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Thursday, November 13, 2003
Bo's Story - Strategies - ITS
Bo is a gambler who posts in various
forums and I happened to pick up a few interesting stories and strategies of
his. With Bo's permission, we have the privilege of having them on our
newsletter this week.
His story relates to how important it is
not to play with scared money and be totally relaxed in order to increase
your winning chances. I fully agree. I won much more when I was
relaxed than when I was nervous. Your confidence level is higher and
you are much more focused on the game.
Here is Bo's story:
"Once, about ten years ago, one of my sons met me for a weekend in Vegas
bringing a new girlfriend he had just met a few weeks prior. She was about
21 (at least she had an ID which stated that she was), but she looked much
younger. She was a very sweet and innocent girl (still a child really). She
was wide eyed with all the sights and sounds and was captured by the
wonderland that makes up Las Vegas. She had never been inside a casino, much
less gamble on anything.
Now, I had been gambling in town for a few days prior to their arrival and I
was staying at Caesar's. So I had them meet me there in the lobby. Of
course, my son wanted to go immediately into the casino and do some serious
gambling. But, right then, the girl announced that she had brought just $50
with her to gamble and that her mother had told her not to do anything
crazy, but put it all slowly only into the 25 cent slot machines and when
that was gone not to spend another penny on gambling.
Well, I could see where this weekend was going, but suddenly I had an
inspiration of how I could salvage everything. I marched everyone right over
to one of the roulette tables and said, "Let's just see if we can get the
casino to give you some chips to have some fun with." Then I put a $1000
chip on Red. It was actually a chip from where I was playing craps, but I
have found that on a good roulette table when it's a high denomination (and
on an outside bet), they will take chips from just about anywhere.
I actually had planned to just keep playing until I won, but as you might
guess... yes, the next number was red. I acted like it was nothing unusual
as they paid out my winning thousand. I had them pay it out in smaller unit
casino chips, and then without any fanfare, like this was just something
that happened all the time, I handed her the whole stack of winnings. I kept
my original, of course.
I said, "There you go... the casino wants you to have some fun while you are
She was amazed at all that and happily off she went with my son, learning
how to shoot some craps and play blackjack and roulette. I don't think she
ever got to the slots. What was amazing was that she won lots of times on
virtually every table and made many trips to the cashier, each time tucking
away those crisp new bills into her purse. In all, when Sunday came she had
about $500 to take home.
But, the funniest and craziest thing was yet to come. On that Sunday, when
they were ready to head for the airport, she said to me, "Oh, I still have a
whole lot of the casino's fun chips left over. Who do I give those to?" I
couldn't believe what she was saying, but I just deadpanned it... I said,
without cracking a smile, "Oh, just give them to me, I'll see that they get
them back." She then handed me about $700 in chips from that original group.
I was astounded.
But, I actually learned something from that crazy situation. She won because
she was totally relaxed. She was able have a mindset where she could learn
some things about playing the games and how to gamble without any barriers.
She was always upbeat and positive, and she was never anxious about anything
(with certainly never a worry about losing), because she was, in her mind,
playing with the casino's "fun chips."
I have used that experience a lot in my gambling since that day. I know that
whenever I can capture that special carefree mood, that certain
insouciance... I always win consistently. I try always now to just play
"using the casino's fun money."
Bo also has a couple of winning
strategies you could use at your next visit to the casino:
"It would be good for you to play
Roulette with some systems that lots of pro and semi-pro gamblers use. Now
you have to understand that these can win a lot of money if you are lucky,
but they are not perfect. Most of all you can have some fun with them. Here
is the first one:
a. First, observe a spin without betting and note the last winning number.
b. Now place 1 unit (like a $5 chip) on the 6 number line bet that contains
that number that just appeared (won). These are called Double Street bets
and they pay 5 to 1. If you win, you win 5 units (you will have 6 units
because you keep your original bet). Net win: 5 units.
