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Saturday, March 17, 2001 Hello everyone, I
usually send out the newsletter every
Thursday. I apologize for the two-day delay. I have been spending some time in the casino
lately. I was quite successful with a couple
of methods I applied, and Id like to share with you some of the techniques I used. Rather
than applying a system right away, I try first to identify if there are any special
opportunities around. I
observe the scoreboard of multiple Roulette tables and go for the one that is most likely
to hit a winning bet having a few systems in mind. One
opportunity that I particularly look for is the number of times a specific Dozen or Column
has repeated. When a Dozen repeats 4 or 5
times, I bet on the other two Dozens. It
is pretty rare that a Dozen repeats more than 6 or 7 times.
At least this is what I have personally seen and this is what the results of
thousands of simulated spins show. In any
event, I place 1 unit each on the two different Dozens that havent come up for 4 or
5 times. In most cases, this wins the first
time. If it doesnt win, I triple the
amount of my bets and place them on the same two Dozens.
The reason for the tripling is to get the same amount of profit, whether I
hit the first time or the second time. So,
Im really risking 8 units to get 1 unit profit, but since I have won more than 8
sessions using this method, losing 8 units on one session would still keep me ahead. My unit value is $100. Applying this technique 5 times will profit you
$500, should you grab the right opportunity. This
is one of the techniques explained in Sparkling Dozens Roulette
systems. Click here
to read more about it. Sparkling
Dozens contains numerous systems based on betting on two Dozens or Columns. We
all know by now that Martingale is a risky method, that you invest a large amount in order
to gain only 1 unit profit, as you keep doubling your bet if you havent hit. However, if we use Martingale cautiously and
if we know that our even money area will hit within 3 or 4 spins, we could use a 4 or 5
step Martingale to achieve our goal. Most
people bet on only one area of their preference, say on either Red or Black. By using Martingale, they hope to hit a Red or a
Black within 5-6 spins. Or some individuals
wait for a streak of Red or Black before they apply Martingale on the opposite colour,
assuming that it is due. We
should all know by now, that this the gamblers fallacy and in Roulette nothing is
due. The result of the next spin does
not depend on the previous one. I have seen
many times, 9-10 Reds or Blacks lining up in a row with no guarantee that the next spin
will be the opposite colour. Thats
where Martingale fails the most. As you keep
betting by doubling up your betting amount, you either exceed the tables limit or
you run out of money before you get your unit profit. If
we observe patterns of Blacks and Reds on the scoreboard, we will see that they either
show up in a choppy way, that is they alternate frequently, either like a zig zag or every
other spin, or they show up in a streaky manner, that is with long sequences of Reds or
Blacks. Observing those results a bit
further, we can also see, that a table switches from being choppy to streaky and vice
versa every now and then. Taking all that
into account, I came to the conclusion that it may be worth using a 5 step Martingale not
on a specific colour but on a specific pattern of behaviour. And this pattern happens to be a repeating colour. In other words, you would be betting on the colour
that just came up. Now,
what are the advantages of following a specific colour?
