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=================================================== Friday,
November 30, 2012
FAQ on the New TS-Trigger System by Izak Matatya
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
There were numerous
questions on the TS, the Trigger System,
for all even paying games, announced last week. I will share my
answers with you this week in this FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Hi Izak,
I am interested in your new system TS, so if i am bringing $1000 to casino
each day, what can I be expected to win each day?
A: The rule of thumb would be your
high bet not to exceed 1/6th of your bankroll, thus your highest bet would
be 1000/6 = $167.
With you max bet being $167 and say your minimum being $10, you should be
able to make 110 units in 10 shoes or about 10 units per shoe, or 10 units
per hour of play, thus a profit of $100 per hour minus some commissions.
Q: I would like to know what
size BR does one need? I know that depends on your max bet but would you say
that it is 4 times your max bet. If one would set the max bet to 500 units
how many units would you bring to the table?
A: TS would need a bankroll about
six times the max bet. If your max bet is 10 units, then you will need 60
units. If your max bet is 500 units, then you will need 3000 units. It goes
in direct proportion of your max bet.
Q: Does one bet every hand?
A: One bets every single hand, 100%
of the time. There is no tracking, no interruption, no breaks, not even for
the very first few hands of the shoe or spins.
Q: Izak, I have several questions
about your new system. 1) I assume you are betting the small bet to stay in
the game waiting to place the large bet. What % of the time does the large
bet win? (W vs L in bac tester) 2)How often do you make the large bet? Will
it win flat betting? 3) What is largest drawdown in system testing? 4) What
is buy in and lifetime bank? Thanks
A: You're not just betting the small
bet to stay in the game, but you're actually winning with 1 unit flat bets
until the trigger opportunity comes. Then you place your large bet, whatever
your budget allows from 10 up to 500 units.
Those are the stats for 500 shoes for placing the large bet only:
wins: 1176
losses: 1103
more wins: 73
Out of 1176 + 1103 = 2279 bets, 1176 of them win, thus a percentage of
Since there are 36,581 decisions in those 500 shoes, you are betting 2279
bets as the large bet, thus a percentage of 2279 / 36581 = 6.2%, meaning
that the remaining 93.8% of the time, you're winning with 1 unit flat bets,
all commissions included.
This shows a great advantage in flat bet mode and some larger profit
opportunities during trigger times.
As mentioned in the launching newsletter, one can use the system betting
flat only, or betting when the trigger opportunity comes or, my favorite,
betting at all times taking advantage of both features.
The drawdown per run is the amount of the max bet, whatever you have chosen
it to be, 10, 50 or 500 units, the reason for that is that the run ends the
moment you place your large bet, win or not.
As per the total drawdown for the entire test period of those 500 shoes, the
largest drawdown happens to be the same amount: 543 units for a 500 unit max
bet, meaning that after an initial drawdown, the profits always remain on
the positive side, as you can see by the performance chart at:

The buy in is your max bet amount and the lifetime bankroll is six times
that amount to be on the safe side.
Q: This is from the web page:
Should one decide to bet only 40 units on the higher bet, TS will generate
1,019.90 units averaging about 2 units per shoe.
The end profit is in full proportion to the amounts based during the trigger
On short term play, one has numerous opportunities to quit ahead even with a
maximum bet of 10 units.
So I take this to mean that with a max bet of 10 units this did not beat
Zumma and if it did what were the results?
I just want to know what is the new
in this system that makes you feel that it is so strong.
