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===================================================== Saturday,
October 7, 2023
FAQ on the New RN4 - Repeating Numbers Version 4 Roulette System Izak
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers,
The new Repeating Numbers
Version 4 Roulette system launched last week was received with
great enthusiasm. I promised a Frequently Asked Question newsletter in
the discussion forum.
I have answered lots of questions both in the forum and
in private emails. Before we go into the Q and A's, here is a general
feedback from most purchasers:
"This system wins, a true winner,
excellent job!!"
This is very encouraging. My goal was always
beating roulette on the long run and this system proves it.
Now your questions answered:
Q: Izak
I don’t know if you can answer all of my questions so you don’t give away
how it works. Do you feel RN4 will perform as advertised against an
electronic air ball machine?
What is the maximum bet per number required ?
What are the maximum number of numbers that are required to bet?
A: No problem. RN4 will perform well
anywhere, no limitations.
The maximum bet per number is 10 chips. And this could go on maximum 6
numbers, thus making the maximum bet 60 units.
One could bet up to 12 numbers max.
Q: I received your newsletter regarding new
Repeating Numbers Version 4 (RN4) systems and it looks pretty impressive at
first glance. However, I always have to look under the hood. So, following
are my questions
Q1: If the system always reaches new maximum in profits, why does it
need a lifetime bankroll of 3,000 units for aggressive play and 1,100 units
for conservative (low budget) play?
Isn't only 3 buy ins of 110 units each (low budget) and 330 units each
(aggressive play) are sufficient as a lifetime bankroll?
A1. 100 or 330 units are the buy-in chips for one session. Looking
at the performance chart, we see sometimes, that the profits are lower by a
couple of thousand units. That's why I determined that amount should be the
lifetime bankroll, in case you have started to use the system at that point.
Q2: Have you at least double if not triple checked your excel
programming for the accuracy of those reported numbers as it sounds too good
to be true?
A2: Yes, absolutely, quadruple checked and made lots of corrections
fixing all bugs.
Q3: Are you using correct RNG generator formula?
A3: I tried multiple RNG generated numbers. Also I tested the system
with roulette numbers sent to my by customers taken from the German casino
Permanenzen (recorded spins)
Q4: Are you giving any unfair advantage to the system by allowing to
throw more repeating numbers in the mix than actual odds of the game?
A4: I'm not throwing anything. Zumma is as is and random is random.
The Macro runs it 100 times simulating 1.5 Million spins.
Q5: If one plays this systems at electronic terminal (touch screen)
in a real casino with a real wheel operated by real dealer in brick and
mortar casino then how can you go undetected by the eye in the sky?
A5: In roulette you can take any notes you want. It's allowed.
Q6: Is the player needed to go with an iPad, laptop or mobile at the
roulette table to keep tracking of numbers and bets calculations?
A6: 4. No, I provide the necessary templates in the document.
Q7: Does this system be played with paper
scorecards provided by casino as far as tracking of the numbers/bets are
A7: No, my template should be used. It makes it very easy to
track and bet when the time comes.
2 questions please
Q1 ?***When you say "buy in of 300 units and lifetime 3,000" what
lifetime 3,000 mean?
A1: When I say buy-in is when you step into a
casino or start playing on-line, it's the amount of chips you need to have
in front of you and this will suffice for a session.
Should you lose a few sessions, you will need more than that. and that's
where the lifetime bankroll comes.
The good news are that you will NEVER lose your lifetime bankroll. It's just
the amount you need to support the system to play it indefinitely and make
money constantly on the long run.
Q2: *** You probably explained it somewhere??? Will you do it here,
what are the main advantages of the #4 over RN3?
A2: RN4 has HUGE improvements over RN3B$. It has multiple triggers to
make your start of the game more dynamic and more profitable to the extent
that it never fails.
Losing sessions are very small compared to enormous winning sessions. It's
like 10 to 1.
Q: Izak, does the RN4 Roulette method use flat-
bets, up as you win or what? Also, what would be your largest bet?
A: It's pretty much flat betting, the amounts vary
depending on the stage you're in.
The largest bet would be 60 units.
Q: Izak,
I have gathered 200 spins from the German casino Permanenzen.
Can you test RN4 with those numbers for me please?
A: Sure, I ran the test by plugging your numbers into the
simulation and they generate 317 units.
Results attached.
Q: Izak, I can see big dips in profits at some
points in the performance graph. How much is that drawdown? I guess that
will different number for each iteration of test but how much was the
largest drawdown?
A: There are two versions of RN4, the mild and the
aggressive one. The aggressive one may need a bankroll of 3000 units and the
mild one 3 times less.
And yes, this amount varies every time you run the 15,000 X 100 = 1.5M
random spin test.
There has never been a negative value of end profit after running the random
test. It's always between 8,000 and 26,000 units profit in the mild mode.
In the aggressive mode, 3 times as much.
Q: Also, do you bet on every spin in this system
or wait for some 'trigger' event to happen?
Is it playable on Rapid Roulette (30 seconds timer per
How long does it take to calculate the numbers to be bet
on and the money to be wagered?
A: Yes, there are triggers to start betting, thus you do not bet
every single spin.
It's playable on any roulette type.
You don't need to calculate any number. You track them as they come up.
The repeating numbers are numbers that came up. Otherwise, they wouldn't be
the repeating ones.
Well, thank you all for your great interest and very good
The system is $12,000 and is very worth it.
I would like to make this great system affordable to
everyone. So early bird purchasers can have an enormous discount
of 97% and receive the system for $360 only if you buy the system by the end
of October 2023. It's almost like a give away...
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Should the system be not to your liking, you can return it with a full
refund within 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked, no strings
attached. I would, however, appreciate, if you could show a log of
spins, where the system does not perform as announced. I doubt that
you will have such a log.
here to purchase the system. An automatic download link will open
for you.
Please do not forget to specify your
email during your purchase, so your download link can be sent to you.
Thank you!
Izak Matatya
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