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============================================== Tuesday,
September 20, 2011
FAQ on the New IBS10 - Infallible Baccarat System Version 10.0 by Izak Matatya
Dear LTW customers and subscribers,
Thank you for your great interest on my new
IBS10 system announced last week. I had
numerous emails inquiring about the system, and I would like to share my
answers with you this week in this FAQ newsletter.
Q. Izak, your new system sounds fantastic! Izak, can
you tell me is there ANY comparison to your other IBS Series of systems? Or
for that matter any other of your existing systems? If so, what is it? Izak,
in addition, have you tested this on REAL CASINO SHOES? If so, how many?
What were the results? Were they similar to the 86 shoes taken from the
Zumma 600 shoe test book? Please review and advise.
A. How would IBS10 compare to the other 9 versions? To tell you the truth,
its bet selection is nothing like any other IBS version, neither is its bet
method. So, it's a totally different system and different winning concept.
If I tried it on real casino shoes? Yes, I tried it on all shoes I have in
my database. The Zumma shoes are also supposed to have been taken from real
I can only test a chunk of about 80 shoes at a time, because the bet
selection is entered manually.
But I have tested many chunks of 80 shoes within the 600 Zumma shoes and the
1000 Zumma shoes and I have simulations for both sets.
The results are very consistent: 4.5 units per shoe in average.
Q. From your chart how did you come up with the figure
of 4.5 units average/shoe?
A. Those are 5851 decisions in the chart. They
are the first 86 shoes of the Zumma 600 shoes test book. The end
profit for those 86 shoes is 393.95 units exactly. Dividing 393.95
into 86, you get: 4.579 units per shoe.
Q. Hello Izak, I've got 2 questions about this;
1. What is the lifetime bankroll needed to be safe.?
2. How does this system compare to the KISS system in terms of risk and ease
of playing?
A. The largest drawdown I have ever encountered in my
tests were 26 units. Those were chunks of 80 shoes.
To be completely safe with the system I would use a lifetime bankroll of 300
units for very long term usage.
As the name implies KISS (Keep it Simple and Smart) is one of the simplest
systems to play. For sure IBS10 is much more complex than KISS, but very
learnable and mechanical.
In terms of risk they are both low risk systems. KISS can be used even with
flat betting. IBS10 has a highest bet of 10 units, which is really very very
Q. Hi Izak,
It has been awhile since we chatted, my old and ambitious gambling friend.
Hope you are doing well, and making a pile of money. Although, the local and
national US economy is tanking, most of the Vegas casinos are prospering and
the tourists just keep coming from all parts of the country in droves.
I visit your LTW forum periodically, and read with interest your latest
newsletter extolling the virtues of your newest version of IBS. As you know,
I love the game of baccarat and have been trying to conquer this elusive
beast for years.
I would appreciate your answers to a few specific questions, which are as
Q1) Based on your extensive testing and playing, what percentage of shoes
can one typically win during a week of playing 20 shoes.....and at what
expected net profit in units? Please be conservative.
A1) The test conducted were mostly manual due to the complex bet selection.
I selected randomly groups of 80 shoes. Some shoes lost, some won, still
averaged 4.5 units per shoe, no matter which group of 80 shoes I selected.
Within 20 shoes, I would say 80% of the shoes come up profitable. You may
have a small drawdown of 25 units, should the shoes do not show a profit.
The 25 units drawdown is for the 80 shoes, not just for one shoe.
Q2) Using your unique bet selection, what win rate can one expect flat
betting and how does this compare to all your other bet selections such as
KISS and prior IBS bet selections?
Q2) Since the bet selection creates randomness, I do not expect the system
to win flat betting. KISS would win flat betting. And other IBS bet
selections are based more or less around KISS system's ideas to follow
streaks, chops and other patterns. IBS10 has a totally different concept and
doesn't care at all about any sort of pattern formation.
Q3) Can one comfortably use the casino scorecard to play IBS10, or does the
system require too much tracking and documentation?
A3) The system requires only the last 3 decisions in order to start applying
it, that's all. There is absolutely no other tracking or waiting for any
condition to occur.
Q4) What is the average high bet in playing one shoe?
A4) 7 units would be the average high bet. Highest bet does not exceed 9-10
units tops ever.
Q5) Are you using a negative "labby" type progression similar to precious
IBS versions?
A5) No, not any more.
Thanks, Izak for your time and effort in answering my questions.
Q. Hi Izak,
Interesting read of the system promo. I note you say it is probably the best
system going around. Surely if it can make 4.5 units per shoe it is your
best effort. How do the Baccarat results translate to Roulette in terms of
units made per 100 spins? How often is a run abandoned to lose up to 21
units? Is there any difference between outcomes for the various even chance
games as they all have there individual quirks don't they? You usually
suggest a stop/loss so is that the case for this system?
A. For IBS10, 4.5 units are very consistent regardless of the even paying
game. Even though Roulette’s odds for instance are worse than Baccarat or
Craps, a zero here and there, which makes the house edge 5.26%, instead of
1.7% has absolutely no effect on the performance of the system, because you
may have 10 or 17 consecutive losses within a shoe, or a session, the run
will be completed with 2-3 units profit nevertheless.
Some runs are abandoned with 21 units. This is the only stop loss in the
system. They may happen once every 20 winning sessions in average. Each
winning run gives you 2-3 units profit. So, going up 60 units and going down
by 21 units in the same proportion will give you decent profit and a
consistent average.
Q. Thanks Izak. What does the graph represent? Is it about 80 shoes and
profit 400 units? I note the downturn can be 100 units. Can you explain it
please? Would you keep playing through a shoe or spins at roulette after a
loss of 21 units or is a break or change of table required?
A. Yes, that’s exactly that, about 86 shoes generating 399 units
profit averaging 4.5 units per shoe. Drawdown is about 26 units.
After an abandoned session, you can continue playing exactly where you were
left off. There is no need to wait. It’s totally optional and makes no
difference for the system.
Q. Thanks again for that. So playing on after loss of
21 does that mean you start a new run at base unit what ever that is? Is
there any likely difference in systems performance between RNG and real
A. Yes, after an abandoned run, you start with the base bet, whatever it is.
And those figures are flexible in the simulation. You have the option of
entering different base units, different session bankrolls and see the
results in the chart.
The performance for real and random decisions is the same. I take real
decisions also as random, because that’s what they are. That’s one of the
main principles of this system.
Thank you all for your interest.
IBS10 is very practical, playable,
effective, profitable, and affordable. It's probably one of the best
systems around.
For a limited time, the system has an
incredibly low price of $1000
only, a negligible cost next to the system's great potential.
As usual, your full satisfaction is
guaranteed with a money back guarantee within 30 days of your purchase, no
strings attached.
here to order for an email
delivery of the system. For only $20 extra, you can have a
printout mailed to your address.
Wishing you all the best,
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