system with the strongest bet selection"
Grid 3 System
for Even Bets
by Izak Matatya
"has a strong
flat bet advantage and works with any progression"
Here's a brand new system with a brand new concept
Grid 3 System for Even Bets. It's one of the best systems having
the strongest flat bet advantage.
As the name implies, it
explores all possibilities for a 3 decision segment or grid and gives you
the best solution for winning on the long run betting nothing but 1 unit
only throughout thousands of shoes and with no interruption.
In a 3-decision
segment, you could have 8 combinations of wins and losses, which are:
1) L L L
2) L L W
3) L W L
4) L W W
5) W L L
6) W L W
7) W W L
8) W W W
On the long run, one
should have an equal number of each such combination if you are always
betting the same way.
If you would be betting
1 unit throughout, you would break even, because you have an equal number of
wins and losses.
If you would apply a
progression of any type, you would also break even.
If you would interrupt
your bets, say after one or two wins, you would also break even.
Try it by inserting numbers and you will see.
And breaking even is
without considering zeros in roulette or commissions in Baccarat, concluding
that betting the same way all the time would yield to the house edge.
That's when creativity
comes handy and Grid 3 system finds solutions for you to break this
regularity of betting the same way and comes up with a very strong flat bet
Grid 3 comes with 2
solid solutions each described under a different system, each presenting you
a flat bet advantage.
Just to give you an
idea, here's a performance chart of Grid 3 - System 1 for the second 500
shoe set of 1K Zumma shoes:

Number of wins: |
18493 |
Progression: |
1 |
Number of losses: |
18085 |
1 |
Flat bet advantage: |
408 |
1 |
End profit: |
408 |
Drawdown: |
-87 |
There are 408 more wins
than losses, much better than breaking even.
The first 500 shoes of
the 1K Zumma set generates 277 units betting flat with 1 unit only.
Number of wins: |
18402 |
Progression: |
1 |
Number of losses: |
18125 |
1 |
Flat bet advantage: |
277 |
1 |
End Profit: |
277 |
Drawdown: |
-78 |
Totaling both 500 shoe
set, Grid 3 - System 1 generates 408 + 277 = 685 units for 1000 shoes.
With a small $10 unit
size, this amounts to winning $6,850.
With flat bets you can
bet any amount up to table's maximum.
With $100 unit size,
you win $68,500 for those shoes.
You should know that if
a system has a flat bet advantage, it wins on progressions, too.
The beauty of the Grid
3 systems is that because the bet selection is so strong, that ANY
progression of your choice will generate huge profits.
Say, you are using a 1,
2, 6, progression with $10 units or $10, $20, $60, 6 units being your
highest bet amount, Grid 3 System 1 will generate: $10,460 for the
first 500 shoes set and another $14,450 for the second 500 shoes, totaling
to $24,910 for 1000 shoes.
Since any progression
will generate profits, chose the one with which you are comfortable with.
The system will take the 3 values of the progression as a parameter and you
can experiment with any 3 values;
Number of wins: |
18493 |
Progression: |
8 |
Number of losses: |
18085 |
2 |
Flat bet advantage: |
408 |
14 |
End profit: |
4170 |
Drawdown: |
-652 |
We just chose 8, 2, and
14, for instance and the system generated 4170 units for 500 shoes.
This is not really a
progression but 3 values you chose to bet on each decision of the Grid 3,
that is on 3 bets and you will see that ANY 3 values will work and will
generate profits. The flat betting profit will always be the same: 408
units for 500 shoes.
Grid 3 - System 2 will
differ from system 1 in such a way, that the bet selection is fully dynamic
and changes from bet to bet. If it is more complex? Not really.
Depending if you are winning or losing your bet, you will have a criterion
on how the bet selection will change.
System 2 will also
provide a flat bet advantage. And you could use any mild
progression of your own, the same way as for System 1.
Here's a performance
chart of System 2:

using the following
Number of wins: |
18440 |
Progression: |
10 |
Number of losses: |
18138 |
20 |
Flat bet advantage: |
302 |
60 |
End profit: |
15990 |
Drawdown: |
-320 |
Generates $15,990, with
10, 20, 60 being $ values or 1, 2, 6 as the units of each step of the Grid 3
for 500 shoes with a unit size of $10.
The other 500 shoes generate also $10,500 for the same Grid
values, totaling to $26,490 for 1000 shoes.
Betting flat, the first
500 shoes generate 207 units and the second 500 shoes generate 302, as you
can see in the above table, totaling to 507 units for 1000 shoes.
The flat bet advantage
is a bit less than System 1. However, the drawdown has been cut to 32
units only in System 2 versus 87 in System 1.
