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Thursday, October 3, 2002
Q & A on Systems Trilogy
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your
interest on the systems trilogy presented last week, the 3 systems
Pattern 12, AntiPhase
and System 222 written by
Edmond Petitjean.
Edmond received quite a lot of questions on the systems and I would like to
share his answers with all of you:
Q: Questions
on System 222. What size buy-in is required? What size bankroll?
A: The required
buy-in is 50 units - bankroll 100 units.
Q: Do you have
to do a lot of recordkeeping at the table?
A: No. It's
very easy and only a few things to write down.
Q: Do you play
every hand, spin, or dice roll?
A: No. About
1/3 to 1/2 of all spins.
Q: What is the
winning percentage of S222 based on extensive testing?
A: Over 90%.
Q: You
indicated that using System 222 one would play 1/3 to 1/2 of all spins. I
realize that when playing baccarat or craps a person can skip betting, but
roulette is a different story. They expect you to "pay for your seat at the
table" by making a bet every time. How can that be handled with this system?
Also, I forgot to ask you before about the stop-loss you have established.
Is it the entire 50 units? And how often would that happen, based on Izak's
(or your) testing?
A: That's easy: bet the minimum on black and red at the same time as
long as you can't make a "real" bet or chose either one of the two if this
looks awkward.
Stop loss is 100 units (losing your 50 units two times in a row).
Until today I never lost 100 units playing S222, so it is difficult to say
how often that would happen: in any way very seldom and negligible compared
to the winnings.
Q: Hello
I have read Izak's
write up on your 3 systems in his latest newsletter.
I use D'Alembert combined with Avant dernier (decision before last) on
Roulette, Craps & Baccarat. And D'Alembert only on BJ along basic strategy
of course. I have very good success with my approach to the above games.
I could be interested in you system 222. However if it incorporates the
D'Alembert approach (up one unit after a loss & down one unit after a win),
on even money games, I would appreciate your saying so. Thank you.
A: It follows an adapted version of d'Alembert, what makes it more
powerful. This combined with the special selection procedure makes it
a sure winner.
Q: Hello
Edmond, I have been reading the information about your systems:
Relaxed Roulette
Pattern 12
System 222
And they sound very good.....
I have bought and tried so many systems and have been ripped off every time
and I am very sad about this. I have lost a lot of money by reading
all these hyped up things about systems and then loosing all my money.
Can you make a full
time income playing roulette?
A: I know what
you are talking about and I've been there too. In fact that was the
main reason for me to start developing my own systems.
Let me assure you that you won't risk even $1 when buying the systems at
Let's Talk Winning.
Why? Because you get an absolute guarantee that you won't risk any money on
obtaining our system(s) and neither on testing them afterwards. So
your total risk = $0!
You can indeed make a full time income out of this IF you approach it as a
business and NOT as a gambling activity: that means that you'll have
expenses (investing in a system, going to a casino, tipping the croupier,
occasional losses, etc...).
Your profits will however be a lot higher than your expenses if you stay
cool and business-minded.
Edmond when you bet on the dozens do you ever
increase or decrease your bets or is this very dangerous to do?
A: When betting on dozens the bets
are indeed increased/decreased but in a fully controlled manner.
Q: Is it possible for me to make
say $500 a day playing your 3 systems and not loose my bankroll?
A: Winning US $500 per day depends
entirely on your available capital. It's better to count in units: suppose
you win 10 units/day (the purpose of Pattern 12, for instance), you can
figure it out what you could win/day (your bankroll should be 100 units).
Q: Re: Pattern 12 - How
long (approximate spins) is each session on average?
A: About 1 to 2 hours on average
(depending on how long they take between two spins).
I never go over 60 spins, even if the session wouldn't be completed or I
wouldn't have won 10 units.
Q: Do you think these can work
online? I would love to be able to do this from home on my computer and make
just a few hundred bucks a day - I'm not greedy, trying to get thousands a
day. Do you think this is a realistic goal?
A: I appreciate your lack of greed. Lots of people hope to buy
a system for US $300, have a capital of $1000 and then make $10,000 /month
(no kidding!).
It IS possible to win that amount, but only by compounding your profits VERY
Izak could advise you about trustable online casino's.
Q: How much faster can money be
made with Pattern 12 than S222? I need to do something quick.
A: Pattern 12 is more powerful and you could expect results twice as
quickly as with S222.
Q: In
AntiPhase, it's specified that out of 100 games you lose 3 and win 93.
If you loose 3 games from 100 then isn't it that must win 97 times and not
A: Yes, that is
correct. What is meant is that it is sufficient to win 93 games out of
100 in order to be ahead by at least one unit per spin in average.
The information on this new method is
rather brief. Could you answer some questions?
1- I assume this is a method for picking
R/B etc. Izak has a method - FBMP - which is
also used to predict. What makes your method of bet selection so good?
A: This method is totally different in its selection procedure and is
based on probabilities.
Q: 2- Does the method have a money management component or is it flat
A: A progression is used (in fact one main and one alternative).
Q: 3- Does the method pick the
even money chance more than 50% of the time?
A: You should rather think in won attacks: and they are VERY
high (one attack is composed of a few spins).
Q: 4- Anything else you can tell me about it would be appreciated.
A: Consider AntiPhase a sure
winner with one special extra: it is extremely fast in obtaining its goal.
Q: I really appreciate your prompt
and courteous response to my numerous questions. This gives me a great deal
of confidence in terms of dealing with you and Izak, and I'm getting close
to placing an order.
In the meantime, I need your assistance as far as Spielbank-Hamburg is
concerned. I've heard of this resource previously, and I've tried to access
the information, but I don't speak German and have no idea of exactly where
to click.
Would you be kind enough to explain to me exactly what I would have to do to
access the current (and historical) roulette spins?
Thanks in advance for your valuable assistance.
A: Here are the steps to follow:
1) go to
2) click on "Link" (if the site doesn't
3) first you'll see a roulette wheel coming closer and then you are
transported to the following screen:
- Gewinnspiel
- Aktuelles
- Über uns
- Spielsaal
- Spiele
- Sitemap
4) Now click on "Spielsaal", meaning "game saloon"
5) You get another screen where you chose "Permanenzen"
6) Then you get a screen where you can give in the table (Tisch), the day
(Tag), the Month (Monat), the Year (Jahr)
Now you give in the data you want to see (example: 1 26 09 2002)
7) Then you click on "Zeigen", which means "show" to get the permanence of
that day
or on "Download" to download the file.
8) You can then click on "Back" and enter
a different table number and/or a different date to see any other
Thank you Edmond for your prompt and kind
The discounted prices have no time limit.
Upon your purchase of either Pattern 12 or AntiPhase, you receive System 222
as a free bonus. And if you purchase both Pattern 12 and AntiPhase,
you get $100 off on the price of the two AND you get System 222 as a free
Should you decide to purchase either
AntiPhase or Pattern12 for now and buy the other one later on, I will deduct
$100 on the price of the second system whenever you chose to buy it.
Click to order.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya
or click the appropriate button below if you chose PayPal for
your payment method:
for email delivery of Pattern 12
for regular delivery of Pattern 12
for email delivery of AntiPhase
for regular delivery of AntiPhase
for email delivery of System 222
for regular delivery of System 222
for email delivery
of Pattern 12 AND AntiPhase
for regular delivery of Pattern 12 AND AntiPhase

Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
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