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============================================== Sunday,
October 11, 2009
Q and A on the Infallible Roulette System and the Infallible Baccarat System Version
7.0 by Izak Matatya
Hello everyone,
The so far most perfect system:
IBS7 announced last week was received with great enthusiasm. IBS7
is a bet method that is adapted for either all even bets paying 1:1 to be
used in all games and for odds paying 3 for 2 such as double dozens in
Roulette or numbers 9-12 in Sic-Bo, etc. I thank you all for
your interest. Lots of feedback was received from purchasers. I
have been bombarded with tons of questions, and I would like to share my
answers with you this week in this newsletter.
Before I do so, here are some
comments and reviews posted on the system:
"I have IBS7 which is mostly about dozens. BUT
THIS IS IMPORTANT. The MM works with any even bets. I am using it on
Baccarat with my own bet selection method, and, frankly, I do not see that
losing is even a possibility on even chances PROVIDING that you have a
dependable bet selection.
And, as always when you gamble, you cannot leave your brain at home.
Remember there are always two parts to winning in a casino: 1) you need to
have a winning system; 2) You have to have learned how not to lose, and this
requires you knowing your vulnerabilities and to remember that gambling will
always find your vulnerable spots and exploit them to the fullest.
It is my belief that Izak has come with a plan that can make anyone a
winner, but that is different from saying that it WILL make anyone a
"So would you say that the progression in IBS 7
is a significant improvement on previous versions? Yes. if you and I
was playing the table at the same time we would make the same bets. in some
other IBS systems you would wait for a paper win and other times you would
wait for double paper wins and there were no hard set rules on just when to
start waiting for double paper wins and just when to split your bets. In IBS
7 there is no paper win phase that is sometimes one sometimes 2 and you
never split you bet. Also in other IBS systems sometimes you added numbers
from the right and sometimes from the left. IBS does not have that. I guess
what I am trying to say is there is no guess work when it comes to IBS7."
" I keep buying Izak's systems because they
always offer me something to improve my game and chances of winning. His
latest MM techniques are great contributions and different from what is out
on the net. Izak has taught me many things over the years, especially
in the field of MM. I am a
consistent winner on the net. In the past, I have been advised by some of
the very best gamblers and am a systems analyzer. I have had many systems
sent to me over the years for an opinion and to try to improve them. I have
learned much from all of this input, and Izak and his systems have helped me
in my progress"
And now the answers to your questions:
Q) Since roulette (00) has a much higher house
advantage than baccarat, what potential negative impact could this have as
relates specifically to IBS7? In other words, when playing IBS7 roulette, is
the potential to lose several times greater than when playing IBS7 baccarat?
If so, then why would anyone playing for serious money select roulette over
baccarat? This question is important, as I will start playing roulette since
the min bet is generally much lower than baccarat as is the bankroll
A) Yes, in roulette the house edge is 5.26% for
00 wheels as opposed to 1.47% in Baccarat and 1.7% in Baccarat playing
Player only. The impact is as shown in the simulations. You make 3580 units
in 15,000 spins and 8524 units in 41,003 decisions. Average profit per spin
3580/15000 = 0.2386 units. Average profit in Baccarat is: 8524/41003 = .2078
units, pretty much similar. However, Roulette is 3 times slower, thus you
make 3 times more profit playing Baccarat within the same time frame. And
it's true that in Roulette you have more potential for losing session
because of the two zeros. In Baccarat, playing Player only versus Banker
also reduces the win rate. The reason I chose Player bets is not to have to
deal with commissions, since it wins so well on Player bets only.
The reason people may select Roulette over Baccarat is because the game is
slower. You have more time to think. You are more relaxed and you are less
opt to make mistakes in sophisticated systems. But once you gain the
experience, of course, Baccarat wins more and faster.
Q) Could you possibly break your results down
into how many units of profit one could make per hour........on average of
course. I understand that some sessions may take longer to close out with a
A) For roulette you make 3580 units per 15,000
spins. A spin takes a minute. So you make 3580 units per 15,000 minutes or
or 3580/15000 = .2386 units per minute, X 60 = 14.32 units per hour in
Q) Izak, I just read your email regarding IBS
7. Wow, I am impressed. I would like to ask a few questions if I may.
Is my understanding correct in that the biggest drawdown in both the Zumma
Roulette book and the 600 shoe Zumma Bac book was 94 units. I define a
drawdown as the amount in units you are down from a high point anywhere (not
just from the beginning of the book) including the bet you have currently
out there. Hope I made sense.....I just wanted to make sure that you are not
counting previous profits to offset losses.
