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TTS - Trade Tuner System
- Adapted to all markets
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The Best Basic
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Opportunity High Profit System for Roulette, Baccarat and Craps
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System 222 for Even Bets
Unknown Craps Secrets - Beating the Odds -
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The Zone Craps System
Magic Five for
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Winning Parlays
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The Best Basic
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Opportunity High Profit System for Roulette, Baccarat and Craps
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Trade Tuner System
by Edmond
The Trade Tuner System is a
brand new trading approach, that is derived from some old principles.
After 5 years of continuous trial and error, this system finally emerged from the ashes of
lots of complex ways of trading.
Forget neural networks, forget a screen cluttered with lots of indicators,
forget the doubts arising when all these parameters contradict each other, leaving you
drowned in doubts and uneasiness, unable to take a clear decision.
What is left now, is a very limited set of unambiguous rules that are easy to follow.
They can be applied to any market with the same efficiency and in the same way.
In that way trading becomes an enjoyable low stress activity.
Imagine sitting before your computer, looking at a graph during one minute and immediately
knowing what to do or not to do.
A computer although preferable is even not absolutely necessary.
You could also visit some free websites that are offering interactive graphs. There
you could adapt some available indicators in order to get them in tune with this system
and use them accordingly. In that way you wouldnt even have to keep a database
of commodities and stocks and you could log in from everywhere in the world.
Combine this with online trading and you would be free to trade and use the system from
wherever you are.
After going through the manual, youll feel relieved and ready to attack the market
in a pleasant and relaxed way.
Money Management is a very important part of a successful trading system.
Although the TTS is highly accurate, it is a good policy to pay also enough attention to
the correct use of your trading capital as explained.
There is more than one way to trade using this system.
You can trade stocks: it would be best to do this on a weekly scale.
Stock trading can be done in two ways:
- straight buying and selling
- trading on margin: this would double your profit
You can chose a higher risk level by using options.
The higher risk is compensated by a much higher profit potential.
If done correctly and by strictly following all the rules of TTS, the risk will also be
largely mastered.
When trading options, you will ONLY buy calls and puts to open a position and sell calls
and puts to close it.
By doing so, your total risk will always be limited to the premium you paid for your
Because the profit is much higher when trading options, you can chose a shorter time
scale. Stocks are not the only underlying value for options.
You can also buy and sell options on indexes (S&P500, Dow Jones,
) and commodity
futures (T-Bonds, soybeans, British pound,
When buying options on futures, you could even use a near ideal setup for generating huge
profits with very low risk.
To do this you would buy options based on the weekly commodity graphs.
You can read this famous expression all over the internet and in all kinds of trading
But what is meant exactly here?
How can you apply this?
All this is also fully explained in the course.
By obtaining TTS, youll become a real pro in and youll simplify your trading
at the same time.
The author of TTS
- the Trade Tuner System, Edmond Petitjean has an adapted version of
- the Intraday Trade System for you.
ITS was
developed in the first place for financial spread betting.
The good news is that
now ITS is integrated in TTS.
This package is also
very universal in its applications: no limits to the markets or timeframes
you want to trade.
With this, creating a
substantial income is an easy thing to accomplish.
Combining TTS with a
sound money management is one of the best possible businesses in the
Yes, it is indeed a pure
business approach, not gambling. By using TTS (including most of ITS),
you'll always have a BIG edge.
How does
use it himself?:
I finally settled down on trading options on commodities exclusively. Most
trades take from 1 week to 1 month and give HUGE gains without any stress
of intraday trading, trying to grab 1 or 2 meager points. This approach
allows me to NOT use any stop and so I'm never stopped out of a profitable
trade, something that happens all to often with most traders. I found
another way of protecting my capital. This I will also explain when you
buy the new integrated TTS with ITS.
some examples of how I'm using it myself: recently I bought puts on cotton
and made 58 % profit in 4 days (from 24-01 to 28-01). Now I bought calls
on gold and euro: the gold calls are already up 38% and going (not yet
sold). In all cases my risk was very low, as I'm only buying cheap
It's the best of ITS added to and adapted for TTS.
This added power is what makes the new TTS.
This combination is definitely much more powerful and
universal than ITS alone.
TTS and ITS are both tested very long and the combination is only
better than the usage of the two systems independently.
Potential gains:
depends entirely on your approach to the market. What will you be
trading? Which timeframes?
But an average 10% profit or more on your capital each month is very
list of free and low cost charting sites is included with the course.
The integrated course is $150 delivered
to you by email; $155 delivered by first class mail. You can contact me any time
by email at: if
you have any questions, either before your purchase for inquiries, or after your purchase
for continuous support.
As a special bonus, the first 20
customers will also get two new universal turning point lists for the years
2005 and 2006.
These lists are split in two versions: the first one gives these tp's for
the daily time frame and the second one for the weekly time frame.
