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Thursday, March 6, 2003
Baccarat is War by Benjamine Yarbrough
LTW discussion forum had some interesting debates this week,
particularly the ones conducted by Mr. Ben Yarbrough, the owner of the web
Benjamine Yarbrough is the trainer of the
worlds High End Baccarat Players. It is certain that his many years
spent studying random events, chaos, fractal patterning and general player
psychology have unlocked some here-to-fore unknown player advantages, which
he openly shares with his students and custom tailors to either individual
or team play. He does admit that the approaches he has developed and teaches
are at least 50 to 100 years ahead of any information currently available to
the gambling public. He then digresses by saying I can teach someone a
sound winning approach to play, as well as very effective self-management
principles to follow, but in the final analysis, it lies with the student to
take their training to heart and follow it TO-THE-LETTER if they truly want
to become consistent winners.
Certainly not your regular gambler, Yarbrough, a native of Georgia (where he
currently makes his home) is a former chapter president of the Georgia
Association for Gifted Children. (He got involved because he wanted to see
and have some input on the kind of programs that were being offered to his
son who possesses an off the scale I.Q.). Some thirty years ago, he
developed a number of revolutionary mnemonic approaches which he taught
students to employ in The Memory School which he founded in his early
twenties after attending Ga. Tech.
His reason for choosing to teach these revolutionary gambling approaches to
others (rather than simply keeping them to himself), is, quoted by himself:
I like seeing the approaches I have developed being used to give a SMALL
group of players a REAL edge. Something, which the worlds best
mathematicians have been grasping at unsuccessfully for centuries. I also
appreciate the importance of making new friends--a most happy occasion. Yes,
I do see the need for being careful in selecting my students, but I see no
reason for intellectual greed.
Yarbrough maintains a modest Internet web-site at his own dot com called:,
where he can be contacted by email at
Here are some excerpts of the debates
conducted in the forum:
"You are right when you say your primary battle is with yourself, as this
battle permeates all aspects of your play, and proper self-management --as
one might be managed by a coach on the sidelines is critical."
"You are wrong when you say that the casino deserves no respect as an
opponent. These people know more about the psyche of the gambler than is
ever published in any psychology book, and they are more than willing to use
this information in any way they can to trip up the winning player."
"So, as a player, you have 3 fronts to watch: monitoring yourself,
monitoring the game, and monitoring the casino as it reacts to your play of
the game. Repeated lessons in each of these areas teach one to
(1) rate certain casinos over other
(2) to value playing when you are not
stressed ("by anything" including your level of play), not emotionally
upset, and well rested, [When these conditions are present, truly confident
"FUN play" can take place.] and
(3) to understand that NO APPROACH to
play wins in every situation EVEN ONE WHICH DELIVERS A verifiable WIN BIAS--
and when you encounter those bad shoes, one must learn to "take their lumps"
like a big boy or girl, and walk away a temporary "LOSER". In this
regard, playing at, NOT ABOVE one's comfort level is the mark of a confident
player, sticking more money out in front of you when you are losing, is the
act of a scared person, NOT A WINNER."
claim to fame is NOT that I am a great player, although I believe I play
well, and my bottom line with the casinos reflects this. My "claim to fame"
is that I can teach other people to become great players. (Think of Sam
Massobini in the movie "Chariots of Fire"). I do not believe however
that one needs to run their stake into a fortune to be considered a great
player--Just win consistently in a game which the experts and mathematicians
of the world say you can't beat."
"To Site Moderator:
Thank you for allowing my posts to appear on this -- "The best gambling
forum I have ever viewed". You must be interested in having people become
more informed gamblers. I salute you, and I must say that your
readers/posters are a notch above those found on any "pretending to be
similar site".
Kind Regards,
Ben Yarbrough"
"--there's more to playing smart basketball that learning how to shoot--
--and more to smart gambling than learning a play system--"
"Thanks to most knowledgeable players whose keen interest in investigating
the cutting edge in player training and play approach development have
generated this set of hopefully instructional exchanges."
"I have developed a most unique play approach--quite different from any
approach ever developed before, but my better students could take ten
different play approaches and make money with them all. They could do this
because they have come to understand what
gambling is all about and what self-management really means."
"My play approach is not pattern based, it is simply a re-translation of the
normally seen shoe to produce a "new shoe" where "much more running" and
"much less chopping" are encountered, perhaps Mr. Vegas' (the author
of PowerPlay Baccarat) approach
to maximizing pattern based bet selections might be the perfect enhancement
and compliment for those employing my shoe translation method. Conversely,
my translation approach might provide the solid dream foundation for Mr.
Vegas' approach's implementation. Played together some exciting
results might be possible."
"The only play approach I know of is the
"Baccarat is War" approach in which you translate your shoe into a new shoe
as you go. Then simply "follow bet" in the new shoe which has much less
chopping and much more running. (For those who don't know, Follow betting is
betting for whatever happened last to happen again--See a Bank, bet for
another bank to follow it). Note that this play approach was developed for
"high stakes" play and is designed for play in a fresh cards environment
(Big Table Bac), where the highest stakes players are normally found.
The problem which faces most players is that they are unaware that the more
the cards are shuffled, the more predominant the chop (back and forth
between bank and player) becomes. So a run favoring system which works okay
with new cards, will have its plow cleaned when used in a mini-bac game with
old cards. Conversely, a chop or even lengthened run favoring system will
get usually get "killed" in a game using new cards because the natural bias
is toward running rather than chopping.
Just make sure that whichever approach you use (chopping or running), is
geared to the state of the cards you are playing with.
This is just one of the NEW dimensions which the Baccarat is War approach
brings to the game of baccarat and to the advanced study of random events as
they are encountered in the modern casino."
"Tester books never state the level of
randomness--i.e. the number of shuffles the cards have undergone in the
shoes being displayed for system testing purposes."
I would encourage you to visit Benjamine
Yarbrough's site at: and benefit from Ben's long years'
experience by taking his training course called:
The High Stakes - "Baccarat is War" - Player
Training Program
Make sure to specify the following promotional code:
LTW250A, which is valid during the month of
April 2003, and you will
receive the $500 value "Two Player Approach" as a bonus when you
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
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