I'm sure you will like
both systems and you will use either both or the one which appeals to you
Taking commissions into
account, the system document will illustrate full examples on how you can
make $10,000 within a few shoes. And on the long run, the systems will
generate each 1682 units for 500 shoes.
Grid 3 - system 1 and 2
go for $4,500 and they are worth each penny.
The system consists of
20 pages of easy reading and understanding and lots of examples, which will
make it crystal clear.
Upon your purchase you
will receive the system document and three simulations: complete results for
the 1000 Zumma shoes for System 1 and System 2 and a simulation showing how
the system handles commissions.
The simulations are
parametric, where you can enter the 3 values for the Grid of 3 decisions and
witness that any 3 value will generate profits on the long run.
As usual, your
satisfaction is guaranteed and you have a full money back guarantee, should
the system is not to your liking and you can return it within 30 days of
your purchase, no strings attached and no questions asked.
You can directly
buy the Grid 3 system for Even Bets from this
link with the new order form
and a download link will open right away after your payment online.
Wishing you all the
Izak Matatya
izak.matatya@videotron.ca or
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Asked Questions on the
Grid 3 System
for Even Bets
by Izak Matatya
Here are the frequently asked questions and their answers
you have been waiting for, since the announcement of the new Grid 3 system
launched last month.
Q: How different is this system from your K.I.S.S from a
few years ago?
A: KISS doesn’t tackle 3 decisions at a time, but bets
according to the last 2 or 4 decisions and tends to catch chops and streaks,
where the Grid 3 doesn’t. Grid 3 has a totally different concept and gives
you a huge flat bet advantage, such as 500 units for 1000 shoes, whereas
KISS wins 54% of all bets.
Q: Hi Izak. Your new Grid 3 System does seem to merit
attention all right.
You show 32 unit drawdown in flat betting system #2. Seem this would
escalate much higher when using a progression such as your 1,2 & 6 one.
Would it not? If so...how much drawdown? I would need to know this in order
to consider purchase.
Also seems the units gained flat betting system 1 would be nullified by the
Banker commissions.
I would be interested in purchase if you can assure me of meaningful profits
taking commissions into account. I would like to know how I would overcome
those commissions.
A: The drawdown is 32 units actually with the 1 2 6 progression.
Here are the specs:
Number of wins: |
18440 |
Progression: |
1 |
Number of losses: |
18138 |
2 |
Flat bet advantage: |
302 |
6 |
End profit: |
1599 |
Drawdown: |
-32 |
In the flat bet version the
drawdown is 31 units.
Number of wins: |
18440 |
Progression: |
1 |
Number of losses: |
18138 |
1 |
Flat bet advantage: |
302 |
1 |
End profit: |
302 |
Drawdown: |
-31 |
Now, taking commissions into
account, the following are the parameters:
Number of wins: |
18440 |
Progression: |
1 |
Number of losses: |
18138 |
2 |
Flat bet advantage: |
302 |
6 |
End profit: |
168.2 |
Drawdown: |
-47.15 |
That’s true that in the flat bet
version and with commissions, the profits are nullified. That’s why in
order to handle commissions we simply bet up to 6 units in one of the three
decisions of the Grid 3.
All full simulations of 1000 shoes
will be provided upon your purchase, which show the details of every single
Q: (Now, this is quite a question!!)
Some of your systems may (and do) produce profits in the short term (this
would not be a signal achievement as I have done so myself) and even in the
"long term"- if their validation or "proof" in particular cases depends on
applying them to a "standard" unchanging data series, especially ones
judiciously or unconsciously selected to facilitate producing a "happy
ending". Take your first table, for example, representing results with
your latest Grid 3 - System 1 applied to "the second 500 shoe set of 1K
Zumma shoes", involving flat betting. To guarantee coming out on top playing
these 500 shoes (some 40,000 hands or decisions), a player would have to
play exactly the same shoes the same way in exactly the same order as in
your Zumma collection. This would be so rare an event as to be,
statistically speaking, virtually impossible.