Wait a few spins and then play again.
b. If you lose (very likely) then rebet that same 6 number bet and also bet
a unit on the 6 number line group which contains the number that just came
in. Another way of phrasing that is; you will now have a 1 unit chip on EACH
of the last two 6 number lines that just won (for other betters). If you win
this spin, you will win 5 units, but of course, will have now lost two units
cumulatively (1 on the first time and 1 on the second double street on this
bet) so you are now ahead three units (you have 4 units because you also
have the unit back from the bet that won). Net win: 3 units
If you win just start the system over.
c. If you lost that one, bet 2 units on each of the last three 6 number
lines which contain those last 3 winning numbers. If you win, since your bet
was 2 units you are paid 10 units (plus you get back the 2 you bet on that
double street). Your losses to date are 1+2+4= 7 units, so your profit is 3
units (you will have 5 units since you get back the 2 units from the bet
which won). Quit and start over. Net win: 3 units.
d. If you lose, now bet 5 units on each of the last four 6 number lines that
won. This is just a recovery bet, but you still get a 1 unit profit if you
win. Losses are 1+2+6+15=24 units. You win 25 units so you have a profit of
1 unit (plus you get back the 5 units you just bet.) Net win: 1 unit.
e. If you lose (net loss 29 units), start over or go play some other game
for a while or try another system.
Now, this is just a "hit some good luck" system, but I must tell you that I
have seen lots of guys make a lot of money very quickly with this, betting
some very big units. Mostly, they hit it one or two times and then leave the
table. I have seen this played for a long time with some very nice gains,
but if you lose all the steps you have lost 29 units."
Bo has another one for you:
"Here is an interesting system which I
have used for considerable enjoyment and lots of winnings for years. Now,
you must understand that I play Baccarat and Craps most of the time, but for
diversion I like to play Roulette. But, since I only like to win, I have
always studied to find systems to find the ones which work. This one is used
by lots of gamblers (in several variations) who continue to use it for a lot
of profit.
Again, let me warn you.... this is just a fun system, and while I have made
lots of money on it you can get caught in an unlucky streak and lose your
shirt. So, just have fun with it. I like to hit quickly with some large unit
bets and leave quickly. This is not one that I would want to wait around
with for disaster to strike.
With this system it is quite pleasurable to have the fun of knowing I am on
63% of the numbers and to be able to get a 50% return on my bet. What is
also nice is that you can recover from a loss very nicely. You simply have
to to win twice to make up a losing bet.
With $25 dollar units, you make $50 every win.
Try to find a table (like they have in Atlantic City and some in Vegas)
where if a 0/00 shows up you only lose 1/2 of any outside bets, then play as
follows. Only bet one double street and cover the other numbers from the
outside, which is my hedge. That is why I call this the 63% hedge.
A couple of other things are nice about this system. It is comforting to
know that you have almost 75% chance of winning every spin. In addition when
the dealer calls out the winning number since you have bet on all the teens,
all the twenties and all the thirties you can know right then if you are a
Bet one unit on the 13-18 and 3 units on the outside bet of 19-36.
When you lose:
Increase your bets to 2 units and 6 units. Then 3 units and 9 units.
I seldom take this past that third level. If that loses, I come back later
and see it it is going to hit... when it does it is a load of fun.
Now, I mentioned that some of the pros I know do this with some variations.
They use lots of different ways to select which double streak to be covering
(check out my other thread where I mention the "neighbors" method.) I just
like to stick with my grouping... but I have pals that tell me I am leaving
money at the casino if I don't use their variations. Just be creative if you
By the way, in a recent session those high numbers came out 22 times in a
row with 0/00 twice. That kind of occurrence is not unusual for me. But,
then you will find you can get hit with a stream of low numbers too.
Remember, that is when you walk away.
With this one, you are going for the streaks. There are many of them every
day. Very rarely does it go high, low, high, low for very long in my
It would be interesting to see what this does on Hamburg spins, but by the
way, nobody ever made any money playing on a system tester book.
I find that the place to play is at the table. Maybe, I am just lucky."
Thanking Bo again for his nice story and
2 strategies.
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An FAQ section has been added, answering all your questions .
Wishing you all the best, Until
next week,
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