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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
SPTS - Signals for Program Trading Service by Running Waters
Hello everyone,
This week, I would
like to introduce you to Ross W. Bracewell from
Running Waters who will tell
you about their great SPTS - Signals for Program Trading Service, whose goal
is to develop a limited base of traders/subscribers who have become very
wealthy “friends” through utilizing this service and following the BUY/SELL
signals generated by the Advance/Decline Indicator.
"If you know when to BUY and when to SELL, with or
without any previous trading experience you can make money in the stock
market. You can trade options for the S&P 100 Index (OEX) or the S&P 500
Index. You can also trade futures contracts, either the e-minis ($50 per
point) or the big S&P 500 contract ($250 per point).
Waters' proprietary formulas utilize a number of technical market
indicators both short term and long term. For over 15 years these formulas
have proven to be extremely accurate in indicating when the S&P Futures
Index is either overbought or oversold.
Waters' Advance/Decline Indicator generates BUY/SELL signals which are
the basis of our "Signals for Program Trading Service" (SPTS).
As a subscriber to Running
Waters’ Signals for Program Trading Service (SPTS) you will receive an
e-mail update at the end of the trading day (between 3:30 PM and 11:00 PM)
indicating market direction for at least the next few days if not much
longer. There is no need to be glued to your quote screen all day, waiting
for the right moment to enter a trade only to anxiously follow the intra-day
market gyrations waiting for the right moment to exit the trade. You have
better things to do…
There are no expensive and/or complicated software programs to buy, no
necessity for watching charts and graphs on multiple screens, no need to
analyze trend lines or even tune in to every investment and financial guru
on MSNBC or CNN.
Running Waters does all the
analytical work with a program that has been tested and proven successful
for over 15 years and will send you the BUY/SELL Signals at the end of the
day. You call your broker or go on-line to place your orders. It is that
Let's Talk Winning is pleased
to announce that we have negotiated a special 30 day free trial offer
exclusive to the subscribers of our newsletter. For the next 30 days you can
receive daily e-mail updates on the direction of the market without any
obligation. If you decide you would like to subscribe to the SPTS you simply
contact Running Waters
before the end of the 30 day free trial period and begin payments for the
second month as the first month of your new subscription.
Running Waters does not
normally offer a 30 day free trial offer for new subscribers but a deferred
payment option for the first month. When calculated out this exclusive 30
day free trial offer for results in a total saving of $200 during
the first year of subscription.
Paid subscribers to Running
Waters’ SPTS also qualify for a 50% discount on the most advanced
computerized option program available today. With this state-of-the-art
program which has been the recognized standard for options traders for years
investors can easily determine which options to buy at what price and
evaluate their profit potential before they enter a trade. This program is a
must for options traders and is available through Running Waters at a saving
of $125.
There is no need to delay… the clock is already ticking. Log on to
as soon as you can and learn of the benefits of this service being offered
by Running Waters.
If you would like your e-mail address added to
Running Waters daily update
mailing list just send an e-mail indicating you would like your
name added to their mailing list or log on to
and proceed to the contact page and send an e-mail to
During the 30 day free trial offer period
Running Waters will send out
daily e-mail updates on market direction and will also include links to
valuable information on trading options and futures contracts that can be
found on the internet so that you can be fully informed on procedures to set
up your accounts and carry out trading activities.
Thank you,"
Ross W. Bracewell
Tel: (514) 421-3782
“If you are able to quadruple
your money every year… starting with even a minimum level of investment
capital today you could create a fortune in less than five years.” - Ross W.
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,

TO SUBSCRIBE? Click here. |

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