These new tp's are VERY powerful.
Extra bonus for the first 30 buyers: a
spreadsheet I developed to calculate all the important parameters
automatically for each trade. This can be used with any charting
software or online charts: the ideal companion to the new integrated system.
Click to order.
Thank you,
Edmond Petitjean
The course in non-refundable.
1) by buying TTS, you declare to use this knowledge ONLY and exclusively for
2) you also declare not to divulge this system in any way or by any means, be it
through electronic or any other means
Frequently Asked
Questions on
TTS - Trade Tuner System -

Q: I would
like to learn to trade Forex, and I thought you would either have
some experience, or you would know someone who does.
A: It makes
no difference for TTS what you trade.
TTS will have the same excellent results for forex as for other markets.
Q: I'm a
trader from Italy, and I'm researching a new trading system and I see your TTS in the
Letstalkwinning's site.
I'd like to know if you have a track record available and if you trade using your own
A: You'll
love TTS because of its simplicity, low stress (remember the relaxed roulette principle)
and high yield.
Of course I'm actively trading my own system: it grew out of a necessity in the first
I also bought lots of expensive systems with beautiful bells and whistles, only to see
them go down each time when I tried them for real.
I'm mainly trading options (on the Dutch market) and not longer ago then this morning, I
made 25% profit in one hour (!) with a Philips call option, because everybody was scared
by the bad news that came out on Philips today, but NOT TTS! TTS told me to buy CALLS! And
right it was.
Please find included a track record example for the SP500.
Q: I saw your
track record and I have one question, please don't get me wrong, I'm just curious... If
your system has generated so much money (509000$ are much money) why do you mind to sell
the system itself?
A: That's
what using my system would have produced on the sp500.
I didn't actually trade it, because it is still well above my trading capital
It is the result of literally following TTS during one year on the sp500.
As I told you the result of a very recent trade (this morning): it produced 25% in a
little less then 1 hour!
The reason I'm selling the system is exactly to raise my available capital quicker, so
that I can progressively take bigger positions.
The period (a few years) that I used to develop and finalize my system was a VERY
expensive one, because you can only truly learn trading by doing it with real money.
So I learned through lots of ups and downs, to come out with a finished system: so you and
other customers won't have to go through the same ordeal to master it.
You'll get a ready to use set of rules, built in concrete.
Please note: ONE modest trade will pay your investment in this course more than back.
Qs: Frequency
of trades? Winning Percentage? Stop Loss Amount?
How do you use it now - what time frame and which stocks/commodities & why?
As: My own
trading frequency is about 1/week on options of the Amsterdam Exchange (AEX).
Winning percentage is about 90%.
Even better: maximum accepted losses in option (which I mainly trade) is 50%.
That means that I easily make 50% 9 times out of 10 and lose 50% 1 time out of 10: you
don't have to be a mathematical genius to understand the very positive results coming out
of this.
Because I mainly trade options, my stop loss is simple: 50% of the option premium.
I'm trading options because this allows me to perfectly control losses AND not to be
bothered by initial whipsawing.
When you order TTS, I'll also tell you how to combine it with a special software, so that
you'll NEVER lose (accidental losses are ALWAYS recovered).
My time frame is a few days.
Another time frame when using stocks is a few weeks. TTS doesn't care what your time frame
is: it can be minutes or months, the principle stays exactly the same.
When I want to trade futures (on commodities), I do it in an entirely safe way by buying
options on the futures.
Buying TTS will make your life as a trader very simple AND very profitable: NO stress, NO
complicated decisions, NO doubts AND lots of easy profits.
This system was born out of my frustration with existing systems.
Q: Is it a
100% mechanical method (Step 1, Step 2, etc.)?
A: Yes, you only have to follow a few clear and simple steps.
Q: Does it rely mostly on chart reading? What if one's chart reading
skills and
technical analysis powers are not that efficient? Many times it seems that
chart reading is a lot easier "after the fact."
A: TTS will transform you into a real chartist, even if you have never
seen or understood a chart.
What scares you is the kind of
charts where you see lots of complicated indicators, cluttered all over the screen.
This is only to hide a total lack of understanding from the program designers.
With TTS, you'll see a very
clear screen before your eyes, with only two or three things to look at.
Q: If one
were applying the method to one of the indices (SPX, OEX, DOW), how
many signals or trades per month would you probably get?
A: It depends
entirely on your time scale. Will you trade intraday, short swing trades or longer?
Let's suppose that you use daily bars. This will produce around 4 trades per
Q: My interest in the program would be more directed toward the various
indices and not individual equities. Approximately how much time each day does one need
to devote to the method?
A: There is
no difference in trading indexes or equities or commodities with this method. If you
are only following a few indexes, it should take about 5 minutes each day to decide what
to do.