A) The drawdown is as you described from the
beginning of a new session and not from the beginning of the start of your
play at point zero. In fact, the maximum session bankroll is defined as a
parameter: 94. Should one exceed the use of this amount, the run ends and
thus this bankroll cannot be exceeded.
Q) IZAK, hi, hope you are keeping well! just wanted to ask you are
these systems for use online? and if they are, are they fully automated to
say set and forget, of course what i mean is could it be left running on its
A) Yes, they are adequate for on-line use. The
simulations are not robots to play automatically. But you can surely plug in
the decision or the outcome of the on-line casino and the simulation will
tell you where to bet and how much to bet next and the schemes will be shown
and updated automatically.
Q) Hi Izak,
Thank you for your email. Your new system sounds very promising. Would you
mind to answer my few questions:
How many shoes have you tested in real (not including Zumma shoes)?
A) About 550
Q) How long have you been using this system?
A) About 2 months.
Q) How long does a session last?
A) Between 1 decision (the shortest) and 60 decisions (the longest).
Q) Is it very difficult to learn it?
A) No, on the contrary. It's made simpler, smarter and more explicit.
Q) Do you have to use a scorecard?
A) Not for tracking decisions, but for calculating the amount of your
next bet.
Q) Do you go to the next shoe if the first shoe runs out in the
middle of session?
A) Yes, but you have no obligation to join the next shoe right away.
Just continue the interrupted previous session any time later.
Q) Can you guarantee that this system won't fail?
A) Nothing can be guaranteed in gambling. I can only provide test
results over thousands of decisions, which are very promising.
Q) Basically IBS7 makes 14 units/shoe average. Have you got the same
result in real test?
A) Yes, I did.
Q) Hello Izak,
You certainly have caught my attention, and have met my own personal
requirements with this newest version of IBS. I do have a couple questions
or so for you.
I understand most of your testing with roulette was done with the dozens.
However, if a person wanted to include playing red/black, odd/even, or
high/low at the same time, did one of these perform better than another, or
would the results be about the same?
A) The new product comes with two new systems:
Infallible Roulette System, which uses two dozens and the IBS7 bet method
and IBS7 - the Infallible Baccarat system, that uses the same bet method
and, that bets on Player only, but can be used for all even bets, such as
Red/Black, Even/Odd, High/Low in Roulette, Pass Line/Don't Pass Line in
Craps, using the basic strategy and bet method of IBS7 for Blackjack,
Small/Big in Sic-Bo, Casino War and any even bet game, including sports
The Infallible Roulette system, that uses double dozens as its bet selection
and IBS7 as its bet method, can be used for other games paying 3 for 2, such
as Sic-Bo, for example. I like playing numbers 9-12 in Sic-Bo, placing 4
chips to get back 6 chips when you win, with the exact odds of double dozens
in Roulette.
In short, the new systems cover all aspects of all games paying 3 for 2 or
1:1 tested with 2 fully automated simulations for each such odds generating
similar results.
Q) Since we would be playing player only in
Baccarat, is it possible to just jump in the shoe at anytime, without
waiting for a new shoe to start?
A) One can start playing at any stage within
the shoe. The only thing is that if the run is not over at the end of the
shoe, you should carry it over to the next shoe and not necessarily to the
beginning of the next shoe, but simply any time.
Q) Izak, If I am interpreting you correctly you
can play Bac two ways betting player only and betting both sides B and P.
Correct me if I am wrong but your 8500+ unit win in bac playing the Zumma
book was betting player only . What was the win playing both sides? It looks
like in both bac and roulette you win 1 unit in a little under 5 bets or
decisions. Is this true for most games weather the odds are 50/50 as in bac
or are betting 2/3 as in roulette? In bac playing player only are you still
betting every decision?
A) I don't recall saying you can play IBS7 by
placing bets on both Player and Banker. On the contrary, I have eliminated
bets on Banker in order not to worry about commissions and commission
coverage strategies as in IBS6 or Banker Baccarat system. Keeping the system
simple and smart makes it more usable, playable, enjoyable and in the case
of IBS7 more profitable.
