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Thursday, March 24, 2005
CasinoWebCam and Easter Promotion
Hello everyone,
The honesty of on-line casinos has
always been a questionable issue. I have also noticed that if
one loses a substantial amount, players tend to blame the on-line casino's
software, as though such cases would not occur on a land based casino.
I'm under the conclusion that
reputable on-line casinos do not cheat. It's enough that the odds are
on their side. They have no incentive to jeopardize their very
profitable business by implementing a rigged software that can be easily
detected by players.
I have done my research in this area
and provided a list of reputable on-line casinos, that I trust. You
can find this list at the page:
CasinoWebcam is an online casino featuring live dealers via web camera.
CWC has created a pleasant gambling atmosphere. Using real-time video
streaming, players see and hear actual games of blackjack, baccarat,
roulette, and sic bo. Beautiful dealers deal cards, throw dice, and spin
roulette wheels, and bet outcomes are truly games of chance, not
pre-determined computer outcomes or random number generators. What's more,
players can chat with the dealers and hear responses using streaming audio.
Even this setup is sometimes
suspected by players. Recently I read a thread in one of the
discussion forums about
CasinoWebCam. It quoted:
"Hi all I guess we all know that
casino webcam. In my opinion, it cheats. Well, the other day I was
playing there Baccarat for fun. Player drew 2. Banker drew 3.
The next card out of the deck as shown on the live video feed was a 6.
Suddenly, the video freezes for a split second and the card magically turns
into a 10, and the 6 now goes to the banker banker wins natural 9. That's
how they cheat: They preorder the cards, so that all they have to do is
change one of the cards around to get the alternative result. Then
determine which side from their computer has the lesser bet amount on it and
that side wins. Simple as that. Thanks for coming."
Another post quoted: "I
read the other day that
casinowebcam is broadcast from a STUDIO instead of a casino."
When I saw those posts, I
immediately wrote an email to the
CWC manager and asked him what he thought of them. He addressed
the issue promptly and provided his response in public, which is the
"I apologize for the delay in responding, but we do not routinely monitor
this message board. I was alerted to the presence of this thread by an
affiliate from Montreal, who I thank in advance.
Having been active in the industry for many years (I was formerly with as the CFO), and having being a frequent poster on boards such as
WinnerOnline and CasinoMeister, these types of posts - which contain
baseless allegations of fraud - are frustrating to respond to, since they
tend to deteriorate into a 'he said, she said' type of thread. Therefore,
rather than getting into a war of words, I would rather explain the relevant
webcam casino issues raised by the message thread. People can then make
their own decisions.
1. Studio vs. Real Casino Floor
We operate our video feeds from a studio in San Jose, Costa Rica. We do not
accept physical/land play from non-internet customers for local business
permitting reasons (you need a different set of local permits and licenses
to run a land casino open to the public vs. an internet studio operation).
Moreover, the physical studio is not configured in a manner which would make
physical play very comfortable. To see how our studio looks, you can view, which is a link to our software
licensing site.
Finally, our whole business model is predicated on the fact that for games
like baccarat, unlike a land casino, we only need one table to service
hundreds of players. This is obviously very different from a land casino, in
which a new table needs to be opened every time a table fills up.
2. Video Issues
We are pushing through almost 250kbps per player to deliver video and audio,
and the pipes we are pushing our feeds through - which are provided by one
of two ISPs in Costa Rica - are not particularly wide or stable. The nature
of delivering video on the internet is such that freezes, slowdowns, delays,
and restarts are all very very common - and exacerbated when the feed is
being delivered from a place like Costa Rica versus a place like New York.
In his post, Mr L does not refer to a specific date, time, or Deal ID. If he
does have that information, I would be happy to review it. In the absence of
such information, my best guess is that he either experienced a longer
freeze that extended into the next game, or alternatively, the dealer
mislaid a card and corrected the position during the video freeze. Remember
that because the card is scanned via bar code and automatically rendered by
the software client itself, even if a dealer mislays a card in the video,
the card will appear correctly in the software itself, and the bet will also
be paid correctly.
Finally, I would point out that the nature of internet streaming video
technology is such that even if we were cheating via 'canned' video clips,
it would be enormously difficult to do so. We would have to have every
possible card outcome pre-stored, along with video of every possible dealer,
and be in a position to deliver combinations thereof in a split second, and
make it appear relatively seamless. I am not aware of any technology today
that makes this possible on the web.
3. Roulette Wheel
About 3 weeks ago we implemented a roulette wheel optical scanner from TCS
John Huxley. Prior to implementing this software, dealers would spin the
ball and manually key in the result using a computer keyboard. This was
problematic for several obvious reasons: in a best case scenario, dealers
occasionally would make typing mistakes; in a worst case scenario, dealers
could collude with a player and type in a pre-set result that was different
than the spin result, and the player would 'win' the bet. The optical
scanner now feeds results directly into our outcome servers, removing the
human element.
The issue we are experiencing - and it is one found in land casinos as well
- is that if the dealer spins the ball outside the parameters set by John
Huxley (e.g. the ball must be spun at a certain speed, and it must rotate
more than 4 times around the wheel), the scanner doesn't pick up the number.
In such cases, our system aborts the hand - i.e. returns the bet to the
customers - on the basis that it is a 'no spin'. This does result in upset
players occasionally, who see the 'result' in the video but cannot
understand why the hand was aborted.
(A side benefit of the scanner is that outcomes are now sent to the John
Huxley anti-wheel bias and anti-dealer bias software server as well,
allowing us to further ensure the integrity of the wheel and dealers.)
4. Other bets
For baccarat and blackjack, you can see the bets made by the other players
at your table. However, these players might be a) real money players, b)
real money players using a different currency as some of our licensees use
currencies other than USD, or c) fun money players. Regardless of who they
are, the amount they're betting on these games, and the side they're betting
on is irrelevant to the outcome of the games. The bets are displayed for
player interest only.
I hope that I have addressed all of the issues raised in this thread but
will, of course, be willing to answer any additional questions raised.
CWC Manager"
I believe this explanation is
sufficient and shows the professionalism of
So you can be comfortable placing
your bets there and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere.
CWC is offering an EASTER DEPOSIT BONUS for the next 3 days.
This Easter, when you make a deposit of $50 or more on the 25th, 26th and/or
the 27th Eastern Standard Time, you will receive a $50 bonus.
To be eligible for these bonuses, make a deposit on any one of these days.
Choose to take one or all the bonuses, and receive $50, $100 or $150
depending on which days you deposit!
To be eligible for the deposit bonus on the 25th deposit $50 or more between
0.01 and 24.00 CST and you will receive a $50 bonus.
To be eligible for the deposit bonus on the 26th deposit $50 or more between
0.01 and 24.00 CST and you will receive a $50 bonus.
To be eligible for the deposit bonus on the 27th deposit $50 or more between
0.01 and 24.00 CST and you will receive a $50 bonus.
Bonuses will be received when the deposit has been confirmed.
to open an account there and take advantage of this great bonus and numerous
future ones, while having the feeling of playing on a real casino from the
comfort of your home.
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,

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