Q: If trading the indices, what type of return would one be looking for
on a monthly
A: If you
would trade for example the SP500 full contract, you could expect around 40 points profit
= US$10,000. This can of course not be guaranteed, but is reasonable.
Q: I understand the author will offer tech support via email. In addition
to email
support, does he also offer phone support?
A: Support is
done via e-mail (,
as this is the most convenient way.
Q: I have read all
your write-up and FAQs on it, but there's one thing you simply overlooked to explain: is
this a software? I assume it is a software that generates charts, among other things,
because you said, "With TTS, you'll see a very clear screen before your
eyes...". If it is a software, one must need a computer to use it, right?
Another question: if I buy TTS, how will I select the right stock or option to trade,
among the thousands that are out there in Wall Street?
Thanks, will really appreciate some more info on TTS.
A: TTS is not a software
package, it is a course that can be sent through e-mail.
When I speak of graphs, it is because you can use nearly every trading program or even
graphs that are available on the internet. TTS is not dependent on any specific
software. All this is fully explained in this course.
About selections: you can use lots of screening systems that are offered on the internet
(the one of Microsoft is even free).
It is also not necessary to follow 1000 stocks: you can use a few that you follow closely
(good movers with high volume) and trade only those. Or you could follow a couple -
or even only one - indexes (example: sp500).
If the sp500 is too expensive, you can choose the e-mini version. The main thing to
keep in mind with TTS is exactly not to create an over-input of information, which only
creates overload and poor efficiency.
The goal of TTS is to make things simple and profitable at the same time.
Q: How many trades will I
get if for example I was day-trading 5 minute bars on the sp500? or 15 minute bars? What
will be the approximate accuracy?
I would love to start day-trading again as soon as I can build up my capital.
A: If you trade 5 minutes
bars you'll get about 2 to 4 trades a day and with 15 minutes bars it will be 1 or 2.
The accuracy is extremely high (80-90%).
Q: Thank you for the extra
consideration of executing those T-Bond option trades. I have never traded options, but
would learned to if TTS works best with them and I bought the system. I have only traded
futures and am now day-trading the Emini S&P 500 and Emini Nasdaq. Does it work on
futures, and is it mainly a pattern recognition system or does it use indicators?
A: I bought put options on
the T-Bonds and A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER I sold them for a profit of 89%!!!
Who can do better?
This illustrates the awful power of TTS.
You can also trade futures or anything else, TTS doesn't care.
But I prefer options, because the risk in totally in control and you cannot be whipsawed
that easily.
Don't worry if you don't have any experience with options, because I'll guide you when you
buy TTS.
Q: Hello Sir,
I am very interested in TTS. Can you answer me a few questions please?
I day-trade the S&P500 and also trade stocks on a short term basis (3-10 days) and was
wondering if you could supply some stats on these markets for me. ie. profitability,
accuracy, number of trades per month etc......
Whatever you could do would be wonderful as you sound like a guy that has been through the
trading trenches and buying systems blues as I have. It's a pleasure to always talk to
someone who has been in the same field and has had the same frustrations.
A: Your time frame is also
mine: I prefer to trade in this same range, mainly because I trade options on the
Amsterdam market most of the time.
Don't get scared by terribly complex 5 leg options constructions, because you'll never
need them when using TTS. Only those that have no clue about the next move of the
market need these things.
TTS is that good, that simply doing open buys and closing sells only is more than enough
to be an absolute winner (so your risk is also always predetermined with precision and you
can soundly sleep at night and you aren't bothered by whipsawing).
My system is FAR superior to most other approaches because of its beautiful simplicity,
clarity and profitability.
Besides the fact that selling my system will help me to get a bigger trading capital in a
shorter time span - allowing me to take bigger positions - it's also a very positive
feeling to get others out of the dark.
When buying TTS you won't be left on your own neither: you can always reach me by e-mail
( when in doubt
about something and people know that I'm always answering very quickly.
Included is a full year sp500 (a test I did in 1997). I'm not trading the sp500 myself,
but there is no difference in what you trade, be it stocks, options, warrants, futures on
commodities, forex,...
TTS is also indifferent to the time frame you prefer: it could be 1 minute bars up to 1
month bars.
You can use whatever software you have or even straight on the internet (where you can
find all graphs you need).
Q: I have
received information about your TTS system from Izak Matatya and wondered if
you could send me some detailed information please. I understand that your
system trades the option markets. I have extensive experience trading
options since their inception London in the middle 80s. Could you provide
me with an indication of your trading style, selling or buying options along
with a track record?
I assume that you are a trader developer, or perhaps just a developer?
TTS is not specially designed for options but I'm trading
mainly options with it. It can easily handle all kinds of markets and
timeframes. You can trade stocks or commodities or indexes or
currencies or...