If one wishes to use DB (differential betting) in IBS7 using both Player and
Banker or both sides of the even bet in Roulette or any other 1:1 paying
games, by all means, it will work well. But why complicate life, when it
works in a simple way. If you love challenges, I wouldn't stop you, as you
will double your profits in Baccarat. Imagine playing db in Roulette and
playing on all 6 sides of the even bets, multiplying your profits by 6,
averaging 1 unit profit per spin. If you can manage it, by all means, go
The odds in Roulette are the worst, 5.26%, for 00 wheels. For single zero
wheels, you will profit more, as the odds are 2.7%. (I tested only for 00,
BTW). Other games, such as Craps, will also profit as much as in Baccarat.
However, Craps and Roulette are much slower. By the time the shooter 7s out
or makes a point, several minutes are elapsed. A roulette spin takes about 1
minute and up to 3 minutes per spin in a more crowded table. In Baccarat, 3
decisions could take place within a minute.
In either game, one places bets on each spin/decision.
Q) Is this something that will require pen and
paper tracking at the table?
A) Pen and paper may be required for the
method, unless you're very good in arithmetic and have an excellent memory
to keep the scheme in your mind. I don't. I'm good in arithmetic but I have
a terrible memory. You need pen and paper to calculate your next bet. As the
run progresses, the scheme may become too complex to keep in mind.
You don't track what happened at the table in terms of spins/decisions, but
you do track what you write in your scheme and jog down the necessary
information based on your last win or loss.
Q) Is there particular advantage to playing the
two dozens compared to the even chances in roulette? Can the two columns
work equally as well?
A) There is no particular advantage to play two
dozens simultaneously versus even chances. The Infallible Roulette system
found the best bet selection for two dozens and the IBS7 bet method has been
adapted to work for two dozens. And yes, naturally one can use two columns
either instead of two dozens, or, if you can manage it, on both two dozens
and two columns to double the profits.
Q) Hi Izak, does the system require the
splitting up of units when they get to high?
A) No, the system does not require the
splitting of the bets. As mentioned, the rules are very strict and leave no
means for any kind of ambiguity. Even splitting the bets sometimes causes
different variations. IBS7 is completely mechanical and doesn't require any
kind of guessing nor an alternate solution for any tough run. They're all
handled the same way. Two people using the system would be placing the exact
same bets all the time.
Q) Hi Izak,
You say:
"if one would lose say up to 10 runs of 94 units maximum, it would cut 940
units from the total of 3580 and would make the system still very profitable
with +2640 units. "
How can the lifetime bankroll be only 94 units if you admit the possibility
that you can get multiple losing runs? These could happen right from the
A) I said: "if" not "when". It never happened
so far in neither tester book and hopefully it will never happen. But if it
does happen, I don't see it happening back to back, but at very rare
frequencies. If it happens right from the start, you would definitely be
needing the second 94 unit bankroll in order to continue playing, but not
necessarily that you would use all of the 94.
Q) What's the difference between highest bet
and the maximum placed bet?
A) Let me clarify the point of the highest bet
and session bankroll. The system has been programmed in such a way, that if
the next bet exceeds the highest bet, which is set to 39 units, the bet is
placed nevertheless. If that bet is lost, it's an End of run with an
abandoned run and accepted loss. If that bet is won, the run may either end
right there or continue with smaller bets, as the system dictates.
That's why the 39 unit highest bet threshold and the 93 unit bankroll may be
exceeded at times.
In fact the simulation shows, that the highest bet placed is 79 units and
the highest session bankroll used: 150, although the limits have been set to
be 39 and 93 respectively.
Q) Would the system then require large bets?
A) This is only if we want IBS7 to be totally
infallible and 79 is still not considered relatively high for those
If you wish to bet much lower, IBS7 will still function properly and will
generate decent profits, if you would be willing to abandon a few runs.
Here are some interesting results from the IBS7 simulation for Baccarat for
41,003 decisions of the 600 shoes. Whoever has the system can verify those
results by changing the input parameter: highest bet.
Highest bet: 35
End result: 7288
Max. placed bet 77
Max. used session bankroll 92
Number of abandoned runs 17
Highest bet: 30
End result: 6121
Max. placed bet 62
Max. used session bankroll 92
Number of abandoned runs 35
Highest bet: 25
End result: 5455
Max. placed bet 61
Max. used session bankroll 91
Number of abandoned runs 48
Highest bet: 20
End result: 4248
Max. placed bet 57
Max. used session bankroll 91
Number of abandoned runs 76
Highest bet: 15
End result: 3115
Max. placed bet 57
Max. used session bankroll 82
Number of abandoned runs 139
Highest bet: 12
End result: 1950
Max. placed bet 36
Max. used session bankroll 82
Number of abandoned runs 207
Highest bet: 11
End result: 1572
Max. placed bet 31
Max. used session bankroll 82
Number of abandoned runs 238
Highest bet: 10
End result: 1441
Max. placed bet 31
Max. used session bankroll 61
Number of abandoned runs 261
Highest bet: 9
End result: 1078
Max. placed bet 29
Max. used session bankroll 53
Number of abandoned runs 353
Highest bet: 8
End result: 667
Max. placed bet 27
Max. used session bankroll 53
Number of abandoned runs 396
Highest bet: 7
End result: 270
Max. placed bet 27
Max. used session bankroll 53
Number of abandoned runs 511
This is as low as you can go for the system to be still profitable.
