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============================================================= Thursday,
May 31 2018
FAQ on the
New SEBS - Strong and Efficient Baccarat System by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The new SEBS - Strong and Efficient
Baccarat system announced last week has received quite a lot of attention. This
week I would like to answer your questions in this frequently asked
questions newsletter.
Q: Hi Izak,
This looks interesting. Can you clarify with the setting 11 unit parameter
achieving 3000 units per 600 shoes you quote, what is the range of bets on
each side and downturn examples from different shoes? Same for the 100 unit
max. bet how far down could you be in a shoe? The graphs are impressive but
it does depend how far down you could be before the profit kicks in.
A: The bet range is indeed between 1-10 units throughout the entire
thousand shoe set. You could win up to 100 units per shoe and at times, it
may take 2 shoes to complete a run that will give you 5 units.
Q: So following on in a run that takes two shoes to make 5 units what
downturn in bankroll can occur. Over all those simulations what is the range
of downturns?
A: Those kind of runs, can take up to 125 units, until you are
finally 5 units up. But they’re very rare.
Q: Is there really a big drawdown if I use SEBS on commission
Baccarat? I really like playing in a live casino but that is the only type i
can play near me.
A: No, drawdowns are not too large. You can win up to 100 units per
shoe and at times, it may take a couple of shoes to complete a run of 5
Q: Is this system good for online Baccarat or only real Baccarat at
casinos ?
A: Any Baccarat is fine for this system.
Q: I understand SEBS is designed for EZ Bacc., but will it work for
commission baccarat? Maybe one could make money bets solely on Player
or something along those lines?
A: As I mentioned in the newsletter, SEBS does not have a bet
selection. The method dictates where to place your bets, depending on
certain circumstances.
If you bet P only, that would have a bet selection, then you would not be
using SEBS, but something else.
SEBS works best with EZ Baccarat and since some shoes generate up to 100
units, paying some commissions will not hurt too much.
1. 300 point bank is required for each shoe?
2. What is maximum/average drawdown on the basis of optimized parameters.
3. What is winning/losing shoe ratio, and maximum/average losses for losing
A: 300 units as a lifetime bankroll and that is the maximum overall
drawdown. 300 units are not required just for one shoe.
There are no losing shoes. It’s just that some rare runs may require a
couple of shoes to terminate.
Thank you all for your
valuable questions.
- Strong and Efficient Baccarat
system is $900 reduced from $2000. Early bird purchasers
will have a huge discount of 90% and will be able to purchase this wonderful
system for $200 only, if you place your orders until the end of the month
June 2018. An offer not to be missed!
For $15 extra you can
have a printout of the system document shipped to your mailing address.
As always, you have a full money
back guarantee, if the system is not to your satisfaction, no questions
asked, no strings attached, and you may return it within 30 days of your
here to order.
PayPal orders are welcome to my id:
Thank you!
Izak Matatya
Email:, or
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