I have reduced options trading to its basics: only open buy calls or puts
and close sell calls or puts. In that way you always know exactly your
risk from the start and you really don't need all those complex "esoteric"
constructions that are only used by those that don't have a clue what the
market will be doing.
But with TTS you'll know it with high accuracy. I developed this
system for my own trading in the first place.
Q: Do you
use pure price charts only, or other charting studies e.g. volume, MACD,
Moving averages, Stochastics etc.?
A: Bargraphs and some technical studies that are available with most
of the programs, but used in a special and very specific combination (so you
don't suffer of the famous lagging properties of these indicators).
Q: Does your system not only tell you when to take a trade, does it
tell you when to exit, or when to stay out of a market?
A: Yes, it tells you very clearly when to get in, when to get out and
when not to trade.
Q: Can TTS be done on ranging markets or only on trending markets?
A: Nearly all market conditions can be traded.
Q: I day-trade
eMini S&P 500. Is TTS adequate for it?
A: TTS is ideal for trading the eMini S&P500, because it makes things
very easy and profitable while exposing you to extremely low risk.
Example: when trading em sp 5 minute bars (what I prefer for the em sp), I
recommend a stop loss of only 1 or maximum 2 points! That means that your
risk/trade is only $50 to $100.
You could easily earn between 5 and 10 points a day/contract through TTS.
Q: I live in
England and am interested in your trading system. Here's a few questions
that you might like to answer for me.
Does the system give exact entry, exit and stop loss points?
What indicators does it use if any?
What is the risk/reward ratio of the trades?
What timeframe is best suited to the system taking into account slippage and
bad fills and commissions.
Many thanks
A: TTS tells you where and why to enter and to exit.
It tells this in a specific range, so not an exact figure (but I can
instruct you how to get an exact value if you want to when buying TTS).
Personally I'm mainly trading options as this frees me from possible initial
The only indicator used is my EPE-oscillator and this can be easily
installed in most trading programs as it is a simple adaptation of a basic
existing indicator.
Risk/reward depends can fluctuate but is always under control.
This system can handle any timeframe and any market: if you would trade the
s&p500 (full or minis), you could trade intraday with an extremely low risk
and a very regular profit of about 10 points most days.
Q: What year
are the examples in the SP500 from? It seems to be the1997 Futures contract,
A: Right.
Q: I don't see any losers. Is this possible?
A: Yes, that is
Q: What kind of drawdowns are incurred during the trade?
A: None when
you trade options as I do.
Q: How big are the losers and do you use stops?
A: As I trade
mainly options, I have fixed the loss at 50% of that option.
Q: With all due respect, if your method works as well as you indicate
it does it's worth the price of $1000. I will however pay that much if the
system works. I've lost a lot of money on junk however, and don't have much
left. I really want to get into trading and what you seem to have sounds
good but I need to be comforted and assured with some proof or evidence that
it does works as stated. Can you give me some signals that I can observe,
some references and/or documentation of performance?
I have been there, too. The easiest and most honest way to prove my
system is to show some trades. The following is the proof of its
excellent performance:
01 02 GO BUY 760 2 772 6000
07 GO BUY 770 1 777 3500
13 NO
20 NO
28 GO BUY 790 3 812 11000
31 GO SELL 815 2 817 1000
02 02 GO BUY 813 1 815 1000
04 GO SELL 815 1 810 2500
10 GO BUY 812 1 815 1500
13 NO
17 GO SELL 840 3 830 5000
24 GO BUY 827 2 835 4000
03 03 GO BUY 815 6 835 10000
05 NO
10 GO SELL 837 4 817 10000
11 NO
12 NO
14 GO SELL 819 4 805 7000
20 GO BUY 805 2 815 5000
23 GO BUY 805 2 815 5000
27 GO SELL 818 2 780 19000
31 NO
04 01 GO SELL 780 3 767 6500
05 GO BUY 767 3 785 9000
12 GO BUY 756 6 783 13500
15 NO
20 GO BUY 775 4 798 11500
25 GO BUY 786 7 845 29500
30 NO
05 03 NO
06 GO SELL 845 2 840 2500
08 GO BUY 832 6 850 9000
10 NO
13 NO
17 GO BUY 850 4 857 3500
20 NO
22 GO BUY 853 2 863 5000
24 NO
30 GO BUY 852 3 862 5000
06 04 GO BUY 860 10 908 24000
05 NO
06 NO
10 NO
12 NO
13 NO
16 NO
18 GO BUY 908 2 912 2000
20 GO SELL 912 2 903 4500
25 GO SELL 910 2 905 2500
26 GO BUY 905 1 907 1000
27 GO SELL 907 2 902 2500
07 02 NO
03 GO SELL 938 2 937 500
10 GO BUY 920 6 948 14000
18 GO BUY 930 4 950 10000
24 GO BUY 942 3 953 5500
29 GO BUY 950 4 965 7500
31 GO SELL 970 2 960 5000
08 03 GO BUY 952 5 973 10500
07 GO SELL 975 3 952 11500
14 NO
16 GO BUY 912 4 947 17500
20 GO SELL 950 2 925 12500
22 GO BUY 930 2 933 1500
29 GO BUY 912 3 940 14000
