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Thursday, September 5, 2002
On-Line Casino Gambling
Hello everyone,
The honesty and fairness of on-line casinos has been a questionable issue.
Thanks to a Let's Talk Winning customer who has inquired on the subject and
has granted his permission to publish our email exchange, we will focus on
this item this week.
"Hello Izak,
I have a few questions and perhaps a couple of comments regarding the above
subject matter.
Online casino gambling.
As you know, the rules have changed regarding "qualifying" play for bonus
money......i.e. no baccarat, roulette, or craps. Therefore, we must now play
these games with the house edge, as well as a rather strong suspicion that
the casino has the ability to manipulate these games if the bets are large
and/or the player is winning. Izak, we need your expertise and/or research
to determine the PRECISE condition of the "battlefield" we are playing on.
This would be an excellent topic for your newsletter. There are countless
individuals who do not live near a land based casino (myself included) who
are reluctant to play online table games against a perceived stacked
deck......and therefore, do not play. Of course, there are some who play for
the "thrill", but your forum audience is looking for a "FAIR" chance to win,
and cannot tolerate anything but a perfectly level playing field. After all,
It should be quite enough that we are playing negative expectation games,
and the casinos can expect to extract their pound of flesh in the long run.
(At least, let them think so). The bottom line is that we need ACCURATE &
PRECISE information regarding the TRUE conditions that exist......and only
then can we make an intelligent decision to risk our hard earned money.
Thanks in advance for helping in this matter.
I am tinkering with a system that I created sometime ago for playing the
dozens. The system calls for betting two dozen each time, and testing thus
far shows a constant 70% + accurate bet selection/win rate using flat bets,
with the norm at 66%.on average for sheer guessing. In order to increase the
win amount (without increasing unit size), what specific betting progression
could you suggest that would achieve my objectives.? I have tried virtually
every type of progression I could think of, but they all fall short of
keeping the bets from rising too rapidly, and thus making it very difficult
to recapture losses during a negative streak. Thanks again, Izak. Take
My first reply was:
It's true that on-line casinos have made it a lot tougher to cash in your
bonuses. The conditions have gone up from 2-3 times wagering the amount of
your initial deposit and the bonus to 8-10 times the combined amount. And
because of the possibility of betting on both sides of the even bets, such
games as roulette, craps and baccarat have been eliminated from being
qualified to cash in on your bonuses.
Some casinos, such as
Caribbean Gold
will ask you if you would like to have a bonus when you make your initial
deposit. Because of the above difficulty of cashing in on your bonuses and
even on your winnings if you haven't wagered 10 times the amount of your
deposit + the bonus, I tend to answer "no". I no longer wish to receive a
bonus. This way, it makes it a similar environment to a land based casino,
where you are able to cash your winnings without having to wager a
substantial amount, that will increase your exposure to the casino edge.
Chris Newman, the author of On-Line Cash system
will be writing an update on how to cash-in on your bonuses, despite the new
As per your question on the betting on 2 dozens simultaneously, I have
performed an extensive research 2 years ago and came up with a collection of
4 systems under the title Sparkling Dozens. There
you will find optimized progressions and effective ideas to make the most of
this kind of betting selection.
Edmond Petitjean suggests a modified version of the Labouchere to bet on two
dozens in his system Relaxed Roulette, as
this version of Labouchere requires the winning of 50% of your bets, whereas
betting on two dozens you will win 65% of them, making the system a
long-term winner."
A second question was:
"Hello Izak,
Thanks for your fast response to my e-mail.
Would you provide more info. re: Chris Newman & On-line Cash? Is this a
book, article or system for sale and what is the specific content ? When can
I get a copy? Cashing bonuses may be great and certainly adds to the bottom
line, but is only of secondary importance to me, The real issue is the
fairness & honesty of the casinos who can manipulate the results of a game
if they wish. Until I can be absolutely certain of a fair game, I will not
play at any on-line casino. Many other people share my view, and it is
unfortunate that the vast majority do not insist on this assurance of
absolute integrity, as this would dramatically alter the way on-line casinos
operate........overnight. Having said this, I am baffled by your continuing
to play at these casinos. What do you know that the rest of us do not know?
Please share this info with us. Thanks and take care.
Best Regards"
And my reply was:
"Chris Newman wrote
the system On-Line Cash about a year ago.
The system consists of a document that enables you to identify how to make
the best use of the bonuses, how to wager in order to be qualified to cash
them in and also of a software package that you access on-line that will
show you your odds on a particular casino provided you enter the necessary
parameters, such as the wagering conditions. The package works even today,
despite the tougher conditions. Chris is in the process of writing an
addendum to the existing system document.
The honesty of on-line casinos is an issue that needs to be clarified. The
very first impression when one plays on-line is that one is playing against
a programmed piece of software that could be tuned towards the benefit of
the casino. I have done some research in the area by establishing certain
contacts, such as operators and even software developers who have programmed
casino interface. It is definitely very possible to program the games in
such a way, that when you wager low, they let you win and when you start
wagering high, they make you lose. However, this is easily detected by
players. A reputable casino will not risk their reputation and their
business, by operating such rigged software. They rely on the advantage they
have already on the odds being on their side. The ones I recommend, such as
Sands of the
Caribbean Gold and the others listed in belong to that
category. Their games are fair, trustable and reliable. The sites are
regulated and monitored by institutions such as the The
International Association of Gaming
Regulators, VeriSign and the
SafeBet organizations. I play there
regularly and never had any problems.
I did have some problems at some other sites, though, where there was no
sign of regulation. If you have seen my specs of the
On-Line Roulette, I have developed an algorithm, that verifies the
honesty of a specific on-line casino. The algorithm consists of playing with
a certain pattern and check it against the outcome. If the casino software
follows exactly the opposite of the pattern you have chosen, it cannot be
trusted. After 8-10 bets, you switch to another pattern. Again, if the
software synchronizes to the inverse pattern, it cannot be trusted. This is
a very good way to check the fairness of the games, as the probability of
losing within 3 consecutive chosen patterns bet after bet is very small. At
one site, I had lost 32 bets in a row after switching between 4 different
patterns, which convinced me that the manipulation of casino software is
indeed feasible and is being done. At times, I felt that the casino software
is generally fair, but after having won a certain amount, they may trigger a
certain switch, that will cause you to start losing and giving back all your
profits and more. Again, those are the tricks that some casinos may use, in
case they are not strongly established and they are there to get our cash
any way or another. It is not unlikely for those sites to go out of business
in short periods of time, because of their constant loss of their customers
and them being listed under black lists that can be found in various places
on the net."
Wishing you all the best,
Until next week,
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