What you, and anyone relying on any of your systems, which are in the main
based on this and similar "standard" series of data, are fighting against,
is not only the randomness within the games themselves, and in their
sequencing within any series, but also the randomness that applies to the
external behavior, and internal psychology, of players. The profits you
demonstrate, which are based only on one unchanging series of unchanging
games, I believe become illusory once the latter source of randomness is
taken into account. All this makes it most unlikely that any purchaser will
achieve consistent profits using any of your systems using your common
approach. It also explains in my mind why you have to keep coming up with
"new" systems to entice punters who have had disappointing results from past
systems when seeking to apply them to real life situations in real visits to
a casino. Let me elaborate further. Staying with this particular
second Zumma 500 series, lets imagine a player, one following your system
who enters the series at the point represented by the 5000th decision, and
stays till around the 9000th decision. This player would suffer a loss of
some 130 units - after having sat through around 50 shoes, without sleep or
even toilet or meal breaks!. Imagine this same defeated player, on the basis
of your assurances, convinces himself to have another go and stay for the
"long run" and, after marshalling his finances, re-joins the series at the
point of the 23450th decision and, being eternally optimistic, and
disregarding pleas from his long-suffering partner to come home, stays until
the 25100th - involving a further 20 shoes or thereabouts. On the second
visit, this "unlucky" player would have suffered a further loss of some 40
units - making a combined loss of around 170 units. Playing with $10 units,
that would amount to a $1,700 loss and a $17,000 loss with $100 units, never
mind the table maximum! The disaster would be multiplied should this player
be "unlucky enough" to return again at points around 27000, 29000, 31000 and
You may say that the scenario I have painted is very unlikely, but my
response to that would be that it is no more unlikely in practice than a
player arriving at the casino concerned and playing your 500 Zumma series in
one sitting and winning 408 units! The same principles would apply to both
of your so-called "Grid 3" systems.
Looking at both charts, then, for both betting systems, it is obvious that
the experience the player has in the medium term - which is the time frame
of all but the most severe uncontrolled addicts - depends upon the point at
which the series used in the construction of the system is joined. I have
already commented on the first chart. In similar fashion, in the chart
representing System 2, the experience of anyone entering at points around
22690 and 31550 similarly would not be a good one. In the light of the
foregoing, the claim that "Taking commissions into account, the system
document will illustrate full examples on how you can make $10,000 within a
few shoes" seems particularly rash if not misleading - given that it all
depends on where a player enters a series, and the nature of that series. I
challenge you to demonstrate the claim for a player entering at the peak of
22690 in your second chart for example. Bear in mind that any proof you
provide will be useful only if a player can find identical conditions in
another series yet to be found at that player's unidentified local casino. I
also challenge you to publish this correspondence in your website.
A: And surely I am publishing this correspondence, as promised, as it is
quite interesting and challenging and my answer is the following:
Thank you for your elaborate email. And I see your points.
In every system, there will be good times and bad times. You have
illustrated the bad moments, where a certain drawdown occurs.
I have no choice but to illustrate the entire 1000 or 500 shoe session and
let people know what could happen during the time of their play.
I design systems, that show an end profit by the end of 500 or 1000 shoes. I
had systems such as SOWS, which showed a more steady
rising profit with less drawdowns in the session.
Each system will have different features and different performance levels.
I do make sure that I do not market a system, that shows negative results by
the end of playing 1000 shoes.
And one does not have to play 1000 shoes in one sitting. That’s practically
impossible. But whether one takes a lot of breaks and/or switches tables,
the end result will be the same: by the end of playing 1000 shoes, one will
end up with positive gains, regardless of some drawdowns that happen along
the way.
Q: Can this system be used for even
bets on Roulette? Does the Double 00 wheel have an influence on the results?
A: Yes, of course, this is good for
all even bets. I have examples for Roulette upon your request. The tests
have been performed on 00 wheels.
Q: Dear Izak
I've been through the introduction of New Grid 3 System. The profit of 1000
shoes of ZUMMA is really attractive. But there is one question that is the
commission. Actually the highest rate of win of betting is all betting on B
which is around 50.68% which is higher than 50%, but we still are beaten by
Baccarat because of commission.
So i'm really wondering that with commission, what's the results of your 2
system and if we can use the system you introduce to beat the baccarat with
the flat bet.
A: Sure, here are the results for
using the system with commissions on 500 shoes:
Number of wins: |
18440 |
Progression: |
10 |
Number of losses: |
18138 |
20 |
Flat bet advantage: |
302 |
60 |
End profit: |
1682 |
Drawdown: |
-471.5 |

Despite some fluctuations an 8000
win target will be very achievable.
Thank you all for your interest and
valuable questions.
As usual, your
satisfaction is guaranteed and you have a full money back guarantee, should
the system is not to your liking and you can return it within 30 days of
your purchase, no strings attached and no questions asked.
You can directly
buy the Grid 3 system for Even Bets from this
link with the new order form
and a download link will open right away after your payment online.
Wishing you all the
Izak Matatya
izak.matatya@videotron.ca or
Systems Gallery:
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Izak Matatya's new contemporary
digital art online store:
Use the Block 8 System for Even Bets
by Izak Matatya at
Midas Casino