09 03 GO SELL 940 1 945 2500
05 GO SELL 949 2 945 2000
11 GO BUY 915 5 960 22500
13 NO
17 NO
18 NO
21 GO SELL 967 3 963 2000
23 NO
25 GO BUY 950 3 957 3500
30 NO
10 01 GO BUY 957 6 985 14000
03 NO
08 NO
11 GO BUY 970 1 977 3500
13 NO
14 GO SELL 980 2 977 1500
20 GO BUY 950 3 975 12500
21 GO SELL 975 3 960 7500
27 NO
28 GO BUY 850 2 925 37500
29 GO SELL 925 3 910 7500
11 04 GO SELL 943 1 942 500
06 GO SELL 945 2 925 10000
07 GO BUY 925 2 928 1500
11 NO
17 GO SELL 950 2 945 2500
24 GO SELL 965 2 955 5000
29 GO BUY 955 2 975 10000
12 02 GO SELL 978 2 975 1500
03 GO BUY 970 3 974 2000
08 GO SELL 985 5 960 12500
15 GO BUY 955 3 970 7500
I have a special offer to customers that buy before the end of
August 2002:
I discovered recently a very strange aspect of all markets: each year there are
specific and fixed dates where all markets turn. I know why this is so and I will give you
the dates upon the purchase of the course. Yes, THOSE ARE THE EXACT DATES
Click to order.
Thank you,
Edmond Petitjean
More Frequently Asked
Questions on
TTS - Trade Tuner System -

Q: Edmond,
basically I know you want to buy a stock at a low cost and resale at a
higher price then get rid of it. Or if your pretty sure you can get into a
small company and buy stock in it and keep it so it can continually grow for
you. I know there are certain stocks that fluctuate so you can always buy
and sell for profit if your timing is right. I've never taken the time to do
any research because I've never really had the money to invest. That should
change within the next month or so. I'm going to college this august and
will have extra money left over from grants and student loans. If I could
just do well enough to pay for the interest on my loans with mutual funds,
cds, or anything it would be a big help. I understand there is always a
risk. I also understand anyone who has ever accomplished anything they truly
desired never accomplished their goal without taking risks.
Even though I'm getting started late in life (being 32 and just now going to
college) I know it's possible with the right person helping me make I can
make sound financial choices for my future. I'll follow exactly what you
tell me to the letter. If it doesn't work out then I'll just have to
try something else. I chose to come to you because my mother was English. I
know that an
Englishman is more true to their word. So if you can help I would most
appreciate it.
Thank You Edmond I look forward to both of us making some money.
I'm from Flemish origin (nearly the same language as Dutch) and we have an
expression that says "better late than never", so one can only admire those
that have the courage to start studying past their 30's.
If you order TTS you'll see how easy trading can be but you will of course
have to study the material (don't worry, it's not rocket science).
After that I'm always available to help you if something isn't clear.
Today the markets are too wild to think long term, so I would advise you to
swing trade (that means getting in and out in less than a week).
Q: Edmond,
I day-trade the E-mini SP and average about 75% winning trades, you've
stated in your information you win on about 90% of your trades. I have a few
questions about your system in reference to day-trading the mini SP market.
Have you ever day-traded with your system in the SP market and if so what
was your win rate?
If you haven't day-traded it, how do you know it will work, most of your
material seems to be from a few years ago, the market has changed greatly in
the last few years with much higher volatility. In addition, anything I've
developed for day-trading inevitably has reduced profits versus what I saw
when I back-tested due to slippage.
Do you use a fixed target and stop or do you get out of a trade based on
If you have any information which would be more convincing I'd love to see
A: I have
paper-traded the SP on an intraday scale as an extra test for my system and
it behaves exactly as for longer term trades (days to weeks to months).
The markets have only changed on the surface, not essentially. I can see
this when using TTS.
This is the strength of TTS: it is so basic that it keeps its performance
today as it did in 1900. The reason that the markets are still the
same and will always stay that way (basically) is simple: the basic
influence behind each move of the markets is purely psychological (mass
psychology) and this makes the reactions very calculable. Mass psychology
doesn't leave much room for improvising.
Be assured that TTS as it is offered now is not something from some years
ago: it has continually developed since then. When you use it on the
intraday scale, it is really enjoyable to see how things develop before your
eyes just as expected by TTS.
For intraday sp trading I use a stop of 1 or maximum 2 points on the 5
minute scale! This shows you the extremely low risk when trading the mini.