Well, first of all, if the table behaves with a streaky fashion, you win
every single bet, regardless of if the streak is on Black or Red, since you are betting on
the same colour that just came up. So a
sequence of 10 successive Blacks or Reds will result in 9 wins. If the table is slightly choppy, that is not
exactly a zig zag, then you will win either every other spin, or once every third spin, or
once every fourth spin. This way a 5 step
Martingale of a sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 will yield excellent results. I
was using a $50 unit value. Therefore, my 5
step Martigale became: $50, $100, $200, $400, $800. This
required a bankroll of $1550. Every win
resulted in a $50 profit. To play it safe, I
observed scoreboards of the tables where Red and Black were coming up in a choppy manner,
with an exact zig zag, that is one Red, one Black, one Red, and one Black. Once either Red or Black repeated, that was the
mark of the end of the choppiness and I attacked with my repeat colour strategy. You could win 10 to 20 sessions until Red and
Black starts zig zagging again. Once you have
won your say 10 sessions, you dont wait until the table becomes choppy again. You look for a new opportunity at a different
table. Its good to sit at a place where
you can view multiple scoreboards and go for the one that just has ended the Red and Black
zig zag. We
will count the number of non-repeating colours. When
the colour finally repeats and if this number is less or equal than 5 then we win the
session and we profit $50: 24
B 23
R (bet on Black, we lose, count 1) 1 R (bet
on Red, we win, count = 2, we cash $50) 13
B (bet on Red, we lose, count = 1) 35
B (bet on Black, we win, count = 2, we cash another $50) 0
G (bet on Black, we lose, count = 1) 13
B (bet on Black ,we win, count = 2, we cash another $50) 12
R loss count 1 29
B loss count 2 33
B win count 3 (cash $50) 14
R loss count 1 2
B loss count 2 33
B win count 3 (cash $50) (not bad, $250 in 12 spins
) 15
B win again $50 30
R lose count 1 31
B lose count 2 5
R lose count 3 23
R win count 4 (cash $50, count is still less than 5) 31
B lose count 1 21
R lose count 2 12
R win count 3 (cash $50, so far profit $350) 12
R win again count 1 cash $50 8
B 29
B cash $50 36
R 18
R cash $50 0 12
R cash $50 5
R cash $50 9
R cash $50 ... At
another stage, there is a zig zag of 6 spins, where you lose your 5 step Martingale
session. This will reduce your profits
by $1550. But this happens only when we get
too greedy and we dont stop after cashing 10 times the $50 unit profit and we
dont wait for this zig zag to occur without getting caught. I think catching a streak of 10 units at $50
profiting $500 is quite sufficient for 1 hours play.
I caught 4 opportunities today in Casino de Montreal, cashed $2000 and left
happily. If I would catch a 6 spin zig zag on
my way, I would still be ahead by $450, where I would have also left happily. As long as you quit when you are ahead,
thats what counts. There
are plenty of good systems at the Systems Gallery. If you havent done so yet, please consult http://www.letstalkwinning.com/gallery.htm. Casino VR has increased
the monthly $30 free chip offer to $50. So,
if you deposit $50 you will get $100 in credits. Even
if you used your $30 free chip in March you will also be able to get the $50 free chip
this month. The
$50 free chip offer is available once per month every month. Thats $600 in comps per year! No
need to download any software. Its
worth to give it a try as you play with the casinos money. I
would like you now to introduce to the site WintheBet, where you will
find great software systems for Blackjack and Roulette. Here
is what they say about their Blackjack pro software: Blackjack
itself has many different types of ways to play. The
ultimate goal of all the playing styles is the same, to beat the dealer/house and make
money. You've probaly heard of many ways to
approach the game, from counting cards to different hitting / doubling / standing
strategies. Blackjack Professional was
designed to help you find, develop, and test a customized blackjack betting system based
on your playing style. Blackjack
Professional allows you to set pre-determined paths to take based on what the dealers hand
vs your hand is showing. A betting matrix is
contructed containing all possible player/dealer hand combinations. This table along with some other custom settings
allow you to develop your own custom system. Once
you have customized the betting matrix, you can test the system by letting the computer
auto-play for you. Depending on your
computer's power and speed, you can play upto 400 hands per minute! Talk about testing
your system fast. You can tell the system to
Always buy Insurance, and start doubling into your bet if you have lost a specified number
of times in a row. Also you can tell the
system to automatically split 2's, 3's, 4's and 6's, It's all upto you. Blackjack Professional will
track you cash amount available in Real-time, and provides a graph of you cash amount over
the last 50 hands. It also tracks statistics
on the game you are playing. Winning
Hand Count / Percentage, Losing Hand Count / Percentage, Bust Percentage, Push Percentage,
Blackjack percentage, etc.. Don't
wager another dollar in an online casino until you know if your betting system works! Don't spend long hours trying to test a system by
yourself. With Blackjack Professional, you
can even specify how many deck you want in the shoe! Change your luck with a proven
