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=================================================== Sunday,
November 1, 2015
FAQ on the new System MCS - Mild Cancellation System by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The new MCS
system launched a couple of weeks ago was received with great enthusiasm.
Many purchasers praised the system with a "great job" comment as per the
steady and consistent profits it generated.
I received many inquiries and
simulation requests on data sent by customers. With today's
newsletter, I would like to summarize the results and share the answers to
your frequently asked questions.
Q: For this system, I see the
session bankroll's listed, but no mention of a lifetime bankroll.
1. How many bustouts for the mildest version?
2. What would be the lifetime bankroll for the mildest version?
Thank you
A: A lifetime bankroll of 450
units are quite ample to use MCS indefinitely for either version.
Only one of the Zumma sets required that amount. All the other sets had
absolutely no drawdown for the mildest version. Resulting graph was on the
positive side at all times.
I counted about 60 abandoned runs in total.
Q: Since these were Banker
bets only, and EZ-Baccarat rules were used, how many pushes were seen during
the test?
In 600 shoes you should have approximately 973 pushes. Player would still
lose on these 973 decisions, but Banker would not win. This is the house
edge on the Banker side in EZ-Baccarat. If you truly want to simulate EZ-Baccarat,
you should include the pushes. 973 pushes will amount to a significant
amount of money. The total figure I am not sure since the bet size would
vary from 1 unit up to I guess 33 units in the aggressive version. Without
the pushes, the player would not need any money management ... all that
would be needed is a flat bet on Banker since the player would have the edge
over the house in the very long run.
In order to simulate the pushes, you could include 1 push on the first shoe
(changing 1 banker to a push), 2 pushes 2nd shoe (changing 2 bankers to
pushes), 1 push 3rd shoe (changing 1 banker to a push), 2 pushes 4th shoe
(changing 2 bankers to pushes) and so on. This should be done in a random
manner and not by whether the bet won or lost in the simulation. By
including 3 pushes for every 2 shoes tested this would be 900 pushes total
for 600 shoes, which would get you reasonably close. To do otherwise would
be inaccurate. I guarantee that the dealer will not allow a push to be
counted as a win at the EZ-Baccarat table.
Oh, one additional point. These
changed decisions in the test data (Banker to Push) would of course be a
push on the Banker side only. Any Player bets made when a Banker push is
seen would need to be calculated as a loss.
A: My programmer completed
the implementation of EZ Baccarat pushes as per your request and the results
are 1776 units for the Zumma 600 shoes instead of 2077 units. So you can
account for a decrease of 8.5% for all simulations provided for EZ Baccarat.
Comment: Excellent!! Now that you have created an EZ Baccarat
database to test upon, it will be easier for you to get a better idea about
realistic profits in future system tests.
Q: I would like to see some
results against roulette using a bet selection like Kiss if possible.
A: The Zumma results for the
KISS bet selection generated 540 units for Zumma 600 shoes. The KISS
bet selection for Roulette works for all methods, including MCS.
For roulette, also the Zig Zag (R B R B R B, etc.) bet selection seems to be
doing very well with MCS, about 1 unit per 3 spins in average.
Q: Did you run it (KISS bet
selection) over the Zumma 1000 and if so what were the results?
A: Yes, of course. over 1000
Zumma shoes, the first 500 generated 697 units and second 500 generated 716
units in the mildest version, maxbet set to 8 units.
Q: Why does betting bank only
in EZ bac produce almost 3 units per shoe profit while kiss produces less
than 1? If you subtract the 5% commission for bank that would account for
the 2 unit per shoe difference. I would like to see the results for Zuma
craps where commission does not enter the picture.
A: Electronic Craps Zumma
results were provided by one gracious forum member, including all rules of
Craps for Pass and Don't Pass lines, such as:
P is Pass
D is Don't Pass
B is Bar. Bar is loser for Pass and Push for Don't pass
Programming all this into the MCS simulations, following were the results:
Using P (pass line betting only): MCS generated 250 units for max bet 32 and
session bankroll of 200 units.
Using D (Don't Pass line only) MCS generated 238 for the same parameters.
The Craps data consists of 10,628 decisions, comparing to 40,000 decisions
of the Zumma 600 shoes test.
So the profits are quite proportional and consistent.
Moreover, you can go to the casino with a friend, one of you playing the P
side only and your friend the D side and you will both profit more than 200
units for each set. Or, one can bet on both P and D and double the profits
using differential betting.
Thank you all for your great
interest and questions.
MCS goes for $600 and
it's worth every penny of it. Early bird purchasers can have a 50%
discount and get the system for $300 only, if you purchase it prior to
November 15, 2015. The system will be delivered by email together with
all 6 simulations within 7 emails. For $20 extra you can have a
printout of the system delivered to your address.
here to order. Your
satisfaction is guaranteed. You have a full money back guarantee if
you return the system within 30 days of your purchase, no strings attached.
Thank you!
Izak Matatya
Wishing you all the best!
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