A: With 10 units max bet, TS comes a
bit short to beat the entire Zumma. That's why it was profits for short
In order to beat Zumma the smallest max bet is 17 units. Here are some stats
that show profitability level with different max bet values:
Minimum Bet: 1
Maximum Bet: 17
End Profit: 26.30
Minimum Bet: 1
Maximum Bet: 18
End Profit: 69.50
Minimum Bet: 1
Maximum Bet: 19
End Profit: 112.70
Minimum bet is always 1, so I won't mention it any further below:
Maximum Bet: 20
End Profit: 155.90
Maximum Bet: 25
End Profit: 371.90
Maximum Bet: 30
End Profit: 587.90
Maximum Bet: 40
End Profit: 1,019.90
Maximum Bet: 50
End Profit: 1,451.90
Maximum Bet: 60
End Profit: 1,883.90
Maximum Bet: 80
End Profit: 2,747.90
Maximum Bet: 100
End Profit: 3,611.90
Maximum Bet: 150
End Profit: 5,771.90
Maximum Bet: 200
End Profit: 7,931.90
Maximum Bet: 300
End Profit: 12,251.90
Maximum Bet: 400
End Profit: 16,571.90
Maximum Bet: 500
End Profit: 20,891.90
Maximum Bet: 1,000
End Profit: 42,491.90
TS is very strong as no other system is as consistent as TS in terms of
keeping this kind of profit proportion.
Q: If my math is correct you are
placing the large bet about 4.5 times per shoe or about every 20 decisions
is that correct?
A: The trigger opportunity occurs
6.2% of the time. 1 in 20 decisions would be 5% of the time, so it's a bit
higher. If a shoe has 75 decisions, 4.65 times for each shoe in average
would be accurate.
Q: If the system wins 400+ units
flat betting why do you have to go to the 17 unit progression to make a
profit? Will you make a profit flat betting in either craps or roulette
where the vig is built into the game instead of paid at end like bac? If so
is it a similar win % to bac? Thanks.
A: The system generates 400 more
wins than the best bet selection. And you don't have to go into any kind of
progression if you don't feel like it. It's just that the flat bet
system will not generate 30,000 units the way the progressive one does. And
by the way, it's not a progression. It's only one high bet, that's it. That
high bet also need not be too high. 20 units are sufficient. And because the
trigger situations also win more than not, only that in itself creates a
flat bet advantage, should you want to bet only when the trigger comes.
The system can be used in either low bets flat bet mode only, or in trigger
mode only, or in a combined fashion. Totally flexible.
The system has been tested for all even bet games: Roulette, Craps,
Baccarat, Sic-Bo and War and the resulting win/loss percentage is similar.
Within 15,000 roulette spins, there were also 400 more wins generated just
by the bet selection.
Q: The flat bet advantage appeals
more to me. The returns of large bets are not attractive considering the 17X
or more put at risk.
What is the average profit per shoe if one places flat bet only?
You said that "To close a run in TS is either by keep betting 1 unit flat
until one is ahead...". We should close a run when we are ahead by how many
units in a shoe?
A: I ran a simulation with TS with
flat bets only, ignoring the trigger situations. TS generates an average of
2 units per shoe.
A run is closed the moment one is ahead by any positive amount.
Q: Izak, even with the large bet
only winning 73 more units than losses would it not be better to only make
the large bet (73 X 40=2920) vs 1000 making all bets at the 40 unit level?
A: The choice is totally yours.
And those are your choices:
1) Use only 1 unit flat bets throughout.
2) Since you have a flat bet advantage, use large bets throughout
3) Use large bets only for trigger points only
4) Use any size (even small bets) for trigger points only
5) Use large bets including regular flat bets and trigger points
6) Use small bets throughout including trigger points.
7) Use small bets flat during regular times and large bets during trigger
I thank all of you who have shown a great interest in TS.
TS goes for
$480, which is a very small price to pay for a system that will make you huge profits. As
you have seen from its performance chart, TS has a potential to generate
30,000 units.
If you purchase TS
from now until the end of the year 2012, you can have a 50% discount and
acquire the system for $240 only, a super deal. With $10 extra,
you can have a printout of the system document delivered to you by first
class mail.
Your satisfaction is
guaranteed. If not, you can have a full refund
totally unconditionally within 30 days of your purchase, no strings attached,
no questions asked.
here to order.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
Wishing you all the best,
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