Blackjack system. Build
your own Blackjack system that fits your playing style with Blackjack Professional, and
WinTheBet! Click
here to purchase
Blackjack pro. The price is as low as $29.95. The
VegasUSA promotion is still
on and will go on for another week. Dont
miss the opportunity to win $250 on a draw that has 50% probability of occurring, as not
more than 8 people have opened a new real account so far and 4 Lets Talk Winning
customers are guaranteed to win. Read all the details on the newsletter dated February 22, 2001. Coming
back to WintheBet. The following describes their Roulette pro
software system: Roulette Professional
was designed to track the probability of number occurances on the Roulette wheel. By tracking the number of times numbers have and
haven't come up and tracking the occurances of patterns on the wheel, you can make better
betting decisions and win more often. Betting
on Roulette can be compared to betting on the flip of a coin. Would
you bet on heads or tails? I'm sure you would
be more inclined to bet on one or the other if it hadn't come up 5 or more times in a row. This same principle applies to Roulette
Professional. The
advantage of Roulette
Professional is it isn't a system, it's a system designer. How
it works: As
numbers come up on the Roulette Wheel, you click on the appropriate number on the Roulette
Board in the Roulette Professional Program. The
program takes the number entered and analyzes the properties of the number (red, black,
even, odd, column placement, etc..). It then adds this spin's information to the
information collected from previous spins and begins to detect patterns on the wheel. I'm
sure many of you have used this technique before. When
gambling in a casino, the table has an electronic board that will display the last 15 or
so numbers, and thier color. People use this
board to see what has and hasn't come up on the wheel to try to guess what will come up
next. Roulette Professional
will automatically track all of this information for you, and more. It
tracks the colors, columns, dozens, even/odds, halfs, and even individual number
occurances so you don't have to. You can use this information to design your own unique
betting system based off this tracking mechanism. With
Roulette Professional
you are in control of what the system bets. There
are 3 levels of betting options you may choose. 1.
Basic Bet Settings Allows
you to specify what you want to bet on columns, dozens, evens, odds, Black, Red, etc...
When any of these items havent come up in a specified number of spins. You can setup a betting strategy to chase each of
these items as the numbers progress. 2.
Advanced Bet Settings Allows
you to specify what you want to bet individualy on each of the columns, dozens, evens,
odds, Black, Red, etc... When any of
these items havent come up in a specified number of spins.
You can setup a betting strategy to chase each of these items as the numbers
progress. 3.
Custom Bet Settings Custom
Settings will allow unlimited flexibility. You
can define a betting system that will track individual numbers, or all nubmers at once. Also the columns, dozens, evens, odds, Black, Red,
etc... In this setting mode you could tell
the system something like: I want to bet $5 on number 31 when number 31 hasn't some up in
over 100 spins of the wheel. You
can also double-up rules on any of the pattersn/numbers for even more control like: I want
to bet $5 on number 31 when number 31 hasn't some up in over 100 spins of the wheel. I
want to bet another $5 on number 31 when number 31 hasn't some up in over 200 spins of the
wheel. This
way after 200 spins with no 31 you'd be betting $10 on 31 on every spin. Auto-Test
Your system. The
best feature of Roulette
Professional is it allows you to Automatically simulate a Roulette table at the rate
of hundreds of spins per minute, allowing you to test the system you've setup very
quickly. You
can even use your own set of numbers for this testing.
Find out if your system works, if not, make a Putting
it together to Win The Bet! Once
you have developed a Roulette system that fits your style of playing, you can goto an
online casino, and have Roulette Professional on the same screen. When a number come up on the table in the casino, WinTheBet.com is very
proud of the Roulette
Professional System. We
hope you will enjoy using this system as you play roulette online. What
others have said: "Roulette Professional
is awesome. It has helped my Roulette playing
so much, I don't know how I ever played Roulette without it!" - B.T. - Scottsdale AZ
USA. "Roulette Professional
is amazing! Thank you so much for such a simple, yet effective product. I recently
downloaded it, and find it so easy to use, but the information it gives is
invaluable." - G.S. UK "I
was amazed at the level of customization I can put into my own betting system. I have now
created about 5 different systems that I use regularly, I wish you could put you software
on a Palm Pilot, and I could take it to Vegas.
Thank You
WinTheBet!" M.B.
- Ogden, UT USA Click
here to purchase
the Roulette pro software. Its also as low as
$29.95. Thats
all for this week. Ill
leave you with the following joke sent by my friend Tony R Frank: A hip young man goes out and buys the best car available: a brand
new Ferrari GTO. It is also the most expensive car in the world, and it costs him
$500,000. He takes it out for a spin and stops for a red light. Until next time, If you missed any newsletter, click here for an archive. |