn't take place right away, your next session
is the same amount. Total bankroll required: 94 units.
Q: What is the
average profit you could expect per (for example 100 or so spins) session?
A: The system
generates 5000 units for 15,000 spins, thus 1 unit per 3 spins in average.
Q: Hitting 4
single dozens in a row seems difficult - are you just betting on 1 dozen per
A: You don't wait
to hit 4 dozens in a row. You quit when you are ahead, even if the parlay
took place twice or three times. Yes, you are betting on one dozen and one
column per spin.
Q: What is the
stop-loss and stop-profit for this and how many winning sessions compared to
losing sessions?
A: When you are
using 1 chip per session, there is no stop loss. You play until you are
ahead. So a losing session is 1 chip. A winning session can be up to the
parlay replicating 7 times, thus 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, etc.
Q: You mention
that "relative to each point of time, you will have a higher profit amount."
Does this mean you have to parlay more than 4 times, or do you use higher
stakes than the original 1 unit.
A: No, you parlay
only up to the point that you are ahead for the run. If the parlay has to
continue, then, of course, the profits rise, too. You don't use any higher
stakes than 1 unit at a time.
Q: Does this come
with a spreadsheet that will tell me the bet selection and bet amount for
each spin?
A: Yes of course.
Bet amount per spin: 1 chip.
Those were your
As per feedback, some
customers suggested to cash some chips on the way to parlaying a few times
to make profits. Implementing this suggestion proved to be very
For instance, if you are parlaying once, you take one chip away for
If you are parlaying
twice, you take away two chips for you. 3 times, 3 chips, 4 times, 4
chips, etc.
So now, even if the 3 or
4 way parlay does not take place, you still end up profiting on each session
instead of losing your parlayed chip. Excellent suggestion!!
PSDSC goes for $500.
It's very profitable. Early bird purchasers can have a 50% discount
and have the system for only $250 until the end of June 2022, where you can
have another 3 weeks of testing and using the system to your advantage.
As usual, your
satisfaction is guaranteed and you have a full money back guarantee should
you ask for a refund within 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked, no
strings attached.
here to order the PSDSC Roulette system
Thank you and best regards,
Izak Matatya
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