Q: Hi
I have been reading about the TTS Trading System on the Lets Talk Winning
web site and I have a few questions for you.
First off how many pages are there in TTS?
A: 25.
Q: How many different Stocks/Options, etc. are you following?
A: Maximum 10
stocks and indexes included. Most of the time only 1 index.
Q: How many Stock/Options, etc. can one realistically track on a
daily basis?
A: It is a good
thing to limit yourself to very few. 1 index is enough.
Q: What amount of Stocks/Option, etc. do you recommend to
A: 1 index.
Q: Where
do you get your data from? Is there a cost involved in obtaining the data?
A: I have
included a lot of internet addresses in the course. Most of them are
totally free. I even found one where the SP500 real time is free!
Q: In the
TTS system do you give some advice as to what Stock/Option/Index, etc. you
can trade (with some degree of safeness). I'm not asking for a specific
stock, but possibly
some guidelines, based on your experience.
A: You can
trade anything with TTS. Futures/Stocks/Indexes/... you name it.
As long as you can get a bar graph, you can trade it with my system.
However, I suggest to limit yourself to an index that is very liquid (SP500,
Bonds, ...)
Q: Hello Edmond
I am most interested in TTS. I want to day trade the Emini S&P. Does
your system work well for day trading and for that futures contract? If so,
my initial questions are:
How many trades does your system average per day?
A: 4 to 5
Q: What percentage of your trades are winners?
A: 90%
Q: How big are your stop losses?
A: Depending on the timeframe. When you use 5 minutes frame,
stop loss is only 2 points.
Q: My goal is to consistently make 8-10 points per contract per day.
Is this feasible as a day trader with your system?
A: Easily.
Q: What
contract do you trade? Is this suitable for the E-mini S&P?
A: I'm trading mostly options on stocks or futures. The E-Mini
SP is ideal. I'll give you a web site where you can get a real time
graph of the SP for free! Here it is:
Q: Since there are 4-5 trades each day, does that mean you spend the
entire day watching the screen or is there a better way to predict when a
suitable trading opportunity may occur?
A: I don't do it often. Most of the time, I trade with a time
horizon of 2 to 5 days. If you trade SP intraday, you have indeed to
follow up as long as your trades are going on. But you can combine
that easily with another activity at the same time, such as working at your
Q: Since you have indicated that 8 -10 points can be made
easily each day, how many points do you go after on each trade? I am getting
the impression it is a significant number since there are 4-5 trades per day
and 8-10 points is easily made.
A: 2 points per trade can be expected reasonably on the 5 minutes
Q: Am I correct you only watch price bars or candles?
A: I'm watching price bards (OHLC) in combination with some specific
Q: How often do you trade and how many points per day do you
try to get?
A: I'm mainly trading 2 to 5 days on one trade. This way, I'm
not glued to my screen and by using options I easily can make between 20 and
100% on these trades.
Q: This has got me very excited. If I can make 8 -10 points a
few times per week and trade 4 E-mini contracts, that is an excellent week's
pay working 3 days per week.
A: You are right about that. There are people who want to make
more and more money. They forget however to enjoy it and so they
become worse slaves than those who have a 9 to 5 job. I like your
attitude of being happy with a nice income and still have time to enjoy
Q: I
reread the initial letter Izak sent out about your system. Perhaps I
would be better off trading options like you do. If my goal is to earn
$6,000 to $7,000 per week, how much money should I be prepared to invest in
options each week and how much money would I have to have in play at once?
A: US$ 20000
Q: Also, typically how much time do you spend each day searching for
your buying opportunities?
A: Maximum 30 minutes.
Q: Since you hold positions overnight, don't you worry about news
which could kill an investment without giving your stop time to save you?
A: No. That's
the reason I trade options (only open buy and closing sell of puts and
calls, so NO writing of options). My maximum risk is determined from
the very start.
Q: If I understand the original letter Izak sent out about your
program correctly, you trade stock and index options. Do you have to
watch many stocks and indexes to find sufficient investment opportunities
each week?
A: A maximum of
Q: When you
purchase either a put or a call, do you know immediately where to place your
stop and when to get out of a good trade? If not, don't you have to
pay close attention to the investment just as you do if you are day trading?
A: I'm following a very simple stop rule: 50%. When to get out
is exactly determined by TTS.
Q: Once again, many thanks for all of your assistance. I
would not waster your time or mine if I was not extremely interested in your
program. The results on the web page are extremely impressive.
However, I am not certain I am reading them correctly. For example,
February 2, it says you purchased an option (I assume a call) at 813 and
sold it 1 day later at 815 and made $1000 profit. And did you pay $815
per option?
A: That was a
straight future. Not an option.
I am most
impressed with your quick response and how well your program performs.
Thank you for all of your assistance.