Q) Izak, has the system been reverse-engineered
for the Zumma shoes?
A) Reverse engineering means to find or devise
a system, that will suit a certain given amount of decisions. Such a given
amount of decisions would be indeed the Zumma tester book decisions. This is
not a hard task to do. One can simply observe the number of repeats, or the
maximum number of a certain decision not to appear, etc. and devise a system
Now, if IBS7 was such a system, how would you explain the fact, that only
now (after long it was devised) I am verifying it against the 1000 Baccarat
shoes and it's winning every single run? Shouldn't I have to reverse
engineer the system first based on the 1000 Baccarat shoes instead? But the
system is there already. And I'm not changing any rules at all, based on
some sets of decisions encountered in different tester books. So the reverse
engineering concept does not apply to IBS7.
In fact, I just completed the testing of the second half of 1000 Zumma
Baccarat shoes and the results are:
Highest bet: 39
Max. session bankroll: 93
End result: 7567
Max. placed bet 77
Max. used session bankroll 92
Number of abandoned runs 0
Abandoned runs cost 0
Combining this profit with the +7702 units of the first 500 shoes, this
makes a total profit of 7702 + 7567 = +15,269 units profit for 1000 shoes,
or rather 1035 shoes, as the second half had 535 shoes and not 500, and an
average profit of 15269/1035 = 14.75 units, pretty much consistent with the
other set of 600 Zumma Baccarat shoes.
Q) Izak,
Why don't you use a simulator with a random number generator and run through
a few thousand baccarat hands and give us the result in units won and lost?
That in combination with the results from the two tester books would give us
more confidence that the system works.
A) I think I must have run the simulations with
the random number generators over a thousands times, every time recording
the end result in a macro and the average is still 14 units per shoe,
despite the variety of end results.
We're talking not a thousand baccarat hands but running the 600 shoe
simulation 1000 times, meaning 40,000 decisions 1000 times, or 40 million
decisions, a bit more than a few lifetimes...
During those runs, there were some abandoned ones with
a certain accepted loss. Nevertheless the 14 unit average per shoe was
Here are some sample runs:
Highest bet: 39
Max. session bankroll: 93
End result: 6418
Max. placed bet 69
Max. used session bankroll 143
Number of abandoned runs 43
Abandoned runs cost -4340
Highest bet: 39
Max. session bankroll: 93
End result: 6074
Max. placed bet 74
Max. used session bankroll 145
Number of abandoned runs 43
Abandoned runs cost -4616
Highest bet: 39
Max. session bankroll: 93
End result: 6129
Max. placed bet 75
Max. used session bankroll 149
Number of abandoned runs 41
Abandoned runs cost -4433
Highest bet: 39
Max. session bankroll: 93
End result: 6160
Max. placed bet 75
Max. used session bankroll 149
Number of abandoned runs 45
Abandoned runs cost -4585
Highest bet: 39
Max. session bankroll: 93
End result: 6912
Max. placed bet 87
Max. used session bankroll 178
Number of abandoned runs 36
Abandoned runs cost -3822
Q) Izak,
Is that (approximately) 6,000 unit profit BEFORE or AFTER you subtract the
(approximately) 4,000 unit loss per abandoned run?
A) It's the End result, thus it is after
subtracting the losses (or rather the abandoned runs).
Thank you all for your great interest. IBS7
stands for the best system ever designed. Numerous profit reports keep
The systems are priced at $800 together,
which is fully worth it for infallible systems producing endless profits on
the long run.
And as always, you have a full money back
guarantee upon your full satisfaction of the systems. If you find
anything that bothers you about the systems, you can
ask for a full refund within 30 days of your purchase, no strings attached
and no questions asked.
here to order for an email
delivery of the system. For only $20 extra, you can have a printout mailed to your address.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
Wishing you all the best,
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