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Thursday, March 17, 2005
FRS Update - Vegas Red - Ideal - SoftBiz4U
Hello everyone,
I have been playing a modified
version of FRS recently at
VegasRed online casino and had lots of success.
You know FRS Method II is the
GG roulette contest winning system.
Let me explain what enhancement I have used for FRS.
The ones who have purchased FRS will understand what I mean.
You know that Method II is the next level after Method I and that Method II
uses an integration technique after 3 losses. If wins occur after those 3
losses, you're in good shape and the run comes to an end. However, if losses
continue after those 3 losses, your bets can escalate to larger amounts. In
order to avoid this, you can use the integration technique after the
sequence of losses are terminated by one win.
For instance, you apply Method I in the normal way, until you encounter a
losing streak of say 7 losses in a row followed by one win. Only at that point,
you switch to Method II and apply the integration technique. Most of the
time, such a losing wave is compensated with a winning wave, that comes
right after it. And the winning
wave doesn't have to last more than a couple of spins. And after the
integration, it takes only a win or two to terminate your run with a winning
session. Then you switch back to the more conservative Method I.
As losing waves and winning waves alternate, you can switch from Method I to
the enhanced method back and forth and come out very profitable.
VegasRed on-line casino lets you play in every popular currency, even in
Euros. It has a nice French single zero roulette interface and spins take
about 10 seconds only.
Follow the link:
to open an account there and enjoy the FRS enhancement.
If you don't own FRS yet, you can
order it at the secure order form at:
/order/ or click on the PayPal button at the
system description page.
If you need a discount, you can
negotiate one by emailing me at
The Ideal System
for All Even Bets made +111 units at the
Hamburg Spielbank - table 1
yesterday, using the Extra Bonus system for Reds and Blacks. The
promotion on the system is over, but again, you can negotiate a discount.
Last month, I have
received a set of 3 CDs from LTW member Richard Stewart who has recently
started his own website from which the CDs are available. They are a
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You can also be an agent for the CDs and earn $63 per sale when you refer
people to the website. Take a look at
I have
arranged a discount of $18 with Richard Stewart, so all LTW contacts get the
complete SoftBiz4u package
+ free gift for only $100
and the whole package can be received on a month's trial with no
obligation, if you place your order following the link:
I have found you can always find
something of value in this excellent new software collection and you can
earn a good commissions from it as well.
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,

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