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Thursday, March 28, 2002
FAQ on The Hot List Roulette System
Although I
said, there would be no newsletter this week, as I was supposed to be on vacation,
unfortunately, my wife fell ill and we had to cancel our trip to the Caribbean.
So here I
am, back to business, and would like to take the opportunity to provide you with some
feedback received from customers who acquired the Hot List Roulette
System by Aaron Baker announced last week, as well as some customer inquiries answered
by Aaron. A Frequently Asked Questions section is now added to the system
description at:
Let's start
with some comments. Aaron and I have not tested the system against the Zumma tester
book, but the Hamburg Spielbank
and the simulation program that I have built for more than 100,000 spins. A customer
has been trying the system with the Zumma book and is reporting the following:
"As for the
Hot List Roulette, it is great so far. I have tested 5 sessions in the Zumma
tester and the results are as follows:
+ 70
+ 30
+ 38
- 5
+ 33
Too good to be true. It's great and fun way to play. Great work!"
"Tested two
more sessions in the Zumma Roulette tester last night. The pages were picked
randomly. Here were the results:
page 75 -18
page 85 +100
Incredible so far. This could be your best system yet. It should easily be a
long-term winner even after some losses are encountered."
"Just tested
another session from Zumma:
+ 70.
when do I wake up?"
It's indeed very encouraging
to see such comments and Aaron Baker deserves all the merit.
Here are some questions and
answers on the Hot List Roulette system:
Q: When you
say 5000 minimum dollar bankroll, what size chips? 1 dollar? Flat betting? Which
kinds of bets? Bet every single spin or just selected spins?
Don't you think 1 month is too little for testing? Izak should write a program to help you
out in testing it further...
A: It is all
flat betting. You don't bet on every spin. For each session, you track anywhere between 2
up to 20 spins, but 20 is extreme and is I believe the highest this system has gone in
terms of tracking. The tracking system is at least fairly simplistic also, but would still
require notes at the table.
Requires 1,000 units, typically a minimum of $5,000. One month of real spins have been
tested, and Izak has tested the system against thousands more of computer-generated spins.
Izak gives this system his endorsement, as do I.
Q: You need a
$5,000 bankroll to play with $5 units? (how much to earn $1,000 per day?) Also, the
way the winning sessions are distibuted, can you visit a casino for 1-2 days per week and
still be profitable as opposed to having to live nearby a casino to continually offset
losing sessions?
Can this system gather the same results with a double-zero wheel?
A: Thank you for your interest in my system. The system requires a
1,000-unit bankroll with a minimum of $5 per unit ($5,000 total) because the general table
minimum is $5. There will be times when you are betting 1 unit only, while there will be
other times you will be betting 10 units or maybe even slightly more (though 10 units is
the general ceiling per session).
If you play 12 sessions a day, this will, on average, complete the typical 8-hour work day
with breaks accounted for. How exact this is will depend on how busy the tables are. Let's
say that you have the following, typical distribution of positive or negative sessions in
those 12:
(+67 total)
You've gained 67 units in this "work day," so with the minimum $5 unit, you've
made $335. It would take a $15 unit to make over $1,000 on this day. Please keep in mind
that there will be losing days and there will be winning days. The winning days will
outnumber the losing days, but these losing days also come in short streaks, thus the
sizable bankroll required.
I do not recommend that you play this system only a couple times a week and expect to make
a living. I wouldn't expect to make a living no matter how much it is played, but this
system is fully capable of getting you ahead by a sizable amount, quickly.
I have tested the system for
single zero wheels. Izak has tested it for double zero wheels with similarly good
Q: I understand that your system requires a 5000 bankroll in order to
play 5 dollar chips. My question is: how many chips do I play at one time?
The reason I am asking is because I intend to order your system if I can make it work at
1/5 the scale you have advertised. I currently have a bankroll of only 1000. If I am
required to play multiple chips, then it would be easy to play your system at a $5 minimum
table if I can use $1 chips, as long as I play at least 5 at once.
A: The system requires a 1,000-unit bankroll. Generally, the lowest unit
allowed in a casino using this system would be $5, because while there are times you will
be betting 10 units, there will be other times where you will be using only 1 unit for a
period of time. If I remember right, there do exist smaller casinos in Las Vegas where you
can bet a minimum of $1 at the roulette tables. If you can find such a table there or
elsewhere, then this system will work fully with $1 units.
Q: What will
be the GREATEST drawdown I can expect with the Hot List Roulette System?
A: The greatest drawdown experienced so far came against the Hamburg
Spielbank in another month, and depleted the bankroll a total of approximately 500 units.