Q: Good morning
I hope this email finds you well. Let me begin by stating that I already
have one half of your complete trading system. I recently purchased
Jack Brusie's Option All Money Management Software and it is brilliant in
its simplicity and effectiveness in not only
preserving ones trading capital, but also shooting for triple digit returns
per annum.
This is where TTS and you come into the picture. Let me state that I have
several criteria that TTS "must meet" as I prefer to to trade short term
swings using stock options, just as you do.
I do not wish to be stuck in front of a computer screen all day, which
eliminates day trading. It's too stressful for me. I want to be able
to trade one stock option at a time. I want to be able to log into my
brokerage account and check closing prices once daily.
I want to be able to
use a free service like
in conjunction with TTS to mechanically select the qualifying stock and use
the OA software to manage my trading account. With the 80%-90% strike rate
TTS achieves, I will see a steady increase in my equity curve.
I will be trading US stocks only, and I will be trading outside of the USA.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Thank you for your time.
A: You have
exactly the same attitude towards trading as I'm having myself.
Intraday is too much of a burden and long term is too boring (and also not
very profitable these days!).
I'm also using Option-All for money management and my own TTS for the
trading decisions: this is the ideal "marriage".
Bigcharts is also my favorite charting program: you can easily set all
required TTS-parameters and you don't need a database on your own PC.
When you buy TTS I'll also give you an internet address with online stock
scanning software that you can easily program to meet the main criteria for
TTS. It is not free but less than $9/month and it does an excellent
To resume: TTS + Option-All + Online scan = as good as things can ever be.
Q: Good morning
Thank you for your prompt reply to my questions regarding TTS. I, much like
yourself, have purchased many systems, strategies, books, software programs,
trade simulators, latest
indicators all in search of the HOLY GRAIL!!!
However, in my quest for the Holy Grail of trading systems I also realized
that Proper Trade Management combined with even an average number of winning
trades would result in a steady increase in the overall equity in my
This is where the marriage of Option All Trade Management Software and TTS
come together to finally complete my journey.
Edmond, I could immediately see the advantages of using the Option All
software to increase my bottom line while fiercely protecting my trading
capital. The benefits were staring me in the face. I feel the same way
about TTS, however natural skepticism as well as being burnt in the past
keep one cautious even at the best of times.
Edmond, it is this point that I wish to discuss my situation a little
further so that you can better appreciate what I am looking for from TTS.
So here goes:
I reside downunder and currently work full time, however my passion has
always been to generate a comfortable lifestyle trading the US options
market, while having the freedom to live life ON MY TERMS!!!
I have opened up an options trading account with a reputable discount broker
and am currently setting trading capital aside. I believe Options trading
for short term profits strictly buying calls and puts is the only way to
trade, for all the reasons you describe in your web page.
1. Power of Leverage.
2. Maximum loss limited to premium.
3. Daily trading opportunities.
4. Can be applied to any market, over any timeframe.
5. Initial whipsawing not an issue.
Edmond, I am looking to start options trading with a US$2,000 trading
account(A$4,000 roughly) using TTS and OA, to generate a minimum profit of
200%+ return annually. I know that if TTS helps me select options that win
80% of the time, then this will be a conservative goal. I will actually be
looking for 400%-600%+ gains annually, but 200% will be the absolute
Lets look at the results over time.
Year 1. Initial trading capital US$2,000 grows to US$6,000
Year 2. US$6,000 grows to US$18,000
Year 3. US$18,000 grows to US$54,000
Year 4, US $54,000 grows to US$162,000
At this point, I can withdraw US$62,000 as my annual salary and begin again
with US$100,000 and continue the cycle. I believe this to be a realistically
achievable goal and would appreciate your feedback in helping turn this
dream into reality.
Thanks again for your patience.
A: Your
expectations are reasonable and surely possible with the combination
Your starting capital is however very small.
If you have $2000 to start with, you can't risk more than 10% on one
trade and that's only $200.
You can find options for $200 but it won't be the most interesting ones and
the commissions you pay will eat too much of your profits.
If you buy an option for $200 and you make a profit of 40% that's only $80
minus commissions equals $60.
Normally you'll need at least $10.000 to make it worthwhile.
Undercapitalization is one of the main reasons for going broke in trading
(besides not having an excellent system of course).
You could divide your capital in four equal parts of $500 and trade these,
but it is not an ideal approach.
Q: Good morning
I still have some more questions for you re-TTS now that you have a better
idea of my situation and what I hope TTS will do for my TRADING DECISIONS,
so lets get started...
I will be looking to trade globally, so I will have a laptop with internet
access,, the OA
software and your manual as well as access to the SCANNING sites. Will
this be enough to enable me to qualify several stock options (picking the
best one) to trade for a short term profit/loss easily targeting 8 out of 10
winning trades all in around 15 minutes daily using nothing more that the
closing days prices, checking in once daily?
