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============================================================= Wednesday,
March 18, 2020
Frequently Asked Questions on the New March 2020 System by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
We are in March 2020, and it's been three weeks since the launch of the
March 2020 system, that has a goal of generating 20 units within 20 steps
using a March progression, as the name implies.
We are in a time of crisis due to the spread of the
corona virus. I'm sure most, if not all, brick-and-mortar casinos are
closed and most of us are staying home not to interact with crowds and keep
distance from people around us.
Gambling on-line is surely an option and with the use of the system we can
cover some expenses and money lost from not being able to pursuing some
businesses which are affected by the virus. Just make sure the online
casino is reputable and honest, will not cheat you and that you will be able
to cash your winnings with no hassles.
The March 2020 system received nothing but positive
feedback. Here are some questions answered:
Q: I like the sound of it not being a
'grind' system - 20 steps and you're out. Izak makes clear that the winning
runs are more frequent than any abandoned run - by a factor of 3.
Izak may I ask what are the levels of loss experienced by an abandoned run?
I appreciate you say an abandoned run may be of variable size - sometimes
positive or -34. But what is your understanding of the greatest loss of an
abandoned run and should it be expected to be larger than -34?
Thanks Izak for all your efforts in producing the systems and the site.
A: Well, since we're using the March progression,
and if you happen to lose many of the 20 steps, you may end up negatively,
but thanks to the smart bet selection it is very hard to have such a huge
losing sequence. And since wins and losses will fluctuate, you may end up
leaving a run still positively even if you have not reached your win target
of +20 units.
If you're wondering what is the highest amount abandoned in a run, it's 135,
as I mentioned, is your session buy-in amount.
The idea of the system is simple. If wins come up front, you quit
positively. If you lose up front and wins come later, you quit positively,
too, because later wins have higher amounts.
Q: What do you mean with a "smart" bet selection
and "good" system?
A: For example for a double win strategy, a smart
bet selection would be the one that generates sequences of the nature:
L L L L L L L L L W L L L L L W W. End of run encountered with small amount
of bets on a double win.
For another method, which progresses your bets on every loss, the latter
would not be that smart.
It's the combination of the proper bet selection and the bet method, which
makes a winning system.
On a streaky table, if one would be opposite of last decision, one would
lose. On a choppy table, if one would use FLD, one would lose more again. A
smart bet selection would win when there are streaks and when there are
chops. KISS's belection, for instance, does exactly
that. As you don't know up front, in a random environment, if the table is
going to be streaky or choppy. So it could be surely labeled as a "smart"
bet selection.
It's true that previous decisions or spins should not influence what will
come next. We all know tables or wheels do not have any memory, unless you
are counting cards for BlackJack and the count determines the number of face
cards and others, and what was passed does determine what will come next.
However, if the previous few decisions were chopping and you bet for the
chop to continue and if the chop continues, you will win. Same goes for a
streak. If the previous few decisions were the same and you bet the same as
last and the decision really repeats you will win again.
That's what KISS does. This also means that you will be catching all the
streaks and chops that occur at the table or on the wheel, whether the chop
or streak happens next or not. If they don't happen, there is nothing to
catch. If they do happen you will win.
The question is how often you will have such opportunities. If the table has
an abundance of those, the KISS bet selection will win on them all.
March 2020 does not use KISS. Uses a different "smart"
bet selection.
Good systems take advantage of certain situations, that
occur on tables either statistically or historically.
For instance, what is the probability on a roulette table that all numbers
will be all different for the next 36 spins? Extremely low, right? Simple
statistical calculation. I would bet that if at least 20 numbers have not
repeated yet, they will start repeating within the next 8 spins, not
guaranteed but more likely than not. If one would go with that notion, one
will win more than not.
That's the basis for the system called Repeating Numbers
version 2.0. And long run graphs also show profiting results over
thousands of spins.
And we will finish with a customer's feedback:
In the real world of casino gambling Izak is correct. I will give you a
recent example from my playing Sic Bo. These days casinos are very obliging
in that they provide individual terminals to play at so that you can observe
three games of Baccarat, two of Roulette and one of Sic Bo just by touching
the screen for each game. They also provide some past decisions and a few
stats like past 50 decisions. Remember these are all live games not RNG
decisions. Anyway on jumping between games I noticed that Sic Bo had a
disparity on the Big/Small numbers. In the past 50 decisions there were 35
small and 15 big. A 70/30% variance. Now if you purely look at the maths
then the next 50 decisions could run the same way making it 70/30 small/big
over 100 decisions or it could run 50/50 or any other combination. However I
tend to favour the trend to balance over 100 decisions meaning big numbers
will exceed small numbers in the next 50 rolls of the dice. Of course if the
previous 50 decisions showed an equal variance of say 35 big and 15 small
then we are all in balance. I gambled on that not being the case and was
rewarded when over the next 40 decisions there were 29 big and 11 small.
That makes the total over 90 spins 46 small and 44 big, fairly even. A nice
profit was made and at Sic Bo you can bet on individual numbers as well as
the even chances of big/small.
Thank you all for your valuable questions, interest and
March 2020 is a system
you will enjoy greatly and profit in a very short amount of time.
Generating 20 units per run is surely not a grind system. At times,
only accomplishing 1 run will make your day and all that in less than 20
bets. Imagine using $20 bets will generate $400 per run accomplished
in less than 20 minutes.
This great system goes
for $2020 that you can generate in just 5 positive runs, probably within a
day. Early bird purchasers will have a 90% discount and can have the system for $202 only
until the end of March 2020.
You will receive the
system document and only one simulation within which you can change
parameters to get different variations and profit levels.
Place your orders at the following link:
and an automatic download link will be provided to you. Do not forget
to specify your email address for the link to work.
As usual, you have a full money back guarantee within 30 days of your
purchase, no strings attached, no questions asked.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
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