As this is only half of the suggested bankroll, even the worst so far did not beat the
system even halfway.
Q: You came up with an average of 5 to 6 units profit per hour, but based
on how many average spins per hour?
A: The average spins per hour was 30, assuming that the table was rather
busy. Faster tables can take 35-40 spins per hour, but I wanted the worst possible
situation for this average.
Q: The Hot List Roulette System claims an average 5 to 6 units
profit per hour. Does this include wagering time ONLY, or wagering AND tracking time? For
example, if the 5 to 6 units profit per hour was computed from wagering time only and if
tracking time averages 15 minutes prior to wagering time, then the TRUE average profit is
5 to 6 units per hour AND a quarter hour, which is 4 to 4.8 units per hour. BIG
A: The average units profit is tracking and wagering time both.
Q: Will I need to check for factors like roulette dealers consistently
dropping the ball on certain areas(sectors) of the roulette wheel, consistent speed of the
roulette wheel, or consistent speed of the game?
What about objective factors like sex of the dealer or fret types of the roulette wheel
(high or low)?
A: This system does not involve anything anywhere near what you describe.
The reason that this system is described as being able to exploit completely or
temporarily biased wheels is that this skill is built into the system and requires no
tracking on your part. If the wheel is biased, you may not even know it, but the winning
sessions might pile up even faster than usual.
Q: Have you
used this system on the internet, and if so what kind of results did you have? I would be
interested in the system, but I'm not sure I trust internet casinos.
A: This
system has been tested in only two ways:
1) Against the spins posted at the Hamburg Spielbank, 2) With a computer system that
generates random spins designed by Izak Mataya. This system is not meant for online
casinos, but in a way, it has already been tested against them, because these casinos also
use random number generators. The reason I think this system is better for physical
casinos is that this system, while it is purely mathematical, unintentionally takes
advantage of temporarily or completely biased wheels or dealers.
However, for your information, I have begun testing this system against the software at
The Sands Of The Caribbean online casino (you can get this free software, which I consider
to be the best on the internet, at
Only when I have extensive
results will I post my results. I plan on testing an average of 100 spins a day, so this
could take some time.
Q: I would
like to know approximately how many bets you place at a time. The reason I ask this is
because I have seen systems that require you to place 24 bets and I don't think I can
place that many under casino conditions. Placing 6 to 8 bets at a time is difficult
enough. Also I don't understand why you need a 1000 unit bankroll, the examples you gave
didn't show a draw down anywhere near even 1/4th that much. The Hamburg spins only have
one zero and I am wondering what kind of results I can expect on the double zero American
wheel? Thanks in advance.
A: The number
of bets placed at any one time varies greatly, anywhere from 1-12. 12 seems to be the
upper limit for the system, though it is always possible for there to be more. I don't
believe in all of our testing that we've had to bet on more than 12 however.
A 1,000-unit bankroll is essential because if you use this system on a consistent basis,
eventually you will run up against a bad string of spins. This happens with ANY system.
The 1,000-unit bankroll is suggested as a safeguard against large drawdowns. The biggest
drawdown by far came from a string of spins that lasted slightly over 2 weeks at the
Hamburg Spielbank, and defeated approximately 500 units, or only half of the starting
bankroll, only to come back very quickly.
You are right. The Spielbank does post only spins from a single zero wheel. This is what
this system was tested against in the testing I have done against the Spielbank but not in
the computerized testing done by Izak who has tested it against 00 wheels. However,
since we are talking about inside bets and not outside bets, the mechanics of the system
will not change. The mathematics of the results of the system surely WILL change. By
imagining the sheer mathematics of the situation, I would expect the system to perform
slightly poorer than it does now, but I would still expect it to win. I still maintain and
emphasize that this system was imagined for, designed for, and tested against a
single-zero wheel.
I hope this helps you. Please feel free to ask (email: if you have any more
Q: Hi: After
reading about your style of play if 1000 units is your total Broll what are your cutoffs
or stoploss points for each session? Also after waiting to play what if the dealer you
have been watching goes on a break do you have to start all over again? I would appreciate
answers to these questions.
A: The
cutoff/stoploss point for each session is 90 units for losses and any positive outcome for
winnings. Even if you're just one unit ahead in a session, the session ends, so sessions
tend to be somewhat short. Who the dealer is really has very little to do with this
system, as the system unintentionally exploits biased wheels and dealers. You don't really
have to watch any particular dealer for this system to work for you. All you have to
know is this mathematical system for the exploitation to work.
Click to order.
Thank you,
Aaron Baker,
Izak Matatya
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
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