A: Yes.
Q: This is essentially what I am looking to achieve with TTS, and I
would like to offer you the highest praises if you can deliver what I ask!!!
Edmond, some of the sites and products I have purchased recently to use in
conjunction with OA all seem to use lagging indicators which get one in when
most of the move has already taken place or provide many false entries into
the market or are just downright useless as well as relying too much on
one's skills in reading a bar-chart (and you know as well as I that 10
people looking at the same chart will interpret it 10 different ways.) You
see how frustrating it can be for those of us out there trying to succeed in
A: That's
exactly where TTS shines compared to other systems. No lagging at all
and very few false entries and no interpretation on your side.
Q: I would ask
you to please be keep in mind that I have no interest whatsoever in being
glued to a computer screen all day. I want to log on after work, check the
closing prices, change in option premiums etc, adjust stops if necessary and
perform new scans if a trade has hit a profit or loss target. That's
it. A totally relaxed way to trade which enables me to sleep well at night
while churning out obscene profits from the market on a consistent
A: That's how I
am doing it.
Q: Once again I need to be sure that this will be The One. I have
lost so much $$$ in the past, but rest assured that I will never give up
until my goal has been achieved.
Getting back to the US$2,000 account, using your 50% loss of premium rule
and trading only 1 contract at a time, even hitting an 80% strike rate will
result in the following. 8 X 50% = 400% less 2 X 50% = 300% return. Is this
What would be required of me to achieve profit returns of 200% per annum on
my account?
A: Your
reasoning is correct if you trade each time for the same amount of money.
However, using Option-All will transform the few losers in winners, too.
200% a year is very
reasonable and you will attain it easily. It could be 10 win of 20% as
an example. so, if you only make 20% per month you will reach your
target easily.
Q: Having TTS
be purely mechanical is of utmost importance as it eliminates the emotional
factor coming into one's trading decisions. Also having it be simple to
understand and implement is paramount. Would you care to elaborate on this
in more detail?
A: TTS is
self-explanatory. If you have exercised it a few times on some graphs
you will see how easy and eye opening this method is. So, hands on!.
Q: Edmond, what
makes TTS work so well in so many different markets, and under such a wide
variety of conditions? I feel that it is important to know why it is able to
correctly identify winning trades some 90% of the time? This just seems TOO
GOOD TO BE TRUE and you know what they say???
A: I know what the
losers are saying. People are strange animals: they like complexity
and are only comfortable when they are drowned in impressive looking
mathematics. What they don't understand is that those people who are
developing all these IQ250 systems... are not trading. They are only
hiding their ignorance behind complexity.
And why does TTS work
in any market? Simple: because it is not based on markets but on...
people! The real secret is in being able to measure the reactions of
the masses (that are trading).
Q: This must
have something to do with your EPE Oscillator indicator which is a modified
version of an existing indicator. How did you come up with this one, and
what convinced you finally that it would continue to pick 8/9 out of 10
winning trades on a consistent basis?
A: See reason
above: because it is the best way of measuring the reactions of the masses
that are trading and human behavior won't change.
Q: Edmond, how
can I prime my OA software to achieve the very best results options trading
using TTS as opposed to your 50% premium rule?
A: 50% is
not a rule: it is the maximum that you would allow to lose when using OA.
See OA for details.
Q: Edmond,
could you also email me some recent trading results (say 1 week
trades using end of day data much like I will be trading) to illustrate the
awesome power of TTS?
"Edmond, I've gotten a little carried away but I am excited about
being so close to having my dream realized. Once again I will thank you for
your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.
It is the 90%
correct trading decisions in TTS's overall performance that has me
intrigued. Even with a US$2,000 account, and buying a $300 - $500
option, and losing half the premium still leaves me with the opportunity to
fight back and increase my trading account trading 1 lots only, until I have
a decent capital base. When the account reaches US$10,000 in size, than I
can implement OA full speed ahead.
Establishing a
trading methodology that I can feel comfortable around is worth its weight
in gold."
Click to order.
Thank you,
Edmond Petitjean
S&P500 DURING 2002
08-Jan S 1160
24-Jan B 1133 27
15-Feb S 1110
21-Feb B 1101 9
25-Feb B 1094
12-Mar S 1158 64
12-Mar S 1158
28-Mar B 1150 8
18-Apr S 1120
30-Apr B 1080 40
20-May S 1096
05-Jun B 1047 49
19-Jun S 1030
25-Jun B 1003 27
01-Aug S 888
06-Aug B 865 23
06-Aug B 865
13-Aug S 891 26
13-Aug S 891
14-Aug B 915 -24
23-Aug S 945
06-Sep B 894 51
06-Sep B 894
12-Sep S 908 14
12-Sep S 908
25-Sep B 835 73
IN USD: $19